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Posts posted by llewis823

  1. Having worked in HR and in a hospital, with the hoops you have to jump through to get employed, I cannot figure out how an illegal got hired at a hospital. Unless she had fake documentation (which would have to be pretty darn good to fool a seasoned hospital HR person). Most hospitals won't even hire you if you have nicotine in your system now - even if it's from "the patch" in trying to quit. So how could an illegal get all that paperwork submitted? And another thing - that girl does the job my teen son does at the hospital - a transporter - and they are not paid enough to live on their own.

    And when those doctors/nurses went directly against orders operating on Luisa, even after they were told not to, wouldn't they be fired? Or at least reprimanded, suspended, etc?

    Despite all this, I do enjoy this show and think it will grow to be one of my favorites.

    • Love 2
  2. On 1/25/2018 at 7:50 AM, BooksRule said:

    As a fan of Kurt Russell all the way back to his  Disney movie days, I laughed at 'God bless Goldie Hawn and that mouth-watering white boy.'  

    Overboard...best movie EVER...especially that mouth watering white boy! LOL

    On 1/26/2018 at 10:32 AM, vavera4ka said:

    This is the first episode that when it ended I was surprised it did. It went by a lot quicker than the previous ones.

    My husband and I were both shocked it was over "that quickly"...It did not seem like a whole hour (minus commercials) went by.

    • Love 1
  3. On 1/22/2018 at 2:03 PM, Lilacly said:

    They went to court to get power of attorney which allows anyone to make legal/financial/medical decisions on behalf of someone else when sign off that they can't anymore

    I didn't catch that the kids got POA for them. I thought they just guilted each of them individually into thinking they needed to do it for the other one. (Grace's kids guilting out Frankie and Frankie's kids guilting out Grace). So I think their love for each other made it much easier to sell the house - probably with their permission due to feeling they had to do it for the other one.

    • Love 4
  4. On 1/21/2018 at 5:04 PM, Maysie said:

    Honestly, I quit watching Sol and Robert by episode four. I fast forwarded through all their scenes because they're dull, I don't care and I can't stand Sol. He's just too precious.

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks Sol is "just too precious". And as I posted in another episode thread, Martin Sheen is one of my favorite actors of all time; however, he is just not convincing as a gay man. I'm not quite sure why - he's just not IMO. And BORING - the both of them and even more so when they're together.

    • Love 9
  5. On 1/24/2018 at 7:17 PM, Katy M said:
    On 1/24/2018 at 6:18 PM, MissLucas said:

    And Abby said that it's rare but possible.

    Is it, though?  I was always taught that blue eyes are recessive.  so, if you have blue eyes, you have 2 blue eye genes and that's all you have to pass on.  

    I mean who are we to doubt Abby? However, this is one of the few science lessons I learned that has stuck with me since 4th grade (and I'm 53 now).  Brown eyed people can have the Bb gene and therefore have a brown-eyed or blue-eyed baby but blue eyed people only have the bb gene and can therefore only have a blue-eyed baby.

    • Love 4
  6. I'm not sure which episode this was on, but I'm sure it was before this one, so no spoilers here. When Frankie went to the bank and had to deal with the teller - was the woman that played the teller the woman that played "New Christine" on the show The New Adventures of Old Christine?

  7. Okay, here is my suspicion about the neighbors. I think "Jo" - despite her petite size (hey think John Leguzamo) - is a transgender person. Either a guy living as a woman or a guy who has had the surgery to make him a "woman". Because when Sol or Robert met "her", they said "Jo - short for Joanna?" and shes looked/sounded uncomfortable and corrected them by saying "No, just Jo".  So that's what I think is going to happen with this storyline.

  8. On 1/19/2018 at 2:53 PM, Bastet said:

    “Our bodies may not be at their best, but our minds, Robert, our minds … are not that great, either.”  That was amusing, but they remain the least-interesting part of the show to me.  I like them with the women, and sometimes with the kids, but when it's just them I'm usually just waiting for the next scene to start.

    I agree - and Martin Sheen is normally one of my favorite actors. But in real life, I absolutely abhor musicals with a passion and every scene when they're doing a musical, I just want to  hit fast forward.

    • Love 1
  9. On 11/5/2017 at 1:03 PM, Gothish520 said:

    My unpopular opinions: I don't miss Tony, at all. And I really like Torres.

    I do miss Tony, but I also like Fez...I mean Torres. And since they both can't be on the show, Torres will do.

    • Love 3
  10. Has anyone else noticed that each episode since Torres and  Bishop posed as a couple, they flirt with each other? So I think the show may be hinting at a relationship for them in the future. I think that could be fodder for some fun situations. 

    And speaking of the show dropping hints, as someone posted upthread, why haven't they dropped any about when/why/that Abby might be leaving?

    • Love 2
  11. 1 hour ago, wilnil said:

    That was a different surgery. The appendectomy was the procedure in the beginning where Bell's hand tremor and the patient's waking up led to Bell nicking the patient's artery and killing him.

    The operation with the robotic machine was a prostate removal. I paid special attention because my husband had his robotic radical prostectomy (sp?) 2 years ago in April. He has those exact 3 scars where they went in with the cameras and machine. It is NOT a simple surgery - especially when you throw the robotics into the mix.

  12. I loved Matt Czuchry as Logan on Gilmore Girls. Every time I'd see the previews for The Resident, I kept trying to place who that was. (He really reminded me of a younger version of the actor Dale Midkiff who once played Elvis. It never even crossed my mind this was "Logan" - even as I watched it last night. This morning I googled Matt Czuchry and saw it was indeed "Logan" from Gilmore Girls.

    That being said - I work in a hospital - not clinical but still you see the realism when you work in a hospital - and I liked the fact this show seems like they are not going to sugar-coat it. 

    So far, so good. I'll stick with it for awhile anyway to see how it goes.

  13. 4 hours ago, seewillrun said:

    I guess we are just getting bits and pieces of the Athena marriage, but last week Athena finds out her husband has met someone and now that someone is coming to the hospital while their kid is having her stomach pumped.  I do not think I would have responded by getting myself a cup of coffee.

    I wouldn't either. To me, that implies her husband had "met" someone quite some time ago to have developed that close of a relationship already. Then again, some people jump right in with both feet. Retroactively, when Athena told him last week that she could live in a sexless but loving marriage, his reaction really ticked me off. He claims to love her and people who really love each other can live in a sexless but loving relationship for health reasons, why not for this reason if he really loved her?

    • Love 6
  14. I thought they were saying "Jimmy" but I googled his character's name and it is Howie Chimney Han. So I guess they were calling him "Chimney". Guess we'll learn later on how he got that name. But I thought he looked familiar. When I did that above mentioned google, it said he played Judge Lance Ito in American Crime Story's "The People vs. OJ Simpson". 

    First of all, I did think this episode was an improvement from the first two. I also agree with posters above in that they needed to show us more character development first. Abby's home life is really the only one we've been made privvy to. 

    Also agreed - Buck wouldn't have really taken the call from Abby during an active call, would he? He may be a bit green, but not sure even he would not just call her back as soon as he could after he was done with that call.

    And Athena stalking the teenagers...as someone said above - what could she possibly do to them that wouldn't get her in serious trouble?

    But all this being said, I'm seeing improvement and will continue to watch.

    • Love 4
  15. Maybe TPTB read these posts and next season he will wake up and it was all a dream like the Newhart show : )  We can hope anyway, right? 

    Oh and BTW, when Kevin was up on the billboard and Vanessa was down on the ground, he said something about loving her and she responded with it being the sweetest thing he ever said, I had to rewind it at least 6 times because I thought she started the sentence with, "Doug, that's the sweetest thing you ever said to me" but I think she was saying, "God, that's the sweetest thing you ever said to me". 

  16. 11 hours ago, Stacey1014 said:

    I wonder what the status of the diner is. Did they end up giving it to Nancy and Leon like they did in the last season, did it go under or are some of them still working there?

    Good question. I had not even thought of that.

  17. 49 minutes ago, CherryAmes said:

    anyway to go from one end of the political spectrum to the other is going to take some explaining

    I never thought of them as Democrats or Republicans in the 80's either so to me, I don't see there  being much change to their core beliefs/politics. I watched (and will watch) the show for the relationship dynamics, not the 80's shock value of Roseanne being kissed by a woman, nor the current shock value of gender neutral kids. I love the way Roseanne was the boss when she needed to be, but also let Dan take the reins sometimes too. I like how she and Jackie would stand up for each other to anyone and anything. I like how Roseanne was not the mushy, gushing perfect mom, who could throw out the one-line zingers with the best of them, but you knew she loved her kids more than anything. None of that has one thing to do with their political views - then or now.

    Most of all, overall they were - and still will be - like real people. (albeit the stupid lottery stuff) I'm not worried about who they voted for - but if they don't have real relationships with each other or real life situations, then I will be very disappointed. I am just very optimistic it will be like old times...I mean they still have THE SAME COUCH!

    • Love 4
  18. They will be the same characters. Are you exactly the same as you were over 20 years ago? I know I'm not.

    Life happens. People change. Their wants/needs/expectations change. Most people don't agree with every single aspect of any political party or agenda. Many times it's like a buffet where you have to pick and choose from your beliefs - you like mashed potatoes and brown gravy. The buffet has mashed potatoes, which you love, but chicken gravy, which you're not all that crazy about. You get the mashed potatoes and skip the gravy. It doesn't have to be all black and white, and in most cases, it isn't.  I personally vote for the person, not the party.

    That being said, whatever the views of the characters, I personally loved them as just people. (They felt like real people to me anyway: )  but just like our real family and friends, we don't always agree on politics, life events - you don't agree on many things, but you don't stop liking/loving them just because of that. You stop liking/loving people because they hurt you personally in some way - physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. And someone mentioned in another thread that in an interview, Sara Gilbert said that they aren't all going to see eye-to-eye on everything but that they'll work it out as a family with love. 

  19. I just finished binge watching all 4 seasons plus the 2017 Christmas movie. Here's all my convoluted thoughts and opinions:

    -The women's hair - too modern and colored. Would they have colored their hair? And if they did, I a pretty sure it would not have been highlighted back then. Plus the majority would have worn their hair up.

    -The clothes - most pretty fancy for the "wild west" or the "frontier". 

    -And how do these women who lost their husbands survive if they are not working like Abigail, etc?

    -Why would they have fundraisers (like the carnival) if the people can't afford to just donate the money? How then can they afford the things that would make money at the carnival fundraiser? 

    -I hate every part of Elizabeth's family and when any one of them or their house is on screen. Just makes me want to fast forward. Thankful there was no mention of them in season 4.


    And one question - is there an "original movie" that aired before the tv show started? I heard talk of that in thread above but never heard of it.

    • Love 1
  20. 26 minutes ago, Tanichka said:

    I feel that sometimes doofus charm does not wear well when you get older.  It's just annoying on anyone over 40.  I found that when Bill Murray got older, I couldn't stand him, yet I thought his smart ass comedy was hilarious back in the day.

    Or maybe it doesn't wear well when WE get older! LOL

    • Love 11
  21. On 12/13/2017 at 8:16 PM, jay741982 said:

    Devon fucking deserved it cause he's a Moron who voted out a sure Jury vote and biggest ally. Then he smiles afterward towards the Jury like he's some big player dude you just lost 

    WORD! That look he gave the jury - the "player dude smile" was EXACTLY that. It reminded me so much of high school when a guy cheated on his girlfriend and was caught - the smile he gave to save face with the guys. And I so liked Devon before putting together this Final Three with Chrissy and Ryan just because they were there. That was his only strategy for "big game play"...just because they were there. If fate had dealt him Dr. Mike & Ben on this reward, that would have been his final three. 

    • Love 5
  22. 7 hours ago, rainbowrockgal said:

    I hope this venture, which doesn't seem to be a scam will be her way to finally break away from the Brown clowns. If this is real I wish her all the luck! 

    I just looked at the website. Looks beautiful. I hope this is her chance to get away from them once and for all. 

    • Love 8
  23. 1 minute ago, peacheslatour said:

    Looks like they are in a child's room. I wonder who?

    I thought it looked like a current version of Darlene's & Becky's bedroom with them sitting on Darlene's bed.

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