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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. 1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

    I wish TPTB would treat BD better and give Lucas more screen time and a real love interest. 

    Fuck Andre.

    I agree with both of these sentiments.

    I do wonder who Andre is conspiring with on the phone.  The people who have Abigail?

    No, Chad, Adrienne and Lucas are not the only people Thomas has.  As Adrienne mentioned, he has Jennifer and AJ, and the entire Horton clan.

    Aw, Gabi trying to get people together.  :) Does Gabi know Deimos?  I love her calling him a crackpot.

    I thought Clyde knew everybody in Salem.  He doesn't know Andre?

    I like Adrienne's hair today.

    Well, not surprised that Andre wants Chad dead.

    If the police don't want anybody on the streets, why is the pub full of people?

    And where are the FBI, if an entire American town is living in fear?

    Wow, Aiden, racist much?  Calling Rafe "Papi"?

    • Love 4
  2. There is an online series that has run something like three seasons now, called "My Gay Roommate", about the reactions when a gay guy and a straight guy become roommates.  They're rebooting it for a new season, and there are several Broadway stars in it:

    Jay Armstrong Johnson

    Andy Mientus

    Jennifer Damiano

    Julia Murney

    Kathryn Gallagher

  3. I don't think the DiMera Mansion being the safest place in Salem helped Stefano that much.

    Gee, Deimos and Nicole, maybe you could have moved your little sex session out of the bedroom in a house FULL of people?

    Heh.  I loved Theresa's "I got a second wind."

    Aw, Andre looked sad that Chad kicked him out.  :)

    I don't understand why Adrienne and Lucas were "out" when Steve and Kayla showed up.  Lucas had been on earlier, he, at least, could have ben there.

    They should have Andre walk in on Chad holding Thomas and have the baby burst into tears at the sight of him.

    A lot of talk, but not much happened today.

    • Love 6
  4. Arianne Zucker has responded:


    "My name is Arianne (R-E-on) ZUCKER (Zooker) and I am a strong, independent, hard working mother, business woman and partner to a great man. I have grown to learn that the words of others cannot effect the value of my self worth or define the content of my character. How we treat one another, whether behind closed doors, locker rooms or face to face, should be done with kindness, dignity and respect. Unfortunately, there are too many people in power who abuse their position and disregard these simple principles and are rewarded for it. In understanding the magnitude of this situation, I choose to stand tall with self respect and use my voice to enrich, inspire and elevate the best of who we are as people".

    And Eric Martsolf responded, "And there ya go".

    • Love 11
  5. Wow, what an outstanding movie.  And Emily Blunt is really Oscar material here.  I never read the book (though I think I'm going to pick it up), so it had me twisting and turning trying to figure out the result.

    • Love 4
  6. 24 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

    What the hell happened to Freddie Smith's acting skills?..yikes! Those scenes with Chad outside of the pub were painful...Sonny is completely dull without Will....I was hoping that Sonny would be more engaging and dynamic on his own, but, he is so damn boring..I won't even rant about St Paul....His scenes are so forced....He does not fit as John's son, never have and never will...

    I thought that scene was very powerful, and was just coming here to praise Freddie's acting.

    Why was it Ciara trying to talk Theo out of using a gun, and not Claire?

    Why would it be so hard for Caroline to scrounge up some food IN HER RESTAURANT?

    Victor is such a warm-hearted, loving person.  And he should know all about career criminals.

    I really do hope that the Three Amigos wind up shooting each other.

    Let's not forget that this is the same Chad who cheated Sonny out of all of his money.

    • Love 4
  7. 31 minutes ago, neuromom said:

    I must've missed that. I don't remember an elephant, but I do remember Doug and Julie's pet tiger that they brought to Salem. Because everyone knows that tigers are just over sized kitty cats. 

    It wasn't a real elephant, it was a ceramic elephant full of diamonds.  Well, two of them, actually.

    And one of the actors left one of the elephants with the hosts of Dishin' Days.  Along with one of Chandler Massey's Emmys.  They have both.

    • Love 3
  8. I hope we wind up with Orpheus killing Clyde. Orpheus is making me laugh.

    No, Abe is not all Theo has.  We already went over all of his relative who are presumably still alive, just not on this show.  But actually, Nicole should be more interested in Theo's well being, they share a brother.

    Gee, Kate admitting that she might have been wrong about Clyde? All of Chad's snarky remarks were getting pretty old.

    Does Theo have some sort of spidey sense that lets him track down Clyde?

    Wow, Roman, way to be dismissive!  Geez.

    Marlena can't tell people what Clyde told her in therapy, then two seconds later tells them.

    People on this show sure do a good job of ditching their invisible bodyguards.

    "Open the door, you son of a bitch!"  Nice punch, Rafe.

    wtf?  Andre has Laura, too?

    Orpheus is so confusing.  He acts all paternal around Joey, then threatens to kill him.

    Geez, do they think Roman and John have nothing better to do than to keep watching their emails?

    I don't know if I like Theo going Badass.

    • Love 3
  9. On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 0:54 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    It's too damned bad about Gibson, because he was (can't speak to his current projects) was a very good actor.

    He directs the upcoming Hacksaw Ridge, which looks like it has Oscar bait writ all over it, though I would be surprised if he gets a directing nom.  But I so want to see it.

    On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 4:19 PM, GreekGeek said:

    Maybe he's become more intolerant in his old age.

    He was pretty anti-racist in Gran Torino.

    • Love 1
  10. On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 7:29 AM, topanga said:

    I still like the Nyquil commercials about parents not being able to call in a sick day. And I'm glad there's finally one featuring a mom!

    There's been one since early on, with an Asian mother and baby.

    4 hours ago, cpcathy said:

    I keep begging my cat to barf on our Pergo!

    Our cat finally, I think for the first time, this morning puked on the kitchen tile instead of on the living room carpet.

    • Love 4
  11. 3 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

    Mileage likely varies on this, but I'd argue that Tracee Ellis-Ross was the more well-known of the two.  Being a man presumably tipped the pay scale in his favor.

    I knew nothing of Tracee Ellis-Ross other than her mother, but I certainly knew Anthony Anderson.

    • Love 3
  12. 15 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    So, if the crash of the Hindenburg is particularly significant, presumably the altered fates of the 34 people would cause more disruption than if, say, on the way to the landing ground he had been involved in a vehicular accident with an omnibus, which killed 34 different, and presumably less significant, people.  

    The plot was apparently not to save those who were in the initial Hindenburg explosion, but to kill the notable people who were scheduled to be on the return flight.

    4 hours ago, saber5055 said:

    To get nit picky, will the Giant Flying Eyeball always set down in a remote field and not in the center of a metropolis, crushing people and buildings? And how did Lucy et. al. get from that wooded clearing to the Hindenburg landing site, run? Call a Uber?

    They waved down a passing truck, which obligingly let the black guy ride with him.

    • Love 2
  13. Must be nice to be able to raise $20 million at the drop of a hat.

    Man, Aiden is a disgusting stalker.

    I'm laughing at Ciara being all jealous over Claire and Theo.  Serves you right.

    Man, James Reynolds is doing a great job of acting in pain.  He makes me hurt.

    "Federal prisons discourage inmates from having personal possessions."  I call bullshit. But wait, they were in a federal prison?  What federal crimes did Clyde and Xander commit?

    Orpheus has kids? It was interesting to see him being paternal towards Joey. The Orpheus and JJ scenes were very well done.

    Joey DID NOT figure out a way to get Claire out of there, Claire figured out the way herself.

    • Love 3
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