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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. 5 hours ago, Kromm said:

    Saw a copy of the National Enquirer hanging on a drug store magazine rack today. The headline is "HILLARY BLACKMAILS FBI TO DROP INVESTIGATION".

    No idea if this issue of N.E. came out before or after the Comey nonsense, but either way it's pretty incredible that even a shitty rag like the Enquirer goes with that. They do scandal first and foremost, but I also have to wonder if they're owned by right-wing fruitloops behind the scenes as well.

    The Enquirer's headquarters is just down the street from Trump's mansion in Florida.  Their owner and Trump are very good friends.  And the Enquirer has endorsed Trump, one of the few (including Trump's son-in-law's newspaper and the official KKK newspaper).

    Scott Walker, Governor of Wisconsin, tweeted today, "If you liked the last eight years, vote for Hillary Clinton."  To which Democrats and the Clinton staff replied, "Thank you."

    • Love 15
  2. Our cat, who is a standoffish little turd that doesn't like to be petted and WILL NOT let me pick him up, decides when it's time for my Mother to go to bed. He starts crying until she gets up and turns off the lights and he follows her down the hall to her bedroom.

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, needschocolate said:

    This morning, I saw a guy on CNN (I think), who said that people should not vote for Hillary because, if she wins, the republicans will spend the next four years going after her and nothing till get done.  I bet he never ate lunch as a kid because he always gave the bullies his lunch money.  

    Did he think there won't be investigations into Trump for the next umpty years?

    • Love 5
  4. JJ on the Hot Bench show today was basically just another Judge Judy episode.  She just took over and ran it like one of her own shows.  And Jerry was a nonentity in his time on the show, there was hardly any point in his being there.

    • Love 5
  5. Wow, Arianna actually speaks!

    God, that "I killed Stefano" on an endless loop was annoying as hell.

    Gabi looked great in her costume.

    Why were they having a decorating party on Halloween night?  Shouldn't they have been decorating leading up to the day?

    Who was that guy suggesting they adjourn to the police station?  Acting mayor?

    Geez, Gabi, make up your mind whether you want to be with Chad or JJ.

    "Raines assures me that Roman is taking this seriously."  Uh, it's his sister and his ex wife, I HOPE he's taking it seriously.

    Jeez, why can't any of these women do things for themselves without their men having to save them?

    • Love 2
  6. 4 hours ago, ari333 said:

    We live in a large city, but sort of on the edge. Last week I was driving and I saw a chicken crossing the road (no pun/joke intended) It was just taking its time and meandering across the road

    There are two towns nearby that are overrun with feral chickens.  One of them even has an annual chicken fest where they serve fried chicken.  Though I don't think they're the ones from the streets.

    In the house I grew up in, the washer and dryer were in the garage.  One day my mother went out to the dryer and reached into the lint trap to clean it out, and she pulled out a very dead, very fluffy mouse.

    • Love 4
  7. 16 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

    I'm still struggling with the whole "she's Ava and Steve's kid" thing. So now, her having a kid with her half-brother? Yikes. Even if they've changed their minds, that's still how she comes across.


    I'd be very surprised if it was Will, but the timing would work, if they have Paulson as a thing six months from now.

    Nobody on the show or even in spoilers has ever said that she's Ava and Steve's kid, it's all just been speculation, and even if she's pregnant or not, they've had sex, so I doubt Show is going with an incest story line.

    • Love 4
  8. Trump told people in Colorado yesterday that the election is rigged against them, so the people in charge of counting ballots just won't bother to count mail in votes, so if they've already voted by mail in, they should go to the polling place on election day and vote again.  So he literally is telling people to commit voter fraud.

    • Love 2
  9. 4 hours ago, 1kittykitty said:

    New wikileak email shows Donna Brazille fed a question to Podesta in March 2016 prior to Town Hall debate.

    There are examples out there showing Hillary mishandled classified information.

    The not-then-acting Chair of the Democratic Party (she became the head afterwards) fed a question to the head of Hillary's campaign?  How is this a bad thing?


    I don't think most of the male Bushes (POTUS 41 or Jeb), or even former FLOTUS Barbara Bush, have said who they're voting for

    Jeb's son George P. has endorsed Trump, but then, he's an up-and-coming Republican politician in Texas who can't afford to go against the official party line.

    • Love 6
  10. 6 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

    Director to Casting Director: "Get me Jennifer Lawrence!" 

    CD: "You can't afford her."

    Director: "Then get me Haley Bennett!"

    I read somewhere before the movie came out that a lot of people had been recommending Haley Bennett for the role.

  11. 51 minutes ago, Rapunzel said:

    It was Lara, who I believe is Eric's wife. She's not really "implicating" him - she's really praising Trump for, according to her, getting Comey to re-opening the investigationand, therefore, helping Hillary get what she "deserves." What a despicable family.

    Lara is from North Carolina.  She's a producer on CBS This Morning. I wonder if she still works there?

    George W. Bush's White House ethics guy says that he has filed an official complaint with the federal government for Comey's ethics violation.  Two former Deputy Attorney Generals wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post attacking Comey for damaging the political process.

    • Love 9
  12. Jason47 is reporting that an Emmy nominated actor is coming back from the dead.  Speculation immediately went to Chandler Massey, but it was pointed out that Chandler is an Emmy winner, not just nominee, and Jason said, "You have to be a nominee before you can be a winner."  But he would not confirm.


    I did read that Chandler's manager was saying something, somewhere hinting about him coming back.

    • Love 1
  13. Lots of interesting things about this movie.  The father being a secret operative with a fake name, never finding out Affleck's real name, the girl with the computer.  I figured that Braxton was the brother from the first scene, but at first, I thought they were working together.  I would love to see a sequel, where they actually do work together.

    I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this movie, it was much better than I expected it to be.  Lots of great actors in it, and a script that kept my interest throughout.

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