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Posts posted by normasm

  1. 22 minutes ago, JMO said:

    I hope they've filmed a glimpse or two of [Reid} in action.  Maybe a phone call to have him answer a question only Reid could answer?

    They've continued what they started last season with Alvez, which is the slow introduction of background for his character.  It reminds me of the little bits they used to drop about Reid, and even Hotch, that made us want to know more.   So now, I'd like to know what happened to Luke in Iraq, and how it affected him when he came home.  I'd like that to be the focus of a Reid-less episode, please.

    Liked AJ's shiver when the snakes spilled from the terrarium, and Matt's visible regret at having had to shoot the unsub.  

    But my absolute favorite moment of the episode came when the tattoo shop owner tried to run on the three FBI agents, and too-senior agent Rossi just turned to the young 'uns with him, with a look that said 'Go get 'im.'  Happy 70th birthday, Joe!

    JMO, I forgot about the priceless look on JJ's face! And I kind of want Alvez's Iraq story to involve Reid, as Luke seems very tuned in to Reid, especially when he is being mistreated. I'd like Reid to return the favor of Alvez's help when he was in prison. Would make for good bonding!

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  2. Fairly good episode overall, mainly due to the fact that they are writing Alvez as a full-fledged character, and they are remembering and writing Reid (and to some extent, Garcia) true to the original. 

    I thought that Alvez was going to be the substitute Morgan when he first came on the show, all the toughness, the swagger, and the stupid back-and-forth with Garcia, but tonight, we saw him as the support person for his old partner, concerned and compassionate, and showing up for him. Good continuity of storyline, writers. The bookend scenes were very nice, especially the puppy at the end; although, I must say, it would not be a good idea to choose a puppy for a person working through rehabilitation, but whatever. Having Garcia act like an adult was nice, and gave Luke's friend another contact and support person. Also, carrying Luke's dilemma with his friend into the main story, when he hears the strong first victim say it helped knowing someone needed her to be strong, giving him the idea of how to help his friend, all very nice and well-acted.

    The main story, about someone kidnapping, disfiguring and dumping 2 women, didn't sound BAU-necessary, but whatever. It gave the writers a chance to "Reid" out, to have him quickly figure out exactly what was happening and point them in the right direction. It wasn't as torture-porny as I expected, so, yeah. Also, if that was supposed to be a brown snake... anyway, that scene where the snake strikes at the sister's neck, scared me, and I like snakes. I did not like all those different snakes in that large terrarium, that was dumb and possibly stressful for the snakes in there that were real. And the sister saying as a child she was banished to the basement, and the basement was filled with snakes, I cry BOGUSness! Basements are cold, and snakes are cold-blooded. If a bunch of snakes were in the basement, they were in torpor and unable to even flick their forked tongues. But I digress.

    The rest, with them being "Lewis-less" tonight, and Simmons doing the heavy lifting with the Morgan-ness, (and am I right in pointing out this is the first time they've killed an unsub who wasn't a killer?) served to point out they don't need all those clowns in the clown car. They even had the beautiful Reid pushing pins into some lovely map in a couple of scenes, to what end I'm not sure. But Reid was lovely and smart, and apparently will be the missing clown next week or two ("my first lecture"). Perhaps they have filmed a few scenes to intersperse into the next few episodes, so that Reid will be there, but not there? One can hope.

    • Love 5
  3. I loved the whole production of Beauty Inside, it was so inventive, and the audience participation was terrific. I didn't even mind the plot holes, because, hey, magical realism. And he was so very gorgeous. As for 68 Kill, again, I am primarily a Reid fan. 

    • Love 3
  4. 1 hour ago, JMO said:

    I know we've gotten way off topic here, but I would love to see them film an actual clown car scene for the blooper reel this year.  At least it would be an acknowledgement of the situation.

    Oh, how I wish they would do this!!!!!!!!

    • Love 3
  5. None of those folks I can think of would be in the capacity to "show their support." All mentioned are incompetent. In the arraignment, the lawyer tried to say there were character witnesses (presumably the agents and others in the FBI), but the judge wouldn't even consider it because it was 6 pm. The others mentioned didn't have too much direct contact with Spencer. The only one I can think of who wouldn't be insane, dead and/or imprisoned would be the mother in Mosley Lane.

    • Love 2
  6. LDSK is my favorite episode of season 1, although the others in 2nd place are really close behind. It has the interesting reasoning behind the unsub, the intelligent weighing of the evidence and profiling of the crimes, Gideon being lovable and twitchy at the same time, and Reid and Hotch interacting in a way that made me so happy. Hotch was just as much Reid's mentor as Gideon, but a much more practical, real world, constructive force. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first hint we get of how strong Reid is, personality-wise. But, as Riff said, it's not all about Reid, it's an overall, strong episode.

    My favorite line isn't the 9-year-old girl, it's "How do you think I found you?"

    • Love 4
  7. Yes, now, especially, that there are so many of them, a large portion of the dialogue is interchangeable, and some of the plot points we think should be explored with one character are explored on another. 

    • Love 4
  8. JMO is right about comparing season 1 to season 10+. It's like expecting a long term relationship to stay the same over years and decades, ain't gonna happen. However, over time, characters emerge and change and grow, and you're right, the fans of the show want to make a journey with the characters that makes sense.

    I do think they are showing growth through Luke Alvez, although I really hope they don't veer off into the Garciasphere with him. Let him grow as he has been. I'm liking his character.

    • Love 4
  9. 1 hour ago, JMO said:

    I could pick at some things, but I liked most of it, except for the Morgan/Garcia bits (and the SWAT commercials).  Shemar really doesn't come across as Morgan in these quickie guest spots, so unless he's coming back for a full episode, I think we need to be done with having the character visit in person.  I would have wanted a Morgan/Reid scene last spring, but, after two guest stints without one, I'm over it.  

    Rossi looked and acted distinguished.  Emily is finding her stride as unit chief.  It moved the Reid-meter about three quarters of the way.  Luke is still likable, especially with Reid.  Simmons was on screen a lot, but doesn't ooze personality for me.  Tara seemed very much in the background.  JJ was the JJ of old.  Good profiling, creepy unsub-by-proxy.  Ridiculous having Garcia, and not Reid (and the entire rest of the team, the ME and all of the LEOs, and the kindergarten class) pick up on the missing five fingers.  Nice to see a nod to examining the after effects, on the community, of having had a serial killer in their midst.  I would watch this one again. 


  10. Just off the top of my head, some things I liked about this ep. I'm trying to be positive.

    I liked that they would revisit an old, creepy case (even though i didn't like Lucky, Floyd is a real creeper), and from the get-go, they are profiling the hell out of this latest murder. Not only that, they are approaching it from the angle that this could either be a copycat OR it could be they didn't get the right guy the first time around, even though they knew Floyd's "influencer" was Imaginary Satan. I like it when they reverse profile, and Rossi and Prentiss were especially invested in not being narrowly focused on proving they were right the first time.

    I like that JJ stayed behind to steady the wobbly-woo Garcia. It made sense that the one who put her assailant away would be front and center to support her, even calling on her Chocolate Thunder to make her stop whining - I mean to make her feel better. (Does anyone else think the visit from Morgan was all in Garcia's mind, a mental hologram conjured by JJ? No one else interacted with him...)

    Alvez was cool, concerned but not squishy about Garcia, and focused on the task of finding the true killer. Simmons was OK, but I have to again point out that they had so many agents they had to leave JJ behind to fit on the plane! Lewis was her calm steady self, which I appreciate. And I thought Emily was curt and strong, channeling her inner Hotch. Rossi was really good, although that last bit was a little silly, depending on an X-ray a day or two after ingestion to show a bunch of fingers. They wouldn't still be in his stomach, and they would be more like a gluey mess instead of neat little sausages ready to fingerprint! But I digress.

    There were certainly holes in the story (how did Floyd afford a pricey lawyer to sue for exoneration?) and the usual implausible human anatomy/physiology. But less playing for laughs, Rossi didn't seem like a doddering old man, points for all of that.

    Reid. Dear Reid. Logically speaking, he should have stayed behind with Garcia, but he was thrust into confronting Floyd, finding bodies, and going to the sanitarium to find that Floyd was on supervised visit to his sister, etc. His demeanor was grim, and a little twitchy, which is the least that they needed to show how troubled he still is. (I like him paired with Luke) I think he should still be shown having trouble for some time, after all, Garcia took 10 years to have her meltdown. 

    The final scene was emblematic, at least to me, that the cast/show is aware of the clown car aspect of this lineup. Garcia invites them all to her place, and they all get into the elevator, laughing, seemingly, at Reid squeezing in at the end, the door barely closing!

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