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Silver Raven

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Posts posted by Silver Raven

  1. Jeez, how many times is that baby going to get kidnapped?

    I wonder where they're going with this newspaper story.

    I didn't get to see yesterday's show.  Why does this Mateo guy want Theresa to go to Mexico with him?

    If I were Adrienne, I wouldn't have gone to the door with all of that pounding.  And Justin needs to back off, seriously. Will he and Titan try to destroy Jennifer and Adrienne?  At least Adrienne gets a story line.

    Are all of these flashbacks originals?  I don't remember actually watching them at the time.

    Why is Chloe keeping this from Nicole?

    Jen Lilley is killing it.

    Nicole should tell Deimos to stuff it.

    • Love 3
  2. 1 minute ago, backformore said:

    first, what idiocy to tell women to "grow a set" - GROW testicles?  HOw does a woman do that? 

    Secondly -   that article quotes a woman saying Trump was chosen by God.  I keep reading that - GOD has somehow chosen DONALD TRUMP to be president?   Where did this idea originate? 

    It's a good thing I don't go to church. 

    Trump being chosen by God is the ongoing far right belief for months now.

    • Love 1
  3. Just now, King of Birds said:

    So let's keep awake!

    Who will come out and pitch for the Cubs?  John Lackey?

    Arrieta hasn't pitched tonight.

    • Love 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    I cannot believe Chapman is still out there.  Guess they are getting their money's worth before Aroldis leaves in free agency.

    Or goes to jail.

    • Love 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Oholibamah said:

    7 votes. 6 women. 3 are Asian, 2 are black. 

    Was Figgy Hispanic, or maybe Portuguese.

    David is really an idiot.  Why does he feel he have to fall on his sword just for approval from others?

    Jeez, did they need to keep playing the farts and belches?

    Why did Michelle have such a hard time with the combination when nobody else did?

    God, Sunday has an annoying voice.

    Michaela was so shocked, she thought she had this in the bag.  She should have ratted Jay out about the idol.

    Even Sunday voted for Michaela.

    • Love 4
  6. The dog case defendant said before Judge Judy that the plaintiff annoyed her neighbors with loud dog noises, but then said in the hallterview that she never even new she existed before the event.  So, which is it?

    • Love 2
  7. 1 hour ago, St. Claire said:

    Oh, you just gave me the perfect grab bag offering for the family party! Now all I need to do is convince my husband NOT to grab it, lest it share space in the cabinet with the doughnut press and the Perfect Pancake.

    Like the waffle maker I got four years ago and have yet to use.  :)

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, friendperidot said:

    Ad for diapers, don't really pay much attention. Song, "we all need a hug in the morning and one at the end of the day, (so far ok) it's my belief, for instant relief (rhymes) that a hug is the best one at all." The ending sucks, it doesn't go with the rest of the sweet lullaby.

    Edited because the ad came on and I was able to get the lyrics right.

    The song is an old Irish folk song.

    • Love 1
  9. Quote

    I never really understood Chad's devotion to Stefano.    I don't think Stefano was capable of love for anybody.  It was all about having and exerting power over his children.  He was a sociopath. 


    His alleged father Peterson was no prize.  I think he clung to Stefano as a life raft.

    Yay, Nancy!  I adore Patrika Darbo.  I wish they could have gotten Kevin Spirtas back.

    • Love 5
  10. As I reported in another thread, an avowed white supremacist is running robocalls to Utah voters telling them that Even McMullin is a closet homosexual.  Apparently because his mother is married to a woman, and because he is unmarried and doesn't have a girlfriend, and therefore that's proof.

    McMullin was a Trump delegate to the Republican convention.

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