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Posts posted by normasm

  1. Am I the only one who thought about Scratch when Reid made the chemical reaction in Hell's Kitchen? The little puff of smoke? It could be that, like the people with the sage making them suggestible, Reid was exposed to the chemical smell he made in the laundry by Scratch in the hotel room? Once he smelled it (remember, he was given a job in the laundry by Shaw, told the drugs were going to be pushed through there, and sure enough, here comes the drugs), he has a reaction that was planted by Scratch. And Reid, being a Chemistry PhD, would test to see what they were. They contained what Scratch orchestrated them to contain, and Reid is now roiling in false, planted memories which continues into this week.

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  2. 2 hours ago, autumnmountains said:

    Some of us like his hair, others don't. I love his hair the way it is. I don't care for Tara's hair or Emily's bangs but I wouldn't call any style stupid. It's a matter of taste and opinions. *shrugs*

    Moving on, I am looking forward to seeing what actually happened at the end, because as Normasm pointed out, we don't actually know what is going on. Sure, the show is attempting to get us to believe that Reid poisoned them. I'm inclined to think it's a red herring and we have clues that he gets out by the season's end. They wouldn't free someone who did that. 

    I hope you and I are right, and this whole thing - like the implied rape that didn't happened 2 episodes ago - will turn out to have a Spenceresque explanation. One that keeps the character intact and allows him, if he chooses, to return to the BAU. Otherwise, they may have sullied a longtime hero. The last time they had someone act rashly enough to end their career was with Elle. Spencer would never compromise his values for survival. In this episode, they gave us equal emphasis on musings about Spencer's possible "dark side" with Spencer's definite sleep depravation. Longterm sleep deprivation can cause hallucinations and psychotic breaks. We won't know until Wednesday, if then, but I have to believe they wouldn't make Spencer "bad" after all he's been through to fight it.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, JMO said:

    We watch these things unfold in the lives of young children, and we have sympathy for them.  But we don't have good solutions.   As they grow up in these circumstances, we're left to wonder, 'On which day of his life do we tell him that he's now responsible, that he should know better, though he's never been taught?'

    This is so true. I think almost everyone knows someone in their lives or on the periphery who succumbed to the "Dark Side" but may have been relatable THE WHOLE WAY.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Haleysgalaxy said:

    I think it would be really cheap it it turned out it was a dream. Don't get me wrong, I don't want Reid to have killed/ injured all those people. But writing a very bizarre scene just to show you next week that-aha! It was all a trick! It just seems...like bad writing? Like cheap thrills? Even though I kind of hope it was a dream, bc the alternatives also seem pretty implausible.

    Well, perhaps you have been spared the sometimes life-changing melodrama of night terrors, in which you do unspeakable things to people, even people you love, only to wake and realize it didn't happen, and then you are so relieved, but still wonder what's in you to feed that impulse you just dreamed, that seemed so real....

    Pretty dramatic, to me.

    • Love 2
  5. 12 minutes ago, JMO said:

    Illustrious?!  I can't comment much on the episode yet, because I'm traveling and didn't see or hear it all that well---will have to wait for a rewatch.  But, yes, I noticed that the episode started with a Reid nightmare, and wondered if it had ended the same way.  

    Also, is anyone else suspicious about the therapist telling him to spill to a journal? Didn't Scratch play off his subjects' innermost fears? It would be easy enough to has the lack deputy sneak into his cell when he was gone and read what he's having nightmares about, and then try to make them come true.

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  6. 35 minutes ago, R3volver said:

    Right, and this would not be murder.   I think it was clear he had no intention of killing anyone and there's nothing that suggests 'malice'.  We don't even know if he moved the drugs at all.  He could've dumped them and replaced it with laundry detergent in which there's no such thing as laundry detergent trafficking.  I think at the very worst is drug trafficking and negligent homicide(but that depends heavily on whether or not he moved the drugs and if anyone dies).  If it's just laundry detergent, it's neither.

    No, I'm saying if anyone died from ingesting drugs Reid either let go by or tampered with in any way, it would be murder (at least negligent homicide). Even if he flushed the drugs down the washing machine and put laundry detergent in, it could be called trafficking under the law, there might even be enough residue to make it drug-specific. And, if someone died from the detergent (we don't know if it contained chlorine, lye, any number of poisonous substances), it would be murder or negligent homicide at the very least.

    • Love 1
  7. No, I'm not assuming Shaw and Malcolm are dead, I'm hoping they aren't even (really) injured.

    Reid has not ever committed murder. He has killed in self-defense, and in the line of duty. If he had tampered with the drugs, or even allowed them to go through to their destination, that would be at the least drug trafficking and at the worst, drug trafficking, and assault with intent of bodily harm, even malice murder if someone died from the drugs. Reid knows that. 

    • Love 5
  8. 37 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:

    Perhaps I could buy that Reid feels so helpless and hopeless that he feels the only way he could save his situation is by compromising his character. However, I'm not sure I would like it, because that's not the Reid I grew to like.

    It's also far off base from the character I know. I'd like to think that Reid, knowing that prison "makes you do things you might not normally do" would do all he could to counteract it and decide he was not going to allow himself to compromise his character. I would also think that Reid would understand he has yet to face trial, and while he may feel the trial might not go his way right now, it should give him a sliver of hope- and at least allow him to hold on until the trial concludes.

    At the very least, Reid would be smart enough to know committing a crime in prison would jeopardize his trial.

    If Reid were actually convicted and sentenced to life, I could understand the descent. Not now.

    Very much all of this. The illustrious JMO posited elsewhere that because Reid was so sleep deprived for such a long period of time, that he might have either hallucinated this whole scene, or he had a nightmare when he finally fell asleep. I have to say, I certainly hope so, because Reid's moral strength surpasses his physical strength a thousand times, and - unless the writers are throwing this character under the bus - he would never: 1. allow the shipment through; and 2. monkey with the drugs. But he has such a fear of messing up and hurting people like Luis, his mother, his friends, of not being "a good person," that he might have this dream and wake up feeling shame and guilt.

    This had better be what happened, or some shark was jumped.

    • Love 6
  9. No, the guard is controlled by Shaw. I don't know if Shaw has any connection to Scratch, but I really hope not. As in, Scratch may have gotten Reid in prison, but Shaw wanted him once he was there, for his own reasons. But hey, they'll probably make it that Scratch wanted to see what it would take to turn Reid. Knowing that turning bad would be one if not the most terrifying things for Reid.

  10. Yeah, R3volver, I do think, as Riff says, they have recently had many of the core team call him Spence and/or Spencer. Emily, just recently  called him Spence, and I do recall at least one time Blake called him Spencer. 

    Recently, they had Reid call Emily, Prentiss, which sounded odd coming out of his mouth. But 2 or 3 episodes ago he called her Em. 

    Haleysgalaxy, you don't have to hide spoilers in this thread, since it's all about spoilers. Enjoy, spoil away!

  11. I for one wouldn't trust the "love interest" they would trot out for Reid nowadays. Maeve was wonderful in almost every way, but they planned to off her from the get-go, which tells me they don't "get" Reid if they think he couldn't have been interesting with this girlfriend popping up from time to time like Hayley did, and Savannah, etc. They gave us Loker, but it was just to show that Reid was still alive "in there" and nothing more. The only other potential girlfriend they posed was Einstein, and, just groan: every single Mary-Sueism possible, and, although the actress herself was cute and capable, it would have been howl-worthy if they had made Dr. Reid a matchy-matchy genius gf.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Hotchgirl18 said:

    We should have a flawed character, or a team member with nefarious intentions in mind.

    Why? Why do you want people we trust and hold as heroes to be secret murderers or otherwise dysfunctional and destructive? I'm just asking, but, really, what is the attraction for investing in someone who is going to end up trying to rape or kill you? I don't LIKE people who are bent on hurting others, or themselves. 

    Just seems a little juvenile to me. But then, I'm old.

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