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Posts posted by llewis823

  1. On 6/29/2018 at 11:13 AM, topanga said:

    I thought Woz was comfortable with his sexuality. 


    On 6/26/2018 at 12:08 AM, HunterHunted said:

    At least they remembered Woz is bisexual.  I was beginning to wonder if they forgot about that. 

    I thought they had forgotten at first too because I am almost sure he was NOT comfortable with his sexuality and that his wife was definitely NOT comfortable with him being bisexual.  So him pretending he was hot and bothered about the girl didn't surprise me, but his wife having sex with him the car acting as if she had not just found out about his bisexuality not that long ago. Or did I dream it all that when she found out last season, she flipped out?

  2. Hoping with all the advances in tv viewing now, there might be some other people out there who might have binge-watched Third Watch recently...

    I watched Third Watch when it was on in the early 2000's and I loved it then too. My husband and I started binge-watching it about a month or so ago and love it even more now. And the great part was because I had not seen it in reruns, it was all like seeing it for the first time again. The only part I remotely remembered was the tragic story of Sully and Tatiana and even that I didn't remember all the details.

    Just watched the series finale last night and cried along with the cast in their final moments as an ensemble cast. I hate when you binge watch like this - you feel the characters are part of your life and you look forward to "seeing" them each night you binge watch. ("Let's stay up and watch just one more episode") And now I miss the characters already.

  3. 1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

    That said, I pictured Grodner in the control room screaming "Five more seconds!!  Put five more ^%$%^ seconds on the clock!!" while the poor intern who was the official timekeeper froze like a deer in headlights and is now standing in line at the unemployment office.

    And what made it even more obvious? The only timing clock was on that screen that was tilted AWAY from the viewers. Plus there was a glare because it was a monitor/screen. They may very well have played with that time and we would not have likely noticed.

    • Love 1
  4. 8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

    You do wonder how much of the puzzle she could have kept together before putting in the door?! I know she was told to take it apart and put it in the front door but she might have gotten away with some still intact, right?

    Or to meet their requirement of disassembling it, she could have taken it apart but slid it through in the right shape but just disassembled slightly.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Snappy said:

    I don't hate Sam just because she has opinions different from everyone else and shared those opinions. Could she have said things nicer? Yes, definitely, but lets face it, Haleigh has done nothing but cuddle up to Fessy at this point. She hasn't been competitive at all, except in words. I wonder if she thought her cuteness and Texas charm would get her to the end. As for "what grampa sees", doesn't she realize that grampa may be more upset at seeing her under the covers with Fessy that at what Sam said? At least Kaitlyn has been competitive and made a bold move, getting Shaggy out, but even she has relied on tears to garner cuddles and sympathy from Fessy and Tyler.  As for Sam and Fessy, it was Fessy who initiated that moment, admittedly to not get put on the block. Sam didn't exactly push him off, but she didn't search him out, rub his back, and try to cuddle. She did stroke his ego though. I'm sure Sam's reasoning was based more on her working in a male dominated area rather than because she is backwoods or clutching her pearls. She wants to see the women put more effort into the comps instead of the touchy feely. 


    Rockstar?! Just stop. No one cares. She is a clown, not an empowered woman. Using her children as crutches and shields for why no one should say or do anything to her? Banging pots like last year's guest (who's name escapes me)? He did it better. She needs to grow up, act her age, and put on a bra

    Yes! Yes! Yes! (*read in the Meg Ryan voice from Sleepless in Seattle)

    • Love 2
  6. 35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

    Okay, even I'M souring on Sam now. I was one of the few who wasn't put off by her HOH speech.

    Sam and Tyler were my favorites from day 1. And like Ghoulina, even her HOH speech didn't offend me. But when she was wrestling around with Faysal and not pushing him away or asking him to get off of her, I thought to myself, "Self, Sam's a hypocrite!". I just wanted to keep liking her. Looks like I'm in for Tyler for the win too. 

    • Love 5
  7. 10 hours ago, leocadia said:

    I guess she decided that it wouldn't be "respectful" to put up JC despite the fact that she had a logical game-related reason for doing so (giving him a chance to return and ensuring Kaitlyn's ouster) so she puts up Rockstar instead. 

    If she is smart, she did this so Angie (again, I refuse to call her that stupid self-inflicted nickname) would blame JC rather than her. If JC had not whined, it would have been him so Sam changed it to Angie. I think they had it planned that way so the blame would transfer to JC instead of Sam.

    9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    I'm not even going to rag about the childish Three Stooges Veto comp.

    That was one of the most boring comps EVER.

    • Love 6
  8. 3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I'm sooo glad they aired the footage of Angie losing her shit again. "On my daughter's birthday???" will never get old. Also - "I CANNOT!" - "Then don't." Bahahaha! 

    But, can we stop for a minute and talk about - Aradia, Avalon, and Isaac? Who named those kids? Wilbur from Charlotte's Web?

    It looks like Brett's little stunt WASN'T part of some grand master plan, but merely personal. Because he can't stand Angie. Either way, it worked perfectly with Tyler and Winston's little plan. Now we've got people suspecting it actually WAS Kaitlyn and Tyler continues to lie low. 

    But....even better...Kaitlyn has another one of her clairvoyant "hits" and decides that NO ONE flipped. Sam used her power app. Which coincidentally gave her exactly two votes to steal. mmmhmm. Because that's likely. But I loved how Tyler rolled with it, catering to her massive ego. "How do you DO that??" As if he's so in awe of her "power". Tyler til the end!

    Angie continues to cry and sob after HOH comp. But then....it gets better....she decides to try and emulate Josh with the pots and pans??? Girl, bye. If you're going to be obnoxious, could you at least do it an authentic way? 

    Again, I'm no Brett fan, but he is definitely coming off as the winner in this exchange. 


    Soooo glad Sam won HOH! And I'm loving how she's cutting through all the bullshit. No holding court in the HOH room. No sucking up. I'm nominating whom I'm nominating and that's it. Look, I get the need to be fake in this game, but it's such the antithesis of my personality that I find it a breath of fresh air when a Sam or a Cody blows through that house. 

    I loved her nomination speech as well. I thought it was gross the way both Haleigh and Kaitlyn were hanging all over Tyler at the same time. If women want to use flirtation to get their way, that's their choice. But I don't have to like it. I do think it cheapens the game. (But I will say, Sam is a wee bit naive if she thinks the boys are actually BEING manipulated by this crap. Tyler, especially - he's using their manipulation to manipulate them back.)


    And now for the big drama - the JC/Bayleigh dust-up. I'm totally on JC's side in this. He did not use the "n word" in a derogatory way at all. In the context of the conversation, I understand his usage and don't see it as a problem. Now, of course, that doesn't mean someone else would be wrong for feeling offended. But I do not think Bayleigh was listening to him at all; she was unwilling to give him any grace. 

    It really pissed me off how she was like, "I asked a question - you made a statement". Oh shit, we're getting real petty now, aren't we? Come on. Question or statement - they were both having an information sharing session, where several derogatory terms were used - out of BOTH of their mouths. And, just my opinion here, I don't think anyone gets to decide which slur is more offensive. Making it a competition only causes further division. And I noticed JC never said n***** again, only referred to it as "n word", whereas Bayleigh DID say m***** several more times. 

    I get that the word may have really triggered her and that prevented her from being able to listen rationally to JC. But I really didn't like seeing him raked over the coals when he really was just trying to explain something from HIS world. I was glad they were able to understand each other better in the end, though.

    Ghoulina, I think maybe you and I are the same person...Every single thing you said - I agree 100%! 

    • Love 2
  9. 10 hours ago, PaperTree said:

    Now the big question becomes: "Is the evictee smart or talented enough to win the challenge to get back in?"

    This very thing is the reason I think Sam chose the two she did - because she thinks they are not strong enough to win their way back in and anyone else on the block would have been strong enough. That being said, I did agree with her about how Kaitlyn and Hayleigh play is embarrassing to themselves HOWEVER, I think Sam was STOOOPID to say it and put a target on her own back. She already alienated the ones who want to hang all over each other in the HOH room every week by telling them she wanted the privacy. (Hell, I'd want the privacy from all of those people too.)

    • Love 8
  10. 2 hours ago, mojoween said:

    JC seems really annoying with his constant bitch, dumbass, etc.

    You mean dum-bass, right? LOL  I'm sorry it's not politically correct, but JC's accent just drives me up a wall.

    • Love 3
  11. 8 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

    I love Kaitlin's surprise when her psychic "hit" turned out to be right.   I think she is the most surprised of them all which, IMO, proves what a fraud she really is.  If her "hits" were real she would be used to being right on target with them,  and not be the least bit surprised.  I have so many friends who play this game and they always react the same when they get lucky.

    I said the same thing last night. I also told my husband that I'm sure she was at the very least given a hint by production, if not told outright.

    • Love 2
  12. 1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

    I have never been so enraged at Julie Chen in the entire 20 seasons of this show...."Chris meaning Swaggy."  Are you kidding??!!  Chris is his name.  Everyone knows it.  Why is she jumping on the "Swaggy C" hype train?  I LOVE that Scottie called him by his REAL FREAKING NAME, Julie.

    How much you wanna bet, Chris (Yes, I mean Chris) will be back for a future season and Julie was instructed to hype the Swaggy C persona one last time so we'll remember him.

    • Love 1
  13. 11 hours ago, vb68 said:

    I laughed aloud when he was going on and on about Haleigh, only for Julie to say she voted for him. What an ass.

    I was so disappointed that Julie didn't tell him it was Scott who voted to evict him...afterall, it was Scott's idea to wear the shirts...lol

    • Love 8
  14. 4 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

    Yeller reminded me of Matt Foley:


    That's who I thought the Yeller was supposed to be imitating all along. I didn't get the Sam Kinison and other references upthread. 

    • Love 2
  15. 10 hours ago, vb68 said:

    Everything about Rockstar annoys me. The name. The look. The freaking attitude.

    ^ I so agree. And many times, someone who dresses/looks/acts over the top like that really has a inferiority complex and that is their way to hide it. But I don't think that is the case with Angie (I'm sorry - I refuse to call her Rockstar). I think she honestly thinks her shit doesn't stink. And my reaction to that would be, "Why???"

    • Love 5
  16. 1 hour ago, Nashville said:

    Beauty.  Don’t know who this camera operator is, but I want to send them a Whitman’s sampler box and a bottle of Jack.

    Is there any way someone could cut & paste the camera shot w/o the link? I can't open links on this computer. Thanks in advance if possible. 

  17. On 7/8/2018 at 9:26 PM, green said:

    Still love Tyler and Sam and glad they are working together.

    ^ This x 1000! I loved Sam from the minute she spoke. Tyler - I thought I was gonna hate him but he became my other favorite by the end of the second episode. 

    On 7/8/2018 at 9:26 PM, green said:

    getting blood on her hands (hate that expression)

    Big Brother should have some kind of entertaining punishment for every time this phrase is used. Like flashing lights and sirens and the person who says it has to eat something gross. lol

    • Love 4
  18. On 6/20/2018 at 8:37 AM, TurtlePower said:

    Oh where to begin.

    First, Janelle, image 6 of 9: Doesn't look like she's demonstrated any "impressive weight loss" as reported--and it looks like there's a blue frisbee stuck to the side of her head. You know your hat is bad when it looks like bad photoshop.

    Meri still can't find shoes that aren't ugly and, as always, she draws attention to herself as she lumbers around in an outfit that contrasts the other wives.

    Aspyn looks pretty and the kilts are a nice touch.

    Christine and Robyn look nice, though Christine's hat resembles an upturned, plastic green colander to me.


    Everything you just wrote...BAM!

    • Love 3
  19. 9 hours ago, watchTV said:

    I would much rather watch a show about the Waterfords -- a true believer couple gradually realizes that the dystopia they helped to create is fucked at its core -- than this insipid and pointless Elizabeth Moss vanity project.  

    June isn't even a likable character, either in her present Offred existence or Before.  

    I feel the same way. Even when she is semi-content, she has that pissy look on her face. She had an affair with a married man (now husband) and is now cheating on him with Nick. (Granted I get that Nick saved her and is her only real ally, etc, but still...she's married and her husband is alive). 

    • Love 1
  20. 43 minutes ago, springbarb said:

    can't tell the Bros apart. Or a lot of the girls, honestly.

    Count me on that one too.

    1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said:

    Don't you actually have to have more than 24 years of "life" experience to be able to coach others on how to live said "life"?  Oh, and I didn't know she was saying "namaste", I thought she was saying "I'm nasty".

    I so wish we had a laughing smiley face icon like we do on facebook for this one.

  21. 3 minutes ago, gunderda said:

    Sam is asking if she can talk to a camera. Steve is telling her that she can talk to any camera in the kitchen.  Since almost everyone is in there it's likely they are on the feeds.  One of the cameras is moving, I think to let them know that it's one streaming to the feeds right now.  But she went to the one behind the table and the feeds switched to her. She's now saying hi to a lot of people.

    Maybe she wants to say thank you to America for making her the one who won the advantage??? We can hope! (But I thought they were not supposed to talk to the cameras.)

    1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

    Kaitlyn is talking about putting bacon, tomato, and avocado in a grilled cheese. Looks like I have my first BB food thing to try for the season.

    I work in a hospital in the Food & Nutrition Dept. and we have these special "LTOs" in our cafe and one of them about a year ago was a Grilled Cheese w/Bacon, tomato & avocado. It was really good!

    • Love 2
  22. 7 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

    I kind of feel bad for Sam because I think part of her emotion is the fact that most of the time she has to be the robot so she's isolated from the HG's and can't build those crucial early game connections. I think it's by far the worst punishment BB has given.

    I agree. I think it might have been a fun punishment further into the game where the person would have already made connections. But right at the beginning? And it really makes me mad because I called Sam as my favorite (probably of all BB houseguests) from the minute she opened her mouth. I really want to see her stay on here awhile.

    • Love 8
  23. 9 hours ago, missyb said:

    I really don't want to spend a summer watching JC gyrate all over my screen. I ma sorry but it gives me the creeps.  Maybe if he had more clothes on......

    Nope - more clothes wouldn't help. Everytime I see him on the screen, he reminds me of those little creepy Halloween decorations you see at Spirit stores that look like demon children. I bet we're stuck with him all summer though. I'll just have to keep my puke bucket handy.  Just eeeewwwwweeee...

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