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Maggie Mae

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Everything posted by Maggie Mae

  1. Just read article where Tiff stated that both Maria and Kenzie both wanted to give Liz their spot on the reward. Q wouldn't allow it. What? When was that a thing? If Liz's outburst happened after that then it is more understandable. Why didn't we see that? So help me if it's because Q wins!!!!!!
  2. FFS i may have to skip watching. I cannot stomach Q anymore
  3. Target Hunter if you must ( i disagree and i like Hunter) but for the love of god, please get rid of Q first !!!
  4. Damn it all. I didnt like Tevin but Q is insufferable. Hopefully he will go next week. He just put a huge target on his butt and he is not a challenge beast (except in his own mind)
  5. After this, he just might. I'm surprised Q can even hold up his gigantic overinflated head!
  6. I am really, REALLY over Q. Please blindside him!!
  7. Not liking this Jess idol fake out. Seems like they want more to make her look stupid rather than prevent her using the sitd. I mean...that's only worked once that i remember.
  8. I believe that's why she turned to him immediately after and her nodded. She should have expected that was going to happen.
  9. Cam looking at Corey as he left the HOH room....scary eyes!!!
  10. We don't know how this express pass interacts with the u turn vote.
  11. I don't get the u turn thing. How do they all vote??
  12. If I'm not mistaken, the two words are the same but with a different stressed syllable. Ba' bushka and babush' ka I could be wrong...
  13. Okay, I really dislike Blue's hair roller but Jared's babushka is worse!
  14. After the vote, Felicia needs to know Cirie chose Izzy over her. Jared and Cirie will be on their own island
  15. This group is boring. I mean they managed to make the long awaited pressure cooker comp boring. I'm still watching and reading all your comments but as far as watching goes, that may soon end for me.
  16. Did the pressure cooker end already? I was away from my laptop for an hour!!!!
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