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Everything posted by Delofran

  1. I wanted to like this show, and I may give it another chance, but my initial impression is the same as a previous poster: they are trying to hard. Every line doesn't have to be a joke; every episode theme doesn't need to be such an obvious trope. Part of the problem is that since Corey is such a central part of the show, we who love BMW expect this to BE a true extension of BMW, and it's just not. The central character of the show is meant to be Riley, and she is adorable but I can't yet care about her to the extent that I do/did care about Corey. The other characters are mostly OK, although I think Lucas seems to be a talking Ken doll and Topanga is reduced to the Queen of Snark instead of the multilayered lady we knew her to be on BMW. My two favorites are Maya and Farkle, although even they have, so far, seemed to be stereotypes. I see the actress who plays Maya is trying to bring individuality to the character, but she is (obviously) a female Sean. And Farkle, while adorable, seems to have adopted the persona of the missing Eric. I haven't given up on this show yet, but if the episodes I watched are an example, I can't see it lasting too long. Young viewers who did not see BMW are not going to get why they are supposed to care about Riley and/or why Corey being a teacher is so significant. Lastly, kudos to the posters above who pointed out that Corey needs to - at least briefly - interact with other teachers. And they DO need an authority figure in that school, because it is, so far, a model of "do your own thing and pretend to listen to/respect the teacher"
  2. I really, really hope Josh will win. I think it's a good probability. But the producers have been shoving a Grimmie win in our faces since day one, and I think her lemmings will be power-voting for her en masse because they got a scare by her being in the bottom 3. Jake is adorbs, but no way will he win. Josh FTW!
  3. I think there was no mistake in the percentage of Twitter votes for the Grimmie. Once her fans saw her in danger, they voted en masse. There was no way she wasn't going to the finale. So, next week, she can sing the phone book with laryngitis, wearing a ratty old bathrobe and snowshoes, and her fans will go out of their way to vote for her. Whether she was truly in 3rd place or not; she won't be, next week. The producers wanted to be sure they got an encore of that balloon fall, next week. I hope Christina doesn't win, and that Josh does. But the producers are doing everything possible to ensure the Grimmie will "reap" a win.
  4. If they want us to give Adam Levine another winner with Grimmie, she's got to back away from the hip hop songs. The sweetness of her voice disappears in the plethora of words and the pointilism of the lyrics. She's got a following, but she's got some strong contenders - so I don't know if she's got it wrapped up. Josh and Sisaundra both did themselves proud tonight, and Jake and Delvin showed vast improvement. It's not over yet.
  5. All I could think of when Burke and Christina were in the procedure room and he showed her the hologram heart is how, when he practiced his wedding speech to her (back in the "before episode") he said he wanted to put his heart in her hand. And, then, he showed her a heart - and she put her hand around it. It was another "full circle" moment - and it emphasized how smart Burke is to be sure he and Christina don't work together, because their connection is something that can be neither duplicated or eradicated. Just a wonderful image.
  6. I also wanted Jake to go far, but I think he may have hit his "wall." I think his fan base (and the grandmas who think he's "cute") will keep him for another week, but if something amazing doesn't happen for him soon, he won't go too much further. Please let Bria and Tess go home. Although it WILL be a shame to take another artist from both Shakira and Usher, those two deserve to get the boot. I was pleasantly surprised by Grimmie and Delvin last night. I didn't think either of them had those performances in them. My favorites (Kristen and Josh) were cursed by bad song choices, but Sisaundra knocked it out of the park.
  7. I don't agree with those who say that Shakira is due to lose her entire team. Although Dani went home and Tess may repeat her trip to the Bottom 3 next week (if last year's contest is a predictor) but I think Kristen has a great chance to go as far as the finals. She's survived two montages and a microphone flub; she has a great voice and IMO a lot more talent than many of the other contestants. I predict Adam's team will be emptied, first.
  8. I truly don't understand why Usher picked TJ over Stevie Jo. So glad he chose Josh, and I though I dislike Bria's style I knew he'd pick her. But TJ? That's a head-scratcher for me.
  9. What in the world do the producers have against Kristen Merlin? She's been montaged in BOTH Battle rounds. Surely, they could have shown us her vs. Emily B; instead of the snoozefest from Ddendyl vs. Deja. Although some good choices were made, by the coaches in this round (especially Sisaundra vs. Biff - she OWNED that song!) I would really like to see my former fave.
  10. I agree about Christina Grimmie, and feel the same way about Kristen Merlin. Both gave excellent performances in the blinds, and I was sorry not to see them featured in battles. I'm hoping they will make up for it in the upcoming second Battle round.
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