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Posts posted by normasm

  1. He would have been next in line once Rossi bowed out, if Prentiss hadn't decided to come back. But I think they didn't go there for two reasons: one, since they had to bring Prentiss back and she had been a Chief, it wouldn't be logical for her to just be an agent; and two, it would simply be a very different show (or Reid would have to change in character a lot) if Reid were in charge permanently. I'd just like to see it for contrast, and to give him a new way to shine.

    • Love 2
  2. RG, I do wholeheartedly agree that I'd like at least one episode where the computer doesn't work for whatever reason - and Garcia is little to no use, because she's not a profiler. It won't work for her to just be gone, they'd bring in Kevin (Burn) or Monty in to tap-tap away and *presto* - puzzle solved! ::sheesh::

    I would have liked to see this with Hotch, but it still could work now: I'd like to see Prentiss and Rossi in danger and out of commission (and Cruz unavailable), so that Reid has to be in charge. As senior profiler, he rallies everyone and saves the day using his big ol' brain. I'd even let Alvez kick in the door as long as Reid was in charge.

    I'd like to have Reid meet a woman who is nice, normal, not a profiler, not a genius, she shares common interests with him and they fall in love over the season. I point to the amount of time they spent with Hotch meeting and wooing Beth. Although i didn't really like that storyline, I did like the touches of Hotch's private life away from the job that we got to see, and i would like that sort of story to be (well) written for Reid.

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  3. As always, wonderful, well thought out story. You must be able to read my mind, I was hoping you would have another story before Wednesday, but I didn't want to pester you, begging for it! As I said, if they mess up the story, or Reid, for that matter, you need to write a fix for all of us! Let's just hope you don't have to. Thanks for writing!

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

    You can pay a little extra to actors to hide their name from the credits. They could be doing that with Bohdi Elfman (in fact, I hope that's what they are doing) and Aubrey Plaza.

    I just hope that Scratch's storyline is done after S13E01. I don't want him to start hanging over the series like Red John did with The Mentalist, because that will get tiring and silly quickly. I'd also have to start questioning the competency of the BAU, especially considering that Scratch is making it no secret that he is targeting the team and has been effective in doing so.

    I believe they did this with Beth Reisgraf early in the Maeve arc; they didn't credit her onscreen until Zugzwang, i believe. And, yes, I was thinking Red John back when they tried to make a big bad out of the Replicator (and failed). 

    • Love 3
  5. Lindsey is not an old nemesis, whereas Cat is. So is Scratch, but, at least until and unless Scratch kidnaps Diana, he's not as personal a nemesis to Reid as Cat is. 

    I really wish the Vaughan's weren't in this increasingly overpopulated mix. I want it to be about Spencer, first and foremost, and the team.

    • Love 6
  6. Maeve! Yes, elsewhere we were speculating that the last time Reid asked for help to find a loved one who had been kidnapped, it didn't end too well. Interesting that she either comes into his thoughts, or she's an actual hallucination, drug-induced. I'm thinking this is Scratch monkeying with Diana's mind to harm Reid in some way.

  7. Yeah, sure. It's not uncommon for the stars of the show to get relatives on. (See TG and his sons in Boxed in , AJ and her sons on a regular basis). Matthew has done some stunt casting himself, with friends and people he's worked with. My favorite use of a star's relatives was when Matthew used a pic of his father John in Eliot's Pond this season - he portrayed a man who was an awful pedophile and had a terrific scowl on his face!

    • Love 2
  8. I think Paget, and even Prentiss, is lost, and trying her best. It's a mighty huge job she was given. Hotch was The Lynchpin. He can't be replaced, and shouldn't be brushed aside. I don't fricckin care what TG did. They should honor the character, as they sometimes did even with Gideon.

    • Love 8
  9. This one is just as good as the others, and it gets more complex and mysterious what's going on in that beautiful head doesn't it? You captured the confusion and panic so well. His mantra was starting to freak me out.

    • Love 1
  10. Your guess is as good as mine. Although, there have been children of unsubs I have thought might grow up to be unsubs themselves (I know Lindsey's dad Jack wasn't that episode's unsub, but he had been a bad dude, which is why they were in wit-sec). Especially that kid (David?) from In Name and Blood. He knew his dad was killing the women he made David lure, but at the last, David had voluntarily brought home the nurse without prompting. At 7 years of age. Talk about early warping. He'd also be about 18 now...

  11. Well, yes, I'm glad for everyone who works so hard on that show. If Reid does not come back, it won't mean much to me, but yes, happy for the show!

    25 minutes ago, JMO said:

    Yeah, not celebrating until that's assured.  I've seen an article that said they were all 'expected' back.  But that's a different word.

    Matthew probably has some leverage i would think, which he may use either as a raise for a full season, or a recurring role for Reid, and some directing stints.

    • Love 4
  12. No, a psychologist is not an MD type of doctor. But they can be licenced therapists, and that would be the way Tara would have had Reid as her actual patient. In the real world. Tara's letters would be Tara Lewis, PhD, and probably some specialty designated letters after that. Not Tara Leiws, MD, etc. 

    Not all psychologists are therapists, but some are. Tara is a forensic psychologist, and does her discipline for research purposes, not therapy. 

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  13. In the psychiatric community, is the difference that pronounced, though? Yes, a psychiatrist has to go through medical school and a residency, etc., but a psychologist gets a PhD in Psychology. With a specialty, as Tara has, in forensic Psychology. Wasn't she seen interviewing serial killers to build a database on the psychology behind serial killing? Wouldn't she be qualified to be someone's doctor? True, it was clumsily expressed, as many true science thing are on this show, but, Tara actually could be Reid's doctor.

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