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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. Ha, even Clyde is criticizing Orpheus for talking like a stereotypical cartoon villain instead of just shooting people and getting it over with.  :)

    Why couldn't Chloe have jumped into bed with Philip BEFORE she slept with Deimos?

    Xander is planning on killing all of the Kiriakis family?  That's going to take a lot of bullets.

    Man, Kyler Pettis is killing it.

    Wow, I knew that the spoilers were saying that there would be a shocker about the baby results, but this is a biggie.

    Kate was talking about Chloe wanting to trap Philip for his money, but surely she gets child support from Daniel's estate, and also alimony from Daniel's estate, too, right?

    OK, let's hope Nicole gets pregnant now.  I really want Nicole to have a baby.

    Where did Aiden get that recording?

    I missed a few minutes towards the end, did we find out who the father of Chloe's baby is?

    • Love 4
  2. 1 hour ago, minirth said:

    Somehow, Nicole came into evidence [did she steal it from Daniel?] that proved Eric was drugged and therefore raped.

    She and Daniel tracked down the DiMera doctor who had given Kristen the drug and he had kept records and kept the records in a safe in the secluded cabin where he had holed up.  For some reason, Daniel had to leave, leaving Nicole alone in the cabin and she ransacked the place and found the safe and got it open and read the records.

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  3. Kate, you're an idiot to be wandering around alone with Clyde free when you KNOW he's free and actually threatened you once.

    Claire is really annoying.

    Chloe and Philip should have asked Nicole to change the DNA test, I'm sure she'd know how to do it.

    OMG, and now Claire and Marlena just walk right into their clutches.  How stupid can people be?

    "What do you say we finish off that Johnson bloodline with you?"  Er, could you start with Abigail, please?  And you know that Joey has a sister, right, if you know all about all of the people in Salem?

    • Love 6
  4. 6 hours ago, angora said:

    Has anyone seen The Magnificent Seven yet?  I'm wondering how well the PoC characters not played by Denzel fare.  Seeing the diversity in the trailers really piqued my interest, but if it's a "well-rounded characters for Denzel and the three white guys, and then there's these other three guys, too" situation, I might give it a miss.

    There are a few comments about the Comanche character, but not much, and no racial slurs are ever used.  Even when it's clear that Denzel Washington's character is not welcome in a small town, they only ever call him "Cowboy".  In fact, the most racism comes from Chris Pratt's character against Manuel Garcia-Rulfo's Mexican character.  There is one hand to hand fight between the Comanche, Red Harvest, and a Native American character called Denali, who has no background, who appears to be a former Army scout, fighting for the bad guys.

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  5. On ‎9‎/‎20‎/‎2016 at 3:56 PM, VCRTracking said:

    Reading the script the only way Reeves and McAdams would work better than Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence for me would be if it was the Keanu from 25 years ago and a Rachel McAdams who's 10 years older than she is now.

    Why would you want an old Rachel McAdams as the romantic lead?

    • Love 1
  6. I enjoyed it.  Not nearly as good as the original, of course, but if you just look at it for itself, it's decent.  I kept waiting for the iconic theme song, and kept hearing snippets that sounded like they might lead into it, but they waited till the end and then only gave us a little clip of it.  Disappointing.  I did like the characterizations of Ethan Hawke as the Civil War veteran with PTSD and would LOVE to see a back story on Vincent D'Onofrio's character.

  7. 2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I don't know why they bother with these dumb tribe names instead of just calling them Tribe Gen-X and Tribe Millennial. Even Jeff is calling them GenX and Millennial, not whatever dumb name is written on their camp sign.

    After they shuffle the tribes, they already have the tribe names available.

    • Love 1
  8. I vaguely remember back in the Cold War days, and with fears of nuclear strikes taking out everybody, there was some sort of line of succession that went way, way, down the list, including mayors of small towns nowhere near the Capital.  There was an article in the local newspaper in the small town in Northern California that I lived in, that said that the mayor of the town was in the list of successors.

    I do think that if the Cabinet Secretary or Senate President or House Speaker is not a natural born citizen, he or she would not be eligible to be President, and so would probably not be chosen as the Designated Survivor.

  9. "[Salem] is the paternity switching capital of the world."  And Philip and Nicole should know, since Parker's DNA test was switched like three times.

    I'm sure Kate is an expert on big guns.

    What is Kate's opinion of Carrie?

    I don't really care for Andre, but I love him with Kate.  "Thank goodness you're not a bitch."

    Why does Theresa care about Joey?

    "We could find out if Caroline Brady has kept her computer skills up."  LOL!  That is too funny, coming from Philip.

    Wow, if I were a woman (which I am not), and a man told me to go powder my nose, I would have told him to fuck off and would have left.

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