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Posts posted by llewis823

  1. On 10/3/2018 at 3:43 PM, aquarian1 said:

    When Torres revealed he was upset over the broken sunglasses (well, really it was about grieving Reeves) I thought it looked like he was going to confess he was in love with Bishop.  I was so glad it was "just" the sungless/grief.  

    That's what I thought too.

    • Love 2
  2. Misc about this episode...

    I like the new supervisor and thought she fit in very well right from the get-go. As someone said upthread, I do love Scott Bakula, but could stand a little less of him onscreen too. (BTW, CPR is not done with the person propped up in a bed - they would have set the bed to flat). Also, does anyone else think that Gregario's character has really changed more than an average person would change? She seems to have lost her edge. Even her tough accent seems to have vanished. Oh and one more thing - and keep in mind that I love Lucas Black - but he has a weird stance, gate, and even when he does the crouching thing with his gun to cover someone or check out a building for the bad guys. It's just weird looking to me.

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  3. 9 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

    Randall's obsession with Deja is starting to really make me uncomfortable. It's too intense. It's bordering on creepy at this point. Annie and Tess, who are adorable and wonderful, are being neglected and Deja is being smothered. I'm half-expecting a storyline where he and Deja get too close, if you catch my drift.

    I am hoping this does not happen and I don't think it will. That being said, I think we are just seeing his interaction with Deja because there is drama in it. I think it is implied that he spends time with Annie & Tess but there is no real story to tell, so it's not shown.  With a family drama format like this, it is kind of careless on the writers' part not to include the "regular everyday stuff" though as well to give some balance. For example, besides Randall and his other daughters - show us Miguel and Rebecca puttering around the house just enjoying each other's company. 

    • Love 10
  4. 9 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    I get that Kate's comment meant biologically.  But you pass on more than just DNA from your parents.   I felt bad for Randall in that moment. It may not have been as bad if he hadb't already been told he wasn't part of William's world.  Now to hear something like that from Kate of all people had to hurt.

    I was thinking Randall was being self-absorbed and whiny when she said that - knowing she meant biologically - but choosing to be butt-hurt despite it. But reading your comment - now I get it - he'd just been told he was not part of his bio dad's world and now all he heard in his frame of mind is that he doesn't belong in his adoptive dad's world either. I have more empathy for him now.

    • Love 17
  5. On 9/27/2018 at 12:49 PM, littlemommy said:

    Well, you could watch “Coven” to catch up on the witches. I thought it was pretty terrible at the time, but I feel more charitable toward it every year that passes and blesses us with a worse season. 

    I agree.

  6. On 9/27/2018 at 5:55 AM, amazingracefan said:

    The time allocation wasn't good in general, nothing from several of the previous HGs.

    THIS x 1000! I hate that Tyler & Kaycee did not have time to think to answer the questions (of which were all the same question put in different ways). I also hate we didn't get to see the pre-jury evicted houseguests more. Do you believe Kaitlyn didn't even say a word???? I forgot she was there until I saw her hugging one of them as the credits rolled.

    On 9/27/2018 at 7:12 AM, Skycatcher said:

    I wonder if the princess has had the ring appraised yet. Ya know,  to see if it's worthy of her.

    I even commented to my husband, "I'm sure Daddy bought the ring so it would be worthy of his little girl."

    23 hours ago, rockibirdi said:

    I don't believe anything that comes out of Tyler's mouth.  When he said that he thought the viewers hated him my thought was that his comment is total bullshit. If he is such the super fan that he claims to be, he would know that viewers like perceived big moves and machinations. He worked the audience in his DRs, tried to look charming, in the hopes of getting the money for AFP.   I see Tyler as very fake and this season has kind of turned me off BB with the boosting of Tyler as one of the main goals of the production. 

    But he had no way of knowing how BB would edit him. For all he knew, they wouldn't show half of what he said in DR.

    • Love 5
  7. 6 hours ago, PhoneCop said:
    6 hours ago, Nashville said:

    I miss Bwak Bwak.

    And Rockstar too, for that matter.

    And by Rockstar I mean the show, not the HG.

    OMG, that takes me back. #TeamDilana


    I really have been watching reality TV for too long. So apparently there was no Season 3 because CBS wanted to go with Pirate Master, of all things? Thanks, Moonves!

    I loved the guy Marty and can't remember his last name at the moment. I loved his version of "Wish You Were Here" better than the original Pink Floyd version.

    • Love 5
  8. 3 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

    How does that troll, JC, who hasn't won one thing, not an HOH, a veto--nothing! make it into the Final 3 when he's done nothing but talk smack all summer long. That, and sexually harass the other house guests. He won all of one competition and there he sits. He deserves to be kicked out and here he is with a Final 3.

    THIS. A thousand times THIS! So undeserving to be where he is...dumb luck is all it was.

    • Love 4
  9. 2 hours ago, Princess Consuela said:

    Also loved EZ holding the baby (still want to know about what happened to his kid)

    In one of the previous episodes, they showed Galindo's wife staring at a child across the street from where she was standing who would probably be the age of the child she would have had with EZ. Was that one of the rebel kids or was it their kid? (It was a super-short scene when she was getting into a car).

  10. 17 hours ago, SuzieQ said:

    What did strike me as weird is how normal Gemma and Chucky seem. I guess I'm still not over Jax's end. They should all be devastated, even if it is 2 years later!

    Not to mention, Gemma died before Jax. So she would not have been upset about his death. And of course, it was a flashback even so.

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  11. On 9/15/2018 at 10:58 AM, ctlady said:

    Other than Coco (who, IMO, is shaping up to be the Mayans 'Tig')

    I thought the same thing. and I think Tig was always my favorite.

    On 9/15/2018 at 10:58 AM, ctlady said:

    Any and all scenes with EJO are fantastic.  Him conversing with his dead wife really got to me.

    Again, spot on. Just love him - one of the best actors out there - on this show or any other.

    On 9/15/2018 at 10:58 AM, ctlady said:

    - Finally - This coup against the cartel/club led by Alita is not interesting me one bit.  I think they introduced this plot way too fast.  Something like this may have been more believable for later seasons, not the pilot.  I want to see the unity and brotherhood of these guys and already dissension has been introduced.

    Again, agree with you completely. So much to try to keep straight. I'd rather they have delved more into the character development  of the MC first.

  12. 4 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

    I guess I'm one of the few who thought the premiere was awful, just as bad as Cult's premiere. I only tuned in for the MH/Coven crossover and not one character from either was in the premiere. Instead we get a rehash of why this show has become unwatchable. I did like the new credits opening; besides that, the only things horrific about the show at this point are the bad writing and complete waste of some great talent.

    I thought it was okay - not what I was hoping for anyway. But I do disagree with you about the opening credits. I personally think the opening credits are usually creepier than the actual show and look forward to them. (Freak Show was one of the best opening credits IMHO). I was not impressed with the ones last night. I think this whole atmosphere kind of gives off "A Handmaid's Tale" kind of vibe.

    Oh, and is it bad that I can't even remember what CULT was about? Tells you how impressed I was with that one, huh? My favorite was Murder House and I was just blown away when Violet saw herself in the basement/well/whatever it was. I never saw that coming. I also thought Freak Show and the one with the Clown were pretty good. Coven was so/so. Roanoke also so/so. The one I really did not like was Hotel. (altho I liked the character of Denis O'Hare and the setting of the hotel).

    And if I never see Emma Roberts "act" again, it will still be too soon. She sure doesn't have any of her dad's or aunt's talent.

  13. 26 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

    Because everyone's been asking (lol)...Here's MY ranking of the HG who are still there: 

    1- Tyler

    2- Sam (sorry - still like her but don't see much chance of her winning)

    3 - Brett

    4 - Kaycee

    5 - Angela (can't stand her - the arrogance of someone who is not nearly as beautiful as she thinks she is)

    6 - JC - he is just disgusting in every way

    **Not even including Haleigh - she's a walking "Gone Girl"

    • Love 1
  14. 42 minutes ago, acid burn said:

    The man who showed up at the end was Michael, Vivien and Tate's (now adult) son, the Antichrist. Billie Dean Howard said in Murder House the Antichrist would herald the end times. Hence, AHS Apocalypse. 

    So if it is end of times and they are combining elements of all the shows, do we think or have we heard this is the last season? 

  15. 30 minutes ago, Nashville said:

    Oh no no no no no.  I want JC in the JH, blindsided and raving lunatic mad.  Bring a little ray of sunshine into the JH, donchaknow.  :D

    I mean... just imagine it...  hee hee hee hee hee...!!!

    Can I like this more than once? : )

    • Love 6
  16. On 9/5/2018 at 8:40 PM, Ohwell said:

    75% of the dialogue having subtitles.  I understand why it's necessary but it takes me out of the scenes.

    My thoughts on this are that if they all speak Spanish, why are they speaking English at all with each other? I get they are doing it for the show's sake, but in reality, would they really speak English as much of the time as they do?

  17. 6 hours ago, Nashville said:

    On the one hand some people apparently have absolutely zero concept of just how bad their BO is, and just how inadequate cologne covers it;

    Kind of OT, but yesterday at the QuikTrip, I went to get an iced tea and all of a sudden all I could smell was MAJOR BAD B.O. Like some of the worst I've ever smelled. I look up and there is this guy who thinks he is Ted Nugent - sleeves cut off of a button down shirt, braided long gray hair and a cowboy hat. He would have been a good looking guy had he not smelled like he hadn't had a shower in 8 days and 7 nights. OMG...I almost gagged.

    • Love 5
  18. 10 hours ago, lizajane said:

    That was the most hideous engagement ring ever. Did she call it cute?

    It looked like a child's cocktail ring out of a bubble gum machine. At least from what I could see of it - notice they didn't show it close up or even again. Might be good reason for that.

    • Love 8
  19. On 7/19/2018 at 6:06 PM, SuprSuprElevated said:

    I agree. I never had much of an opinion on her until this show.  I think she sucks to be honest.  She's ok in the comedy stuff but anything else and she's terrible. Especially when she's trying to play mad, she looks like a little kid play acting.  She also needs to lose that 10 year old's hairdo. Haas she had work done?  She's so strange looking to me. 

    I agree about the overacting. But I still enjoy her in the show. I also agree about the 10 year old's hairdo needing to go. But more than anything, most of the time, her eyebrows are too dark for that bleach blonde hair. I think many women look great with that color of hair, but if you go much lighter on your haircolor, you need to also lighten your eyebrows. That's just a silly pet peeve of mine. Her's are not as dark as a lot of women but in some instances they are.

    • Love 2
  20. 6 hours ago, Nashville said:

    I know some of the folks here have expressed dissatisfaction with the Pagonging of FOUTTE/S65432/Hive - it’s too predictable, it’s boring, etc. - but I feel I have to disagree.  When an alliance insists on playing in a manner which repeatedly demonstrates total idiocy and ignorance of their environment and its dynamics - when they are figuratively* on their knees begging for blindside after blindside after blindside even when they’re the ones in power - then it gives me great satisfaction to see them properly rewarded for their piss-poor gameplay.  It’s the reality show version of an educational beatdown, and school is in session.

    Preach it, Nashville! Can I get an AMEN?! : )

    • Love 3
  21. 1 hour ago, Nashville said:

    Same here; Pinky’s words may have technically been neutral, but her body language was most emphatically not.  I read it as clearly accusatory, and cackled when Kaycee (bad acting and all) basically told Pinky she REALLY needed to back up out of her face with that shit - whatever reaction Pinky was expecting, I don’t think that was quite it.  And Pinky’s attempts to backpedal it some were ludicrous.

    I took it the same way - accusatory. And I was looking down at my phone or something when Kaycee came back with that warning and I had to look up to see if it was, indeed, Kaycee being that firm. You go girl! I don't thinks Angie (still refuse to call her that nickname that SO does not fit her) saw that coming either.

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