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Posts posted by normasm

  1. Season 12, Prentiss comes back for #3, and asks Garcia about Sergio, and she says he has a few grey whiskers that make him look distinguished and shows a photo of herself with said black cat. That meant Sergio lived with Garcia, and even though Prentiss came back permanently, I assume he's still with G.

  2. This is so stupid. "On a wild goose chase to meet Reid"??? Nah. Reid went to a safe place with his mother and the team went on a wild goose chase they knew Scratch had orchestrated. 

    And having Walker be missing is weird as well. If he is dead, just show legs or a covered body like they did Gideon.

    • Love 5
  3. 2 hours ago, ReidFan said:

    it occurred to me while I was trying (and failing) to fall asleep last night, that perhaps the 'scandal' that occurred to cause the breakup of the IRT (if you believe what Kirsten Vangsness let slip) could be that one of THEM was 'the mole' or rather, the one who (perhaps inadvertently) gave Cat Adams all the Reid info she wanted.

    Oh! I hope it was "Monty"!!!!!

    Senin, it's probably just the first half of the episodes that are "finished," the rest are sketched out, but there has to be a bit of wiggle room, in case something weird happens, like MP not showing up, or Matthew dismantling his knee, or TG getting fired. 

    • Love 3
  4. I said from way back I thought Walker was a mole, but no, I think that'd be a shitty way to go if they tried that now. 

    Reid was a longtime agent of distinction, and the FBI would have backed him up until he was proven criminal, for two reasons: he was a stellar agent they would fight to keep; and the FBI "higher ups" would not want to look bad going into a criminal prosecution, they would only take it if it was proved their man was a bad seed. Cops simply do not dump one of their own the very first subway stop. They fight for them until it's determined they are corrupt.

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  5. 1 hour ago, JMO said:

    I agree with all of this.  But TPTB left themselves an out regarding the FBI's behavior, and competence (or lack thereof), by faulting Reid for not clearing his travel to Mexico.  They'll make it all his fault, and deign to 'let' him back into the FBI.  

    I do hope we'll see fallout, both for, and from, Reid.  For him, in a shaking of his self-image as one of the good guys, and maybe the acquisition of a sense of danger lurking around every corner.  I would also expect some guilt about whatever his mother might have experienced at the hands of Lyndsey Vaughn, and the obvious fact that he will have to break his final episode promise never to leave her again.  And from Reid, in that I hope he finds out that the team was carrying on business as usual, and not investigating his case, even on their own time.  For me, there is no amount of retrofitting of the story that can possibly make up for not showing the team trying to help him, at the time that it should have been shown.  I doubt he'll blow up, but I hope he festers.  

    Yes, this is what I'm saying, making him make stupid choices the character would never make. And if he festers only, it will be like early season 7, where they make him look childish and petty. He'll probably be told he's lucky they'll have him back (don't go rogue again, agent!!!) and never mind that someone had to betray him in order for Cat to get what she needed to hurt him. Oh, well. Maybe he'll be pretty in the episodes he's in. If he can elbow his way to a closeup with all the stars, costars, guest stars and extras in the frame.

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  6. The back half of last season was half Reid. Just the last 2 episodes were Reid. To do that, they made him make stupid choices that Reid never would have made (dosing his mother with stuff he didn't know the ingredients of, going to Mexico to get the stuff, which he wouldn't have done in any stretch of the imagination, having him keep his mother at his house, which a rational person would have known wouldn't be tenable with her medical conditions). The BAU was next to no help, his lawyer was incompetent, and there was an FBI mole that helped make it all happen.

    If TPTB wanted to make Reid "grow" they could simply have had him bring his mother nearby, and show the strain he would have felt dealing with her closely. Maybe Scratch could have gotten to him through her, and the drama would have been just as awful for the character, but less soapy.

    If they do not have a PTSD outcome for this over-the-top storyline of last season (which i enjoyed watching only because MGG gave us some good acting and was finally acknowledged as important to the fandom), it will be a big time cheat. He cannot go back to just being Dr. Reid after someone (the higher-ups) in the FBI sold his info to Cat and refused to help him out of a dangerous situation.

    I wouldn't go back. Not automatically. They would have to completely exonerate me, and then BEG ME.

    • Love 6
  7. I think the reason Spencer would consider it was the reason he gave Cat: he wished it was his so he could keep it away from her. And, in canon, Spencer has longed for a wife and kids, and just kids in general. 

    In Messer's defense, she did say that when the writers posed this "Spencer got Cat pregnant" scenario, she flipped out, said "no way." Then she backed off when told that it would just be Cat messing with Spencer's mind as much as possible, knowing this is a life goal (kids), and to have it turned on him like this would be horribly painful. Something Cat would definitely do.

    I'll hold my opinion until and unless they try the Spencer-daddy thing. I think it's too soap opera, but I also want Reid to have something wonderful for once.

    • Love 2
  8. Yeah, one could write an entire book on what's wrong with the physiology/medicine/physics implausibility, but I still love it, mostly because it has something to say about the fragile mind of a child going off the rails, and the possible consequences.

    • Love 3
  9. As ridiculous as the premise and execution of this case is, I love-love-love this episode! Reid is superb. And Rossi calling him "Agent" Reid at the end was proof positive of his maturation as a character in the show. In season 6, they monkeyed so badly with his character, it regressed him back to non-functioning nerd. This was wonderful the way he dealt with everyone, including ME's and others. Mature man. 

    • Love 4
  10. Oh, I think Strauss had her own agenda in the beginning, it's just that things like what happened to Hotch got to her real "self" and she was never as hard on him again. I think, the way her canon turned out, that Strauss was a driven overachiever, who knew as a woman she had to be 12 times better than the guys, and she assumed Hotch was one of those guys who had it easier than she, and he might be angling for her job. Her alcoholism might have stemmed from this anxious overachieving, too, at least for the canon. 

    I really liked hating her, tho.

    • Love 2
  11. That was really lovely. I loved your Reid and Emily. I do wish they could find a way for Reid to get the baby, but it likely isn't his (in canon), and it really wouldn't make sense, but this is Reid we're talking, and I have a romantic ideal about him.

    • Love 3
  12. Nah, the writers, and TPTB just want to make episodes that people will consume, it doesn't really matter if we get indigestion later. They made a strategic decision, that Walker wasn't exciting enough to keep. What they should have seen is an 8th member wasn't needed, that they should spread the profiling among the team of 7.

    • Love 6
  13. idiot, I liked the different cases tack on this one as well, even though I didn't like the Rossi part at all. I find it revealing the few times they have done that, because it shows how different combinations of the teams approach things differently. I just thought the Rossi part was a bit sappy, as though the smart and taut writing on the Hotch-Reid section was written by a different person altogether.

    • Love 3
  14. 12 hours ago, JMO said:

    And I love the scene as they're driving back, because Hotch shares something intimate and personal with Reid, who is obviously surprised, a little bit flattered, and concerned.  To me, it's always seemed like a turning point in their relationship, a coming-of-age for Reid, who is being related to as a mature equal, and not as a mentored subordinate.  He has the respect of his superior, and it engenders an even deeper respect for his superior.  

    And then 3 or 4 episodes later, Hotch is schooling him again and telling him he should fire him for his behavior! Ah, the circle of life!

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