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  1. I'm just getting around to this show, and it's definitely up my alley! But it's so weird that Amelia (and her family) is expected to just keep up with the shenanigans after her best friend just died. Speaking of Merritt, does she not have any family to come to Nantucket now that this has happened?
  2. I know people complain that this formula has been used before, but I like watching smart, quirky people solve crimes, so it doesn't bother me. Each character/show does it differently. Those bits that we see in Morgan's mind make it unique and entertaining. I would have cracked open that dictionary and probably slept with it - but I grew up to be a linguist, LOL, while the kid in this episode seems to be attached to her camera. I still think she would have at least opened it - even if it was to see what was inside or to look for pictures. Or maybe she opened it, didn't see anything interesting, and left it alone. An essential part of the hotel room investigation was that glass that was different from the others in the room that had been wiped clean to destroy evidence of drugging. The killer(s) knew the victim wouldn't have the strength to fight back because he/she/they had drugged him. Morgan definitely misses a lot! I like that we at least heard her acknowledge that her high potential has made it hard for her to have a successful long-term relationship and career. I like that she makes mistakes because it shows that she knows a lot of facts and has lots of life experience, but she doesn't know everything - and she certainly doesn't know everything about detective work. If the show were about Morgan solving crimes for an incompetent police squad, I'd be less interested. As it is, I hope they don't let Morgan take the lead on everything and that the detective has her step back since she doesn't have the police badge or training to complement her high potential. They need to work together. Agreed! I really want them to remain colleagues. This episode actually made me shed a tear because it presented yet another difficult scenario for people and families dealing with dementia. The hyper-smart detective thing isn't a novel idea, but each show does it differently. Morgan isn't a detective. A lot of the show is based on her being a mother, and she's got three kids in age groups, one with a different father. The father of her last two kids is very much involved and is the primary caregiver while Morgan works for the LAPD. And the father of her oldest kid is missing. All these details and more affect how Morgan does what she does and make this show different from the "hyper-smart detective" gimmick shows (which I enjoy if they're good). I suspected the son when he didn't seem surprised that detectives came to question his mom. I thought he worked at the facility but knowing he's the son made him side-eye him. And I can't stand ANY of Morgan's wardrobe. I know it's supposed to be her schtick, but she seems to have different varieties of boots, skirts, fuzzy jackets, etc. That makes me think her extreme budgeting is recent and possibly temporary since she is newly single (she has a baby so I don't think she's been single for years and years). Her clothes don't look good together and make her look older. Whenever I see her with her baby, I see a "young" grandmother holding her baby. I agree that besides being impractical, Morgan's clothing is terrible - outdated and mismatched. I love animal print, but hers seem to clash. I think the actress looks like she's in her 50s and I find it uncommon (though possible) that she has an infant. A different wardrobe would help, but she still looks like someone trying to cling to her youth. If anything, would expect her to have adult children she raised by herself. And it's not like she's wearing the same clothes or boots all the time. Her wardrobe choices seem intentional. I like Reyes a LOT, and I want to see Lieutenant Selena solve Morgan's ex's disappearance while supporting Morgan. I just hope she stays focused. I hope Morgan curtails her outbursts or that she gets put in her place. I noticed that when she and the detective went to Eduardio's apartment, Morgan was front and center. I think the detective should lead and then introduce her. I want to see Lieutenant Selena solve Morgan's ex's disappearance while supporting Morgan. Morgan is smart, but her lack of success with other jobs shows is just more proof that she needs training to refine her skills. I want to see her supporting a competent group of detectives. And I want to see those competitive officers showing her the importance of competent detective work. The towel clue was weird to me, too.
  3. I don't see an incongruity in that scene, which was all about Morgan not spending more than the amount she had allocated. It doesn't mean she never spends money on cosmetics. Besides, as a mom, Morgan could certainly impose limits on how much her teenager spends on cosmetics. I certainly do, and it's less than my own cosmetics budget. What I'd say is less realistic is bringing the kids on the bus to do grocery shopping when her oldest could babysit for a while. The kids didn't even help her. I know some neighbors and family members who are single parents caring for their families by cleaning houses (not the same as janitorial work, I know), and they have different spending priorities. Also, it doesn't seem like Morgan has been single very long so that also plays a part. I'm surprised that the carburetor took you out of the story since lots of people drive old cars. Morgan dresses in dated outfits and seems likely to drive an old car that she loves. I like the show, too. I'm not looking for anything overly realistic. That would be too gritty. And I agree that it's been done before, but I like this kind of premise. Morgan's fashion is hard for me to watch LOL. I assumed it was to make the character appear young enough to have an infant. But to me, it has an opposite effect. As far as her hair and makeup, it goes with her character. The dress didn't strike me as odd because my cousin's current cleaning uniform is a dress that she wears short with leggings underneath - she said it's more comfortable that way. I figured Morgan shortened hers since she seems to prefer working in short dresses - which looks super uncomfortable to me. It's odd, but it seems on-brand for her. I also like the twist of her daughter's father having gone missing. I'm pretty invested. I didn't think about witness protection but I can see someone not wanting to bring their family into that. I don't think she and her daughter's dad were married, but I don't think that matters for witsec. I think that's still a possibility. The public transportation is only temporary because her car is being repaired. LA has public transportation, but it doesn't seem like a good option for her since her children are all at different ages and would be going to different schools/activities. I don't think it's reasonable to take a job if you have to rely on coworkers to pick you up. She doesn't know them, and even if she did, they wouldn't have the exact same schedules. She's single but her ex is involved. I don't think she's alone with her kids 24/7. Childcare is available and I'm sure the writers know how expensive it is - that's why they included that. Negotiating that was pretty smart!
  4. He's likely using the person's identity, not just their name so he could get ID, marriage registration, etc. If the person was homeless and didn't have any ID or family, it makes sense that it would be easier to steal their identity. I had a feeling Angelica was alive, too, especially since we saw her floating. I thought it was at least a day that she was gone. In the hospital, she said she was in the water for 3 hours. I usually don't like time stamps but I think they could be useful here. I don't like her judgy take on things, especially her response to JP's sexual assault of Eva. But I do think her heart is in the right place at times. For instance, she seems to look at Blanaid like a granddaughter. It's inappropriate because Blanaid's family doesn't approve but she seems to really care for Blanaid and wouldn't mistreat her. I think she genuinely admired Grace, too. Grace pulled away from her but now I'm wondering Ian has been fishy since day 1 and I can't for the life of me understand why the sisters kept telling him things without knowing much about him except that he lost his sister - who was conveniently in Canada. Now I'm wondering if Ian purposely encouraged Grace to pull away from Angelica. Ian talked about Angelica thriving off others' grief but now we've learned that Angelica figured out that Ian wasn't really grieving. What would be the young detective's comeuppance? She doesn't go about things the right way but she's not a dishonest or crooked cop. I was wondering the same. She does but a better trainer/mentor would help her hone her detective skills, but it's not like she's not a dishonest or crooked cop. A lot of people dislike her but I agree that, under different circumstances, the Garvey sisters would cheer her on. The senior detective ridicules her instead of teaching her. Houlihan has good instincts and could really go somewhere with someone who encourages and teaches her instead of belittling her. She is annoying, though 😂
  5. I wish Eva had pulled back more before it got to the kiss. Would Donal comfort her that way? No, and she's known him longer. I was disappointed that DI Loftus stole the money. But I am also weirdly curious about his legal battles with his ex-wife. I am hoping that Bibi and Nora don't raise Becca's baby. I'm not even convinced Bibi wants another child. Becca doesn't know what she wants to do, but I don't see her carrying the baby to term, giving birth, then signing away her parental rights so her sister and sister-in-law can adopt a child who is always going to be around her. So much of what they do and say is in the view or earshot of Blanaid. In season 1, Blanaid knew how strict her father was but we saw JP actively try to keep her from knowing he was abusive. But I guess that's just TV for ya. On other shows, people openly discuss murder in parking lots. The entire boat scene from the moment Angelica got onto the boat was pure dark comedy gold. I do think she could still be alive. It will be JP all over again 😂😂😂 Am I the only one who doesn't want Bibi and Nora to adopt Becca's baby? Bibi seems uncertain about adding having another child. And Becca is uncertain about what she wants to do but I don't see her wanting to sign over her parental rights and then seeing the child every day. Yes, he seems weirdly OK with too many things and he's too involved in the family's secrets. I hate that they tell him so much. He knows where all their pain points are. And as awful as Angelica was (or is, not sure whether she's dead), I think she picked up on something about Ian.
  6. He is gross! And the sisters keep telling him too much while not knowing much about him. Even Bibi told him about her suspicions so now he knows what she's thinking.
  7. No, her relationship with her son was even less of a thing in the previous series. That sounds vaguely familiar. But it's normal stuff that wouldn't make me surprised to see Elsbeth's son visiting her and them being happy to see each other.
  8. I don't remember Elsbeth having issues/problems with her adult son. Maybe I missed that. But I also think that, unless it's major, they would still be loving toward each other for at least a couple of minutes.
  9. Last season, we saw JP take his dad out of the cellar freezer, put him in a suitcase, and throw him into the pond. Of course, he figured no one would find his dad's body because he wasn't planning to sell the house. I can't believe Grace told Ian what she had done, all while hiding so much from her sisters. I'm curious to know if Ian is a good guy or if we'll find out something bad about him later. Either way, I can't say I blame him for running.
  10. Her response was so infuriating, right? She made a huge mistake. But once she told her boss and he said not to say a word, she made a huge mistake by telling the other prosecutor. It was clear how much the other prosecutor was upset about the victim not changing her routine. It was clear the other prosecutor was not going to let things go when Andrea confessed to her. What did she think would be the outcome? Not only was the other prosecutor making a career move, she should not working on the case. I don't think I'd be able to do it either. Even if it weren't going to impact my promotability, I I can't see myself keeping that secret. And even if Andrea is the better prosecutor, her boss cannot support her promotion since she decided to tell someone else the secret. I'm new to the Show and disliked her immediately. I started to like her a little when seeing her with her client and seeing her response to her clients death. And now I'm back to disliking her.
  11. Jesse L Martin has always had a mature look. Some people just do, which is why it's so annoying to me that people keep saying his sister looks more like she would be his daughter. JLM was only in his 20s and 30s when he was on Law & Order. I think it's more than reasonable that Kylie could be at least 37/38, which would mean she's the right age for someone who was a traditional-age college student 20 years ago. They could have also made her character a little younger, and that have worked, too. They said manual, which I interpreted as not automated - not handwritten. But I have no knowledge of how warrants are generated so I don't know that my interpretation makes any sense. I thought it was implied that Kylie works in tech and is likely paid well for her professional expertise without needing to be in a head-down from 8 to 5 type of job. I never got the impression that Kylie is younger than her late 30s, which is part of what I love about her character. I've never seen a character quite like her. She's a tech-savvy Black woman who's 35+ and she's also fun, smart, and loving. I don't know her exact job but she appears to work in tech and has her own place. And it looks like she's experienced enough to have a flexible work setup (i.e., not an early-career newbie still in training). Kylie not being in a relationship makes sense so that we get to see more of her and Alec interacting and it leaves room for her character to date or get into a relationship later on. Kylie talking about coming out doesn't happen until the next episode. She said she told Marisa before telling the rest of the family, so I didn't think it was something that happened post-divorce. As far as Kylie appearing younger, I think it's because of the big brother/little sister relationship. Also, Jesse L Martin has always looked mature and I think he's playing a character who's younger than he is in real life.
  12. I was so mad at Carolyn for telling Jaden she was pregnant. She didn't want her first child and didn't want Rusty. Why would she now tell this visibly hurt child that their lives would be intertwined because of the baby she was carrying? It felt like she was trying to mess with Jaden. I think there was no easy way out for Barbara. Even leaving would have been difficult. It was nutty alright! I was OK with not liking the characters because I was focused on whodunnit. There were a number of holes but I was OK with it for the most part. As far as knowing where Tommy lived, it's pretty easy to find a homeowner's address, assuming Tommy owns his home.
  13. I actually think the casting is good! Gyllenhall looks like he's in his mid-40s and is believable as a dad of teenagers. I think the lack of chemistry with Barbara makes sense given the storyline. It's quite possible to decide to have a family with someone for whatever reason and then find yourself out of sync or lacking chemistry when your kids are teens. Maybe the chemistry was never there and now it's just more obvious. Carolyn being plain (though that's subjective) makes sense to me. She's never referred to as gorgeous or even pretty. Carolyn had allure, intelligence, sexual prowess, and attitude. Ritalin affects people differently - Rusty said it made him sharp. That's why he was taking it. I thought the repeated sex scenes depicted how Rusty became obsessed. It may not be a big deal for some but not everyone can have intense sex without emotions, and Carolyn's detachment triggered something in Rusty. At least, that's what I got from it.
  14. I was really rooting for Raymond! And I hated Rusty for trying to make it seem like Barbara had done something terrible. She couldn't even bring herself to have sex with the bartender. Meanwhile, Rusty impregnated and stalked his coworker. He was definitely playing the victim when Barbara could have said she was out from day 1 and that would have been bad for his case. I think she blurted it out but also was hoping Rusty would care - but in an apologetic, remorseful, romantic kind of way. It backfired and Rusty just showed more of his ugly ass. I love this show. And I handwave little inconsistencies but we haven't seen Rusty being a great, well-liked guy. We're told he is and that's why these people stick their necks out for him and Tommy is envious of him. But I've never seen it, ya know. Like, how was he a great dad before he had to sit down and discuss his murder trial with his kids? How much time did he make for his wife before running off to Carolyn? When was he a likeable coworker outside of stalking (Carolyn) or dupin (Raymond) or asking huge favors (Rodriguez)? I don't need to like Rusty but I wish I had seen him be someone other than a stalking, hot-headed liar who people go out of their way to help.
  15. I'm glad, too. I also assume, since reporters were swarming her workplace, that people were watching her so I was a bit nervous (in a TV sort of way) about that. De LaGuardia knew there was a risk in letting Tommy lead and he kept checking in about it. Even in earlier episodes, he expressed concern about Tommy's zeal in prosecuting Rusty. A special prosecutor or AG would have been the way to go here. But then we wouldn't have the show LOL. I assumed he got police escort because of his previous position. Definitely felt for Barbara who wanted to be wanted. It doesn't seem like she was even looking to cheat, just wanted to feel wanted. It seems like every episode she's learning more and more how into Carolyn her husband was. She's there beside him but she's hurting.
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