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Everything posted by DatFatShorty

  1. she looks so much thinner in one of her last ig pics, green top. Compared to the Will pic, looks like two different women. She's very talented with the angles indeed
  2. Also, Whitney says "If I lost 100 pounds I'd still be obese" a lot. Nobody tells her how relieved her body would be at 270, even far from ideal weight.
  3. I believe Whitney did it the wrong way and that's why she's 'traumatized' by the 100 pounds loss. She says she did it in like 10 months, because she didn't want to be 'that person who loses 100 pounds in more than a year'. OK, Whitney. She says she did it by not eating and working out 15 hours a day. And then gained it all back in who knows how long. She says "Well, I already lost 100 pounds, so...", which to me proves despite her PCOS diagnosis, she CAN lose weight. She just needs to do it in a healthy way, but I guess she believes that's not possible.
  4. But seriously, how on earth is Whitney NOT prediabetic anymore? They mention it several times during the first episodes of the season, even Tal says "The fact she isn't prediabetic anymore doesn't mean she won't have other problems" or something like that. I have or had (not sure, have to check again) insulin resistance and my Dr. told me to work on it now because I could get diabetes if I stayed the same, and I'm 135 lbs, 5'4", not exactly thin, but not in Whitney's level either. I've been eating healthier for a while now, my A1C is at 4.9, but for my Dr. I'm a diabetic in progress. No family history of diabetes, yet my Dr. seemed so concerned about it. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate her concern and input, but I don't get it, I wonder if Whitney is under medical supervision for that matter. I guess the only way Whitney is not prediabetic anymore is thanks to modern science AKA pills. =/
  5. remember a few years ago went to a pharmacy, there was nobody there, but took the number anyway. Kept waiting and at the same time the guy came out of wherever he was, this other woman comes, takes no number and he asks her what she wants . I come over and say I was first and why have the number dispenser if you won't respect numbers. He gave me an ugly look and proceeded to ask the other woman "How can I help you, beautiful?" I don't remember if I stayed or left, but felt pretty shitty, like "You're ugly so I don't care if you were here first". Days later I come back to see a man insulting this guy for some reason. He apologized to me and I said it was okay, no big deal. I guess some men can't see beyond a woman, only if she's pretty or not, regardless of age (I was 27 or something) Dude wasn't Brad Pitt, he reminded me of Donkey from Shrek, same smile.
  6. I remember she said people looked at her funny in Korea, same in Japan I'd think. Didn't she say a guy physically assaulted her in a bar because she was fat? Apparently this caused her return to the US and losing 100 lbs. in 10 months.
  7. I had the same question and the other day I watched an old episode where Buddy tells Whitney she looked better than she did in high school.
  8. on the first episode of season 3 she mentions she's not prediabetic any more, which is highly doubtful. That'd mean she's 5.7 or below and nah, no way. She was 6.4, she might be 6.3 or 6.2 and she took that as 'not prediabetic any more' . Bullshit
  9. does Buddy deliver pizzas for a living? I heard Whitney say once he was in the music business or maybe I'm confusing him with someone else. What does Lennie do for a living? Whitney said once he had a crazy schedule. Wonder what he does. Ain't it funny how TLC tries to give Whitney fake jobs. I wonder if that's the case for most of her friends (except Tal, who works as a counselor at a school, that sounds like it's true) Don't know about the rest. It's like they want us to forget their main source of income is most likely MBFFL ETA: I hope they bring Ashley back for season 4. I think she and Whitney have better chemistry than Heather and Whitney.
  10. I don't know why I care so much. I want her to lose weight so badly, for her, for her parents, for Will. She shouldn't take the compliments if she's wearing spandex/using tricky angles. ?
  11. this is the picture. I think her stomach does look smaller, could it be spandex? I don't know. Her chest area looks smaller as wellhttps://www.instagram.com/p/BJbBmfFBb2G/
  12. last pic on her ig account looks new, hair-wise , and she looks thinner. ETA: Lots of people are commenting on her weight loss. Hope she truly is losing weight and not wearing spanx
  13. Does anyone know when The Skinny was taped? Looking at Whitney's instagram account and in the last pic she looks thinner! Good for her!
  14. remember when Buddy brought pizza to Whitney's room after she got home from the hospital? I couldn't believe it. She also said she was dehydrated, that's the reason she passed out ? And then Buddy not attending the fake funeral? I guess Buddy and Whitney have a let's eat shit together pact. Buddy says he wants to lose weight, let's see what season 4 brings in that front. Highly doubt it
  15. I think it depends, if they were really good friends and have been all this time, then I don't see why it'd be odd, could be quite common, especially if you live in areas where you don't really have to move away for college/jobs. Seems Tal, Heather and Todd stayed in town and Whitney did too, so why not keep in touch if you considered them good friends back in the day? Seems Whitney doesn't have friends from college? Don't know how she met Ashley and Buddy. Personally, I wouldn't be friends with my HS classmates even if I got paid, but I think it's cool Whitney gets to be friends with them even when older, I always love to hear those "We've been friends for 30 years!", that's awesome. Really? Todd lives in NYC? It sure does seem like he's in Greensboro most of the time. If he makes it though, must wonder why Whitney's brother, who also lives in NYC, doesn't visit that often =/
  16. wouldn't it be against the rules for Whitney to compete in DWTS? She is primarily known as a dancer. Will she be a partner then? I can't imagine what other big dance news could be...opening her own dance studio?
  17. that was wrong, but I get they're defending their friend. I'd probably do it too. Kerryn is right, but she can be rude as well. She said Whitney waddles, I don't know what else she said that was perhaps edited. All I'm saying Todd seems nice, first time he was rude he was defending his friend, who he also holds accountable
  18. enough with the words, since Kerryn is a dancer "as well", they should do a dance-off. and WTF, Buddy ? He's so obese! I caught an old episode from season 1 and my jaw dropped. He has gained so much weight! I bet by season 5 both Heather and Lennie will be 50lb+ overweight . That house is hunted...with obesity
  19. that Kerryn segment was pointless and consisted in Whitney's friends calling her names. Also, What the hell is wrong with Lennie? Is he high? If that's his real personality, if you can call it that, how can anyone be attracted to that? Even if he were hot, he's so blah and silent and shy and so not interesting. I'm shy around strangers, but I make an effort. Is this a hipster thing? No emotion? Whitney is the opposite , she's loud and obnoxious, but at least she has a personality. Has anyone checked for Lennie's pulse? Worst.Reality show character. Ever ETA: I realized the reason I watch this show is Todd. God I love him and his accent
  20. In Whitney's defense, I added the extra 0; it was 1,000 :)
  21. I've been watching Catfish since it started (almost) and whenever I see episodes featuring actors & musicians I get suspicious, like Catfish is also a show to promote people and not so much about real people, at least not all the time. After the episode I began looking for 'Trey' and see what he thought about the whole Catfish thing and found nothing. On Twitter I found out his name is Travis Williams or something, with a link to his IG account. Found a couple of comments from Ursula, the eyebrow girl, who also happens to be an actress...Did they know each other from before? I don't know. I mean, I know Catfish isn't 100% real, but some episodes do seem to have that "Will you be interested in participating in an episode and boost your career?", or maybe it's the other way around. Forever traumatized by Justin and Artis.
  22. Kerryn has gotten all the attention for tonight's episode, but let's not forget also Lennie 'begs' Whitney for another chance, while looking and sounding like he wishes he was having a beer with his friends instead. I don't know, I don't buy it, to me they never broke up. My understanding is this season was filmed in the beginning of the year, and maybe a week before the 'break-up' episode, she kept posting tons of pics with him on her IG account. I bet the producers told her to stop posting pics of him so we'd all believe they broke up, and so far, no more pics, even though I'm sure they're still dating. Maybe they 'get back together' after this episode and we'll see the Lennie pics again. Fake, fake, fake.
  23. tonight is the night!!! What do you guys think about Kerryn's role in this show? I mean, I agree with everything she said to Whitney, perhaps a little harsh at times, but who do you think came up with the idea of a nemesis for Whitney and how did she agree to this? Caitie is not a real nemesis, Kerryn is. Part of me thinks producers approached Whitney with the Kerryn idea and sold it like 'Kerryn will represent all the haters, here's your chance to shut them up', otherwise I don't see how Whitney could agree to a slim woman making valid points against all Whitney represents. Does Whitney realize the producers were against her this season? If so, she must be getting paid a lot to endure all that ego damage called Season 3. Seriously, this season was making fun of and attacking Whitney. She must enjoy the money and attention too much. ETA: I remember her posting stuff like 'Guys, remember we film like 10,000 hours of material, but they edit it to only 10 hours' like 'These mothereffers are making me look real bad this season' (lazy, addict, vengeful, immature, unhealthy and in denial, to name a few)?
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