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Posts posted by llewis823

  1. 14 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Y'know LoLo really isn't that pretty because she has this bizarre, oddly shaped face. Google the Wayne Boring Superman comics from the 1950's and you'll see the same bizarre shape to the faces there.

    Someone needs to glue that wig on Tamar's head because she becomes beautiful when it on...the bald look not so much...no not at all actually.

    Random thoughts but first, regarding North of Eden's post - Funny - I thought that in the competition where they had to find the mistakes on the magazine covers, that the one with LoLo's selfie was the one with the mistake, but not because the dress color was different, but because the photo on the magazine cover showed LoLo with boobs and I have never seen any female over the age of 7 with less boobs than LoLo. And yes, she does have a very odd shaped jaw-line - like the bottom half of a stop sign??? And then there is the fact that she's bat-shit crazy!

    I cannot stand Tamar, but I agree that she was very pretty wearing the wig.

    And Kandi's black lipstick is just gross. Don't know how on earth she thinks that looks good.

    I miss Kato already. I just think he seems like a nice guy. And I like Tom too. Did not think I'd like either of them, but I do. 

    • Love 7
  2. On 1/31/2019 at 9:15 PM, readster said:

    Hey, Molly still exists, but we will NEVER see her again. 

    Sure we will. When the actress who plays Maggie wants to leave or the writers want to write Maggie off. They will HAVE to have another sister waiting in the wings...ta-dah: Molly is back!

    • Love 5
  3. 37 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

    What gave Natalie and Lolo the idea  that Dina is 52?  According to her CBS biography, Dina is 56.

    That's probably what Dina told them. Dina reminds me SO MUCH of one of my best friends' late mother. The white, white dye job (but my friend's mom had prominent black roots) but styled the same way and her face even looks like my friend's mom.  Kind of fun "seeing her" again through someone else.

    • Love 2
  4. 18 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

    I was probably most excited about Joey when I saw the list of celebs. I grew up with Gimme A Break & Blossom and "Whoa!" is still part of my lexicon, but he's turned out to be such a dud personality-wise.  He seems totally uncomfortable with every aspect of the game so I'm thinking maybe he only agreed to do it because he filed for bankruptcy last year and needs the money. (Although, if that's the case, you'd think he'd be trying harder to win, not immediately shutting down alliances.) Also, as much as the name Bald Whoa Guy cracks me up, it's also depressing because it just reminds me how old I am lol.

    Rachel, I could have written this myself. I thought he was going to be my favorite. Nope. Same as you - not thrilled with his personality. Surprisingly to me, Kato & Tom are my favorites. I never would have seen that coming in a million years.

    • Love 3
  5. 8 hours ago, slasherboy said:

    My favorites are Tom & Kato, in that order.  Either could win and I'd be happy.  Anybody else wins and I'll be sad.  But I'll get over it real quick.

    Same here except for the order. Who knew I'd like Kato so much? And same goes for Tom. 

    Is it me or does it look like Joey Lawrence is sick? He just looks so bad - so, so bad.

    • Love 6
  6. 11 hours ago, Nashville said:
    12 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

    Julie's wearing a decent dress tonight but I don't think beigey tan is her best color.

    Looked fine to me.  ;>

    I even told my husband that I actually liked her dress on last night's show. I was thinking that I can't pull off wearing that color though because of my lighter hair color - too similar and it washes me out. I thought Dark haired Julie looked good in that color.

    10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

    I loved that when Tamar knew the backdoor plan she was still all pissed off sitting on the block because it wasn't HER that got saved with the veto. You could just see her squirming and making faces... and her playing the sexism card was a classic case of "What did you hear me say?" 'Cause she twisted that shit real quick. I think she's one that goes through life seeking out reasons to be pissed at the world so she can wail and cry every five minutes about how put upon she is. Man is it tiring.

    The problem is that half the world has this stupid type of agenda. PC gone wild. I absolutely cannot stand people like this. And oh, Tamar - Kato wasn't asking you to be a maid - just to clean up after your own nasty sloppiness!

    • Love 12
  7. On 1/23/2019 at 9:32 PM, blackwing said:

    My least favorite of this group is the Raven.  I just don’t enjoy her singing or her performance.  Don’t know much about Ricki Lake or her backstory but I do think it a bit odd that in the post MeToo era where women are supposed to be strong and independent and make their own choices, she kept talking about how she needed a MAN who came and took her away.

    They said the man came and took her away in 1968. Ricki Lake was born in 1968. But the voice (or rather inflections) do sound like her to me.

  8. I thought the actor who plays old Nicky, Griffin Dunne was really believable as the older version of the actor we've been seeing as young Nicky. I also noticed how similar Griffin Dunne's eyes are to Jack's (Milo Ventimiglia). They are that dark, dark brown and kind of "beady". This show is always spot-on in casting different actors for a character's different ages and this one is no exception. I would guess that maybe Griffin Dunne studied "Jack's" mannerisms because some of the eye movements/facial expressions reminded me of Jack's. If he didn't try to capture Jack's mannerisms purposely, it sure was a great coincidence.

    All that being said, I am surprised that I actually enjoyed this story line so far. I didn't think I would.

    • Love 9
  9. 2 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    At this rate, everyone at the hospital will know about Catherine's illness by the time she gets back.

    Was Maggie Catherine's doctor? It's been so long since that all aired that I don't remember. If she was, that is HIPAA violations out the wahzoo. Even if she was not her doctor, it's just in poor taste to tell her son and now her husband. Clearly if she wanted them to know, SHE would have told them. Then again, with her not answering when they call (how long is it supposed to have been since anyone has heard from her?) might be a valid reason to come forward with the information.

    • Love 5
  10. On 1/8/2019 at 8:36 PM, bettername2come said:

    5 bucks says the baby is named Kimberly. Especially since Pamela's taken. If we get no new season I'm standing by this theory. 

    I was thinking that too. They could tell them apart by calling Kimmie - Kimberlina! : )

    • Love 2
  11. 15 hours ago, BeachDays said:

    It seriously made me flip out when I saw it.  Was NOT expecting to see the Lunch Box (or whatever it’s called) again.  I’m almost more excited about that than I am about David.  Ok no I’m still most excited about David, but still lol

    Do you think that maybe they sold the Lunch Box to Leon? And that way he could make a cameo appearance? Because we know he probably doesn't have time for a full time part on The Connors because of his new show The Cool Kids. I'd LOVE to see Leon again! I hope they didn't sell it to Nancy.

    • Love 5
  12. The only judge I remotely like is Robin Thicke. Jenny McCarthy is just beyond obnoxious - always has been and always will be - and I think the thing most obnoxious about her is that she truly thinks she is relevant. The other female judge - I don't even know her name - she doesn't smile. And I thought that Joel guy who was a guest judge last night was just an ass. He was a guest and he talked over the other judges, the host, the audience and well, that's everyone. 

    • Love 4
  13. 10 hours ago, camom said:

    Neither Randall nor Beth has had a job for quite a while, right?  What are they living on?  I'm sure they had savings, but neither one seems the least bit concerned about money.  I guess now Randall will be getting paid by the city of Philadelphia.  I assume they'll have to move there, which will be really hard on the girls.

    Maybe Randall will go to Philadelphia by himself and live in their building to show his constituents he is just like them, while Beth and the girls stay in their home. More of that unbelievable stuff we post about in that other thread - maintaining two households. And then some woman will test Randall.

    • Love 4
  14. On 1/14/2019 at 11:57 AM, Kyanight said:

    And those LAST shoes - I think they are T H E most butt ugly and unflattering shoes I've ever seen! 

    If you take your hand and cover up the bottom of the last woman's dress and just look at her legs/feet/shoes, I swear to you it looks like an old man's in clunky house slippers!

    • Love 9
  15. 9 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

    omething I just noticed about this photo is that they are both wearing watches. I used to be lost without mine, but since I got my first smartphone maybe five or six years ago I gave them up. Interesting that some kids are still wearing them.

    Something I noticed are both of them have the worst eyebrows EVER...and to think Mariah was giving her mother trouble about hers a few years ago. 

    • Love 15
  16. 9 hours ago, CleoCaesar said:

    I wish Randall gets run over by a truck at some point this season. I cannot stand his self-absorbed ass. His stupid sappy speeches. His getting the effing blueberry pie after hassling the cashier. His turning off Anderson Cooper – that his family was actively watching – to perform – oh yes! – yet another cheesy monologue. I suppose his enormous self-absorption makes sense, from his constantly being fawned over by Rebecca and Jack in childhood and by Beth in adulthood. For what, I do not know.

    And of course he won. How could Randall Pearson, saint that he is, son of even bigger saint, NOT win an election in a district he doesn't live in?


    At least I loved that the guy who bought Toby’s collectibles wasn’t even a little bit moved by Kate’s cringy guilt trip monologue to get them back. (Then again if the writers are self-aware about the repetitive emotionally manipulative monologues they write, maybe they should stop writing them.)

    I wish I could love this post more than once or to the nth degree or extremely love or...well you get what I'm saying...lol : )

    • Love 7
  17. All signs point to Julian being dead, but I don't think they'd kill off the character for which Devin left his fiance at the altar. I think they have her tied up somewhere and that is how Devin will be exonerated. But I think that will not be revealed for awhile...you know, drama to be played out with him being accused, etc. Don't you all think that maybe Bell will be accused of killing Lane?

    And yes, I see Nic being torn between Conrad and Mr. Do-Gooder. But this too shall pass...

    • Love 2
  18. This topic hits close to home. We have a poker party every New Years Eve and there are quite a few smokers who attend. It is in our basement and when my daughter is not there, we allow them to smoke and just open the basement window (we have a finished basement). A few years ago, my daughter came and we created a smoking area in our garage - comfy, warm. But the smokers complained and two of them actually made excuses the next year assuming they wouldn't be able to smoke in the basement. Well, my daughter had a baby last year and wanted to spend NYE with her family/long time friends so nobody could smoke in the basement but this year, nobody complained because it was for the baby, not my adult daughter's preference. It is always a touchy subject with them because we have to stop playing poker every so often for people to take a smoke break. Thus - we have to wait on the smokers.

    • Love 3
  19. If she had cropped this photo at the waist, it would not be bad - almost nice. You would not have been able to see the shirt was shapeless...or the dirty or bruised up looking feet. Just ewwwweee...

    • Love 11
  20. I'm sorry - "Audge" is just not a pleasant sounding nickname. It reminds me of an augger (like the kind to clean out a disgusting drain) combined with sludge (which you find in the nasty drain). and it is one letter off from fudge and pudge. And on that note - couldn't happen to a more appropriate person.

    • Love 15
  21. 15 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

    Is William Fichtner doing something else this season? He's been absent from the last few episodes. 

    Yes they are starting another season of Prison Break plus something else, too. So he is really busy and that is probably why we're not seeing much of him. 


    1 hour ago, LadyKenobi said:

    So great to see French Stewart again. He's fantastic in this role. I wish he'd show up more.

    I thought we were being fed an old re-run when the scene opened with him. So glad it wasn't and he is back, even if only occasionally.

    • Love 5
  22. On 12/4/2018 at 11:42 PM, Pete Martell said:

    It came across to me as both of them struggling with boundaries, and that Ben's issues with Darlene were more that she was somewhat defensive from the time she came into his apartment (thanks to her conversation with Becky) but I see what you mean. I kind of think the main reason it feels like Darlene is changing more is because she is our point of view character - Ben is just there to facilitate her storyline.  

    I feel like this whole story is a setup for if Johnny Galecki can return next season - we are hearing about how Darlene gives too little and David gave too much. I could see the "new" David and Darlene reconciling. 

    In the last episode thread, I told how my husband and I have been together since we were 14/15 years old. How we separated for 7 months, dated other people and found out how life would have been apart and ended up reconciling and having a better relationship than we ever have. However, I did not tell you why we split up. I was always the controlling one - granted I was also the more mature one who knew how the world works so besides just being the alpha, my husband always LET me be the alpha, too. But as he grew up and matured and started to become more "worldly", I kept being controlling. And it finally got to him. And that was why he left - not for someone else, - but because I was a control freak. 

    Ironically when he dated someone else during that 7 months, she looked very much like me and even more interesting, she made me look like an amateur at being a control freak! LOL  Me, on the other hand, went the opposite route - I ended up in a relationship with a guy like Ben - another alpha. It was very exciting, but also a major learning experience for me. I had never relinquished control before that. And as Juliette Lewis's character Blue put it "Let someone else drive the bus, hold the reins, etc. - you might like it". And for the most part, I did like it. 

    So when hubby & I reconciled, I told him I wanted him to have more control and take the reins more, etc. as part of our reconciliation agreement we wrote up. (not legal - just for us) And I'm still the alpha, but not to the point of controlling him and he also steps up to the plate now too. I think maybe they really are going for this scenario with David and Darlene (especially with BBT ending this year).

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