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Posts posted by normasm

  1. Yeah, Daniel, Emily comes from being "one of them," so transitioning to boss is a personal journey, and she has to do it her way, not be Hotch 2.0. I think she is fine, she'll be better as time goes on, if the writing doesn't take her downhill.

    • Love 6
  2. Rossi has had his moments of rah-rah, "that's what families do" several times. The team is a family and a rallying point , especially for the lone ones, like Spencer. It's his home, which is why he would finally say "wheels up." Haven't you ever had to acquiesce to the family dynamic, even though it seems corny or not your emotional take? I have. Of course, I've had a lot of jobs.

    • Love 6
  3. 8 hours ago, MMC said:

    The only good thing about this episode was the little we got of Reid. This piece of garbage is the perfect example as to why without  Reid I wouldn't bother to give this show the time of day. Once upon a time that stuff we were seeing about the unsub we would have found out through the team profiling. But not now more, not since it's basically been reduced to them all standing around and taking turn saying lines.

    And, as predicted, not a mumbling word about what Reid did with his mom! It's been 6 weeks, he has taken her back home with him (unlikely) or put her in a facility similar to Bennington (let's hear about it), but the show is acting like she magically disappeared and hey, it's OK with Reid. Mom? What mom?

    • Love 4
  4. You are needlessly taking him out of context. This is not your first exposure. Spencer's gone through something life changing. He will look and feel different for a while. Possibly, if we are being realistic, he will never go back totally to what he was before, superficially and deep down.

    • Love 2
  5. No venom from me. However, people should see that they have done the deed with regard to Hotch. The actor was fired. TPTB will not just go, "oh, he's popular, let's get him back!" They knew how popular he was when all this happened. They made a decision that he had to go. He is gone. I'm unhappy Hotch is gone. But he's gone. No amount of saying we are unhappy will bring him back.

    • Love 7
  6. 7 hours ago, athelyna said:

    I was worried that Scratch would escape or that the whole chase would turn out to be a hallucination, but when they showed everyone gathered around his dead body on the ground I figured it was real.

    I'm on the side of really liking Scratch's death.  Yes, it's anticlimatic in some ways, but I think he would have liked a big dramatic shootout or forcing one of the good guys to kill him in a questionable way.  Falling off the edge of building because he got cornered and made a dumb move seems like exactly the type of death he deserved.  After everything Reid went through last season, I think having him kill Scratch, even if it was pretty clear cut self defense, would have been harsh.  Reid seems like someone who hates the idea of killing anyone, even if they "deserve it" and he clearly seemed troubled at the fact he knew if he saw Scratch he would kill him, even if Scratch didn't fight back, and I think for Reid's future mental health he doesn't want to have anymore deaths on his conscience.  Plus, personally I don't really want to see the team being investigated for killing Scratch because if any of them actually shot him I feel like we would be stuck with a plot about their stories being questioned and the higher-ups accusing them of killing Scratch in cold blood as revenge.

    I don't remember the last couple episodes very well, but isn't this just a short time after Reid was released?  I thought it didn't become PTSD/PTSS until a person was having symptoms for at least a few months after a traumatic event.

    I wonder if Matt Simmons is going to be the "new Morgan" since they had him and Garcia spending most of the episode together.

    Yes, it's mere hours after Reid got back and took his mom home. And, yes, you aren't actually diagnosed with PTSD until months of continual symptoms have passed.

    • Love 4
  7. Daniel, hopefully, CM will go back to the COTW formula while having an undercurrent of dealing with Reid's harrowing imprisonment aftermath, as well as other character sketches that again show the human side of the profiler job. And, I hope, it won't be the Unsub Show to the extent it has been in some other seasons. It will be the Profiler Show.

    • Love 7
  8. 2 hours ago, threebluestars said:

    Did it look to anyone else like Scratch let go and didn't just fall?

    Yeah, 3, it did look like he made a decision, looking at Alvez. He didn't want to be dependent on another's kindness, or whatever? Finally knew he was beaten? 

    • Love 3
  9. Guys, it's unpopular but TG is not coming back. He was fired. Whether or not you agree with it, and I know you don't, it is a fete accompli and has been for over a year. If you don't believe the fact of this, then you will continue to be frustrated. If you don't like the show without Hotch, there's a remedy.

    Just understand: if it can no longer happen (and it can't), it won't.

    • Love 10
  10. I rewatched, and i really want to say how well I liked Walker's wife (Monica, is it?) in both her scenes, especially the first one, viewing his body. Well-written and superbly acted. I really wish she could find a place on the show, instead of replacing her husband with another agent.

    Also, I really think Luke has a special place in his heart for Reid. Just saying, he always gravitates to him when he's around. And vice versa. Maybe he is a replacement for Morgan after all.

    • Love 6
  11. 35 minutes ago, JMO said:

    And then, my reason for watching:  Reid.  It pushed the Reid-meter about half-way, more for quality than quantity.  Points off for the weird eye-rubbing thing and for diagnosing PTSS (which, around here, is not a new term for PTSD, but simply considered to be an earlier point on the spectrum) before there’s even been a change of underwear.  Kudos for the book-throwing thing and the impatience with his addled brain.  And the fact that he spoke in his grown-up voice for the whole episode.  Please bring this Reid back next week, and forever more.

    I agree with all your other points, but really agree with this paragraph, JMO. 

    Overall, I enjoyed it. I'm glad Scratch is dead, kinda thought it appropriate that no one directly "killed" him, that should have been Hotch, and he's safely elsewhere for the duration of the series. I liked that Rossi was fighting to stay upright and making sure the secret Scratch files were found (and I really like Reid and Alvez together: "Assclown?"). They should have mentioned Reid's mom at the start, just to say that she was safe and asleep. He promised her hours before that he wouldn't leave her ever again! Liked the JJ/Will moment, but thought they neglected Tara in favor of Retread.

    I agree with others that the prolonged drug/mental torture of Emily went on a bit long, especially when we knew she had to be drugged because you don't get those halo braces on til after surgery, etc. But she was strong and competent, and i loved her pleading for Reid to stay behind with her (his immediate acquiescence was really good, and so Reid to give up the pursuit of someone's death in favor of supporting a loved one).

    One request I will make, although I know it won't be gifted to me: now that Retread accomplished his job of backup Keymaster of the Scratch Files, can't he please go back to unemployment, and we don't replace him? There are too many agents! Too many!

    Guess I'm looking forward to next week, but i hope all Reid's PTSD (not PTSS) isn't magically dissipated. 

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