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Posts posted by normasm

  1. I always love to watch the Hotch/Reid portion of this, the interplay between them being the epitome of character canon to me. It's true Hotch is going through the extreme situation of Haley suing him for divorce, but he is so very Hotch here. And Reid is as in character as I've ever seen him; he's competent and professional, even though he was flattered by the asst. warden on the way in. The situation with Chester Hardwicke is well drawn, and has a nice twist in that the already angry Hotch finds a potential outlet for his anger in the bully who thinks he has the upper hand. The twist being that the one who has the upper hand is Reid, who diffuses the potentially catastrophic situation by psychological manipulation. Through the scenes, both men are as gorgeous as they've ever been. Speaking shallowly, each man's hair is perfectly suited to him, Reid with his soft pageboy, Hotch with his bristly close cut and his cowlicks sticking out everywhere. The angelic swallowing terror on Reid's face, the Hotchalanche scowl on Hotch's. 

    When they get back, there's that cute Reid-is-clueless scene, and the resigned Hotch-signing-his-marriage-away. And on the form he signs there's a signature for an official witness - who is not there - and the signature is Andy Swan.

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  2. 32 minutes ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

    Bear in mind that Erica Messer and her crew hate Hotch and everything he is. They'd rather just forget about him so they can push their agenda. 

    This is just not true, HG. Why would she or anybody else who makes their living off this show hate one of the main characters? They wouldn't and don't. They made Prentiss the chief because that was making the best of a bad situation when the actor who played Hotch was not allowed back on set. I'm with JMO, I'm glad it wasn't a new character, but someone most of us really enjoyed, and who had team rapport already.

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  3. "Mr. Scratch" is another name for Satan, so, no, he wouldn't expect to go to "Heaven."

    If Hotch can find a better place and not come back to the BAU as JMO suggested, that would be a nice way to tie up the journey with the character. If they do this, though, they really need to spend a little time with the team discussing it, etc. I hope it's possible to do a retrospective of Hotch moments; i think it would be: CBS/ABC owns the performances TG has made, so this would be a way to say a respectful goodbye to the character we love. It would be lazy to kill him off.

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  4. Warning to those who have suicide triggers, this discussion is not for you...

    From what I know, you do cut lengthwise, and that will cause a lot of bleeding, but it would take a long time for a person to bleed out, as in the distal limbs the immediate reaction of the veins and arteries is to collapse and reroute blood to intact vessels. If he had immersed his wrists in warm water, that would have kept the vessels more open and he would have bled out faster, but it would still have taken a while. Gross to think, but that's what I've been told.

  5. Not to be a killjoy here (she said, and proceeded to be one!) but I wish they had not made it sound like one can kill oneself by merely slitting the wrists, even both of them. That part of SBD was overly dramatic for me. But, yes, I love the character Anton created/embodied. He is missed.

  6. Me, too, Riff. I wonder if the fans who were having such a hard time when this first was shown will have a different take on it. For me, the "back nine" except for Red Light will still be half an episode, because the COTWs were boring and awful. But it did give MGG the time off he wanted, I guess.

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  7. Well, they are starting tonight with "Surface Tension" in the 9 o'clock slot and "A Good Husband" in the 10 o'clock spot. This is the start of the Spencer arc, the next episode in the lineup would be "Spencer". If they show that next week, do you think it will be in the 10 o'clock slot? If it is, they'll be trying to get us used to the slot, I guess. 

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  8. In the original team dynamic, he was quite good; passionate, sometimes arrogant, over-achieving, driven... hot where Hotch was cool. A great foil for the genius-nerd, especially when he was feeling protective. Respectful but worried about Gideon, ambitious, but a dutiful lieutenant to Hotch. He wasn't a stereotypical male with regard to Elle and later Prentiss, meaning he didn't try to sabotage the ladies to make himself look good, he actually depended on them. 

    In a team like this, on a TV show like this, somebody gotta swagger, and he performed that well. I do miss him with Reid.

    • Love 4
  9. I think anyone with higher degrees, PhDs to be specific, will probably tell you they go elsewhere other than their school of Baccalaureate for Masters and certainly doctorates.  Spencer would have gone to the best place for each specialty, whether it be MIT, Harvard, whatever. It ensures a breadth of education you can't get if you stay at one school. That's what my (PhD) professor told me long ago.

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  10. 7 hours ago, JMO said:

    I'm about to get into 'unpopular opinion' territory here.  I thought 'The Forever People' was okay.  In contrast to probably everyone else, I hold MGG responsible for the painfulness of that scene between Reid and JJ.  It was MGG who put the 'hurt puppy dog' look on Reid's face.  He could have played it as strongly sympathetic and shocked, but he played it as helpless.  That wasn't JJ giving it to Reid.  That was Reid not standing strong for JJ.  

    I didn't think it was so wimpy as others, and you do. I think Matthew was playing it that Spencer knew something was wrong, and when he found it involved the loss of a pregnancy, something JJ really prizes above all else, he was gobsmacked. Just because he didn't "comfort" her, or mansplain how she should feel now (get over it), it doesn't mean he was wimpy and ineffectual. It is demonstrated at the end of the episode, when he allows her to access info about Ascari (or not, as she chooses), he was trying to find a way that she could work through her problem. Rather than a man "solving" her problem, her friend tried to find a way that she could see through to coping with her victimization and loss. It was very Spencer, IMO.

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  11. 2 hours ago, JMO said:

    I think we've already seen Reid reject the darkness, in Red Light.  He's not going to be embracing it any time soon.  He was appalled at his own behavior, even if it happened in the preservation of his life.  

    I think he'll struggle with emotional swings, and he'll wonder if he can trust his judgment.  He'll want evidence that his intelligence is still intact, and useful. He'll wonder about his relationships, those he already has, and those yet to come.  I think all of this will happen because he is, at his core, an honorable man, and he chooses to remain so.  That's what mature people do, and I sincerely hope we continue to see mature Reid in the coming season.  

    I hope we see an early insecurity, followed by a slow resolution of his internal conflict, leading him to a well-earned confidence and assertiveness (sans arrogance).  Reid's response to his experience shouldn't be either/or and it shouldn't be overly dramatic.  It should be nuanced, and slow, and integrated---three things MGG has shown himself to be expert at portraying.

    I add my voice to say you said it perfectly, JayMO

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