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Posts posted by llewis823

  1. 10 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

    I wonder if doing stand-up has affected how she delivers some of the lines because I recall in the first season of the original show, Roseanne acted more like she was doing stand up then a sitcom.. but over time she became a pretty strong sitcom actress and Roseanne in real life is doing stand up again.

    I have thought this exact thing since the show debuted. I think she'll morph back into the more easy, natural speech. I hope so anyway. But I'll still watch even if she doesn't.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

    On rewatch (actually, three rewatches and counting), the first episode wasn't as unbearable with the politics angle as it felt the first time. And I realize that it's really not a pro-Trump show, as some of these people keep saying, nor was it pushing a pro-Trump agenda. It was, simply, about a political divide in a family. One character -- the main character -- supported Trump, her sister didn't, and they fought about it to the point where they stopped speaking altogether. We know Roseanne Barr is a Trump supporter, and they made Roseanne Conner the Trump supporter, but it really wasn't pushing a pro-Trump narrative. It was not pro- anyone; the storyline was about Roseanne and Jackie fighting over their political choices and that's all, which is a real reflection of the state of the country today, to be honest. People are divided. People ended relationships and friendships over this. It's real. So in that light, it was actually a good episode. The Trump and Hillary references and catchphrases were freaking annoying, but overall the theme of the episode made sense. I liked it. And since it's only just for that episode that it's going to come up, I can live with it. And I feel like Trump supporters who only watched because of the Trump angle, and Trump haters who didn't watch because of the Trump angle, are missing the point. And I don't feel like the Conners, and the show, do not represent "Trump's America" at all. There is no such thing as Trump's America. They represent a working-class family, same as they did in the original run, and nothing more. So those Trump supporters who tuned in because they think, "Finally, Hollywood is representing us"? Missing the point. Those Trump haters who avoided the show like the plague just because they feel like it's normalizing Trump? Again, missing the point. Now, there are also those people who refused to watch because of Roseanne Barr specifically, and their hatred of her as a right-wing Trump-loving nutcase with some really sick, demented views. I wholeheartedly agree with the Barr hatred. I'll be honest, I think she's a psychopath. She's gone from being controversial to just flat-out disgusting and evil. When I see her in "real life" in interviews or talk shows or whatever, I have to change the channel. She's gross. But when I watch this show, I don't see that woman. I don't see her real-life self. I see nothing more than the fictitious character of Roseanne Conner and I'm in the story world of the fictional Conner family in fictional Lanford, Illinois. I've loved this show for years. I only vaguely remember watching it in the original run, mostly the later years, but I became obsessed with the reruns, look forward to weekends just for the hours-long Roseanne marathons on cable. I like the show. And I was super excited about the revival and I wanted to watch it and I like it. I'm not going to not watch it because of the politics (although I might feel differently if it were going to be an ongoing plot and not just the one episode) or because of the woman starring in it. I can separate characters from their real selves. I like the show more than I hate Roseanne Barr. And I'm not going to not watch something I like to watch because people that I disagree with are fans also because they mistakenly think it's about them.

    I have a feeling you and I are poles apart on our political views, but I think this is an example of how two people with very different political views can agree on fundamental things and still get along without bashing either person's beliefs.  I think you said this as eloquently and as clearly as anyone could and I agree with the main points 100%! Whatever my views, I am not watching for that reason. I am watching to find out what Roseanne and her family have been up to and become after 20 years....just like I'd want to catch up with an old friend I hadn't seen in 20 years. I also agree that I don't watch this show for Roseanne Barr. I watch this show because I love the character of Roseanne Connor. Very well said, Chicken Wing!

    • Love 7
  3. 10 hours ago, chocolatine said:

    Hated the surrogacy storyline. Is it really surrogacy when you're using your own eggs? Becky would essentially be having her own child and giving it away. Sounds highly unorthodox.

    I wholeheartedly agree. And that was Dan & Roseanne's problem with it as well - that she'd be giving away their grandchild.

    • Love 9
  4. Are we there yet? lol  I am sooooo excited! My husband is on call on Tuesday nights and usually I won't watch anything we watch together if he has to go out on a call. But I already gave him fair warning about Roseanne - I will be watching and he can watch it later. lol

    • Love 2
  5. On 3/23/2018 at 6:37 PM, Mama No Life said:

    So stupid question....if Karen came "home" to Hen, and Karen left Hen in the grocery parking lot to make dinner for Denny.....where the hell does Denny live?  

    That's what I was wondering too. Because Denny is Hen's son - unless when they married legally, Karen adopted Denny legally. But I don't think that is the case since the bio mom and Hen's ex wanted to get custody.

    • Love 1
  6. Athena and Bobby? I am usually pretty good at seeing what's coming, but this time, I didn't see it until they were at the church together and then I started saying to the better half, 'Oh, they're gonna put Bobby and Athena together!" I like it! With both of them having so much baggage, that will make for at least another whole season of story lines! But I do hope Connie Britton comes back. Maybe she just wasn't "all-in" when she signed for one year and now that she sees it will be a hit, she'll resign. 

    Also, I did not realize this was a Ryan Murphy show. No wonder all the over the top gore - American Horror Story guy - and I love AHS too - or at least most of it.

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  7. On 3/21/2018 at 10:42 PM, RogerDodger said:

    Its a shame Connie Britton only signed for one season, because I really came to enjoy the Abby/Buck pairing.

    Oh, I didn't know this. I guess that is why we had this ending - so the show can negotiate w/her to stay/not stay - and that will decide whether Abby returns or not.

  8. On 3/15/2018 at 4:59 AM, BooBear said:

    enjoy this show doing relatively original stories. I mean they might be real life stories but I enjoy that they are looking for them and trying to use them.

    I also like that they have a theme for each episode and it kind of teaches us that a theme like that can apply to MANY different situations. Trapped to the hoarder guy was a much different trapped than Athena. (LMAO at Hen enjoying the situation...comic genius right there - I'd have been exactly like Hen if one of my friends called me for something like that!)

    19 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    But why couldn't she FaceTime her moms and save that date?? Her and Buck are becoming very believable to me.

    That's what I wondered too. I mean, I see how devoted she is to her mother but that whole balloon date must have cost Buck a pretty penny, and realistically it doesn't make any difference to Abby's mother whether she's there in person or over Skype/FaceTime. Either way she's not fully aware of what's going on. It was really more about Abby making herself feel better by doing "the right thing." I was kind of annoyed at Carla for calling her.


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  9. 9 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    The way I figure it future Randall is either referring to Beth, who is either dead or in some kind of care facility. Or he is referring to Deja who is in prison. They were foreshadowing severe issues with Deja tonight.

    I think Deja in prison because they said "Ten years in the future" when they talked about it and Randall didn't look much older. Therefore unless an unexpected illness or accident, Beth wouldn't be much older either.  Not to mention, there is now going to be an illness with Toby in the future (didn't it say "one year in the future" when they showed that?) and we have the ongoing sadness of Jack's death, and we had the ongoing death of Randall's bio dad. I just think Deja in jail would be more likely. But hey, I guess we'll have to just wait and see. It's gonna be a LONG summer!!!

    9 hours ago, Katy M said:

    And, just when Kate lets go of her father, Toby's going to up and die on her?  Aargh. Poor girl can't catch a break

    I don't know if I heard something they said to make me think this and just don't remember now or if it was just a gut feeling, but I don't feel Toby is physically sick (at least not in the traditional sense) but more like depression. Maybe one of his parents? Maybe they lose another baby in their first year? I could be wrong, of course, but I just don't think it will be a "regular" health crisis.

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  10. 16 hours ago, calipiano81 said:

    As ElectricBoogaloo stated, "shipping" is derived from the word "relationSHIP." The pairing that you support is called your "ship" and the supporters of a ship are called "shippers."

    And from what I've read, "shipping" originated with The X-Files, with fans who wanted Mulder and Scully to have a romantic relationship.

    Cool. Thanks  Calipiano81 for the clarification. Now it makes perfect sense. I have wondered about this FOREVER! : )

    On 3/12/2018 at 12:24 AM, katisha said:

    I do not buy the Jaggie thing for a moment. What a snoozy first kiss. And please keep Greg Germann.

    Word! Greg Germann's character is so much fun!

    • Love 1
  11. Okay, I have wanted to ask this on more than one previously tv forum. I have tried to figure it out on my own, but haven't been able to figure it out and I just give up. When fans are "SHIPPING" a couple, where did that term come from? I know it means you want them to be together. I know how you combine names like Jackson + April = Japril. But I just want to know where the term "SHIPPING" comes from - like what play on words made that become the term to use for wanting a couple to be together? Anyone? 

  12. Did I miss something? When Meredith heard the man's last name with the polymer, did she not recognize the last name as her mom's friend? (or as it turns out - former friend)? Or was "Mer-Mer" too young to have known her last name back in the day? I may have just answered my own question. She was, afterall, too young to know that she and her mom ended up as bitter enemies. I have to say, until Weber said that about them being arch-enemies, I did not see this twist coming.

  13. I will say I enjoy this show more often than not, but it's kind of like a watered down version of "Home Improvement"...the husband is always the foil to the wife, but in the end, they are all fine. And I never liked Stacy Keach before this show, but he is just hilarious as his dad.

    • Love 4
  14. On 7/18/2016 at 7:26 PM, Steff said:

    Then at his house once, it was on & I realized that Sandy Cory (one of my teenage summer crushes from Another World soap) was Brock & I was hooked. 

    I thought I was the only one who remembered him from Another World. Loved that soap...even my hubby watched that one when we were teenagers.

    • Love 2
  15. 51 minutes ago, Trillian said:

    The whole time Randall was in Vegas obsessing about Deja, I kept thinking “how are Tess and Annie doing, Randall?  Remember them?  Even if they’re safe with Rebecca and Miguel or with friends, shouldn’t you remember you have your own kids?”


    • Love 16
  16. On 2/24/2018 at 9:44 AM, deaja said:

    A lot of shows have been off for the olympics; there is a new episode scheduled for Monday.

    I watched last night but maybe it was my imagination, but I could have sworn Kevin & Vanessa fixed each other up on dates before. It almost felt like I had already seen this episode. (Does that mean they are just so predictable, I just think I saw them because the outcome is seen coming a mile away?)

  17. 6 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    I forgive neither. One had a one year old child and one is crybaby that can't stand to be away from his family for three damn weeks. Stay the fuck home and stop wasting people's time. The audience and people who came to play.

    Not to mention, if you're so family oriented, that's an awful lot of baby mamas (at least 2) plus now he is engaged to someone else. And he can't stand to be away from her? Gimme a break - I guess he couldn't stand to be apart from the other baby mamas at one time either. Then how did he go out on the road for basketball? And anyone nursing SHOULD NOT have signed up for this. or at the VERY LEAST, brought a back up pump herself.  Seriously - 3 weeks people? The non-celebrity version is 3 MONTHS!

    • Love 12
  18. 9 hours ago, anna0852 said:

    See for me it's the opposite. I think Roseanne has aged better than John, Sarah or Laurie.

    For the record, I absolutely love John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf. As for John, I know losing weight is healthy, and I know quite a few years have passed, but his face just looks like it melted but then someone drew in dark eyebrows. And Laurie hasn't lost weight - if anything she has gained, but her face reflects a hard life to me. Granted these are just my opinions on superficial appearances, but every time I see them now, it shocks me.

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  19. I almost wonder if Vanessa's botox fiasco was a F-U to all of us talking about Leah's weird looking lips. I am sure she has heard what people are saying about her lips and I'd be far too embarrassed to emphasize botox to the point I couldn't move my face  when people are saying it in real life. Then again, maybe she is just that good of a sport and can take it as well as dish it out and was poking fun at herself???

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