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Samurai X

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Everything posted by Samurai X

  1. His family is not helping much by keeping that food in the house.
  2. "Youse saying my niece has been raped?" Who talks like that? Especially to your sister, she knows that is your niece.
  3. This was all I got out of all of Lisa's whining
  4. She sure did. A few times. It was also something the show for a bit had to keep mentioning in every case.
  5. I think people have hard on Evelyn. Nicole has been around longer so her bs kind of takes precedence in the discussion I suppose. Evelyn also didn't do much in the Tell All. They didn't challenge her or David on anything. So it was just them being smug and on their high horse. Which is why we got David lecturing about age gaps and Host Shaun not questioning when their relationship started.
  6. This was actually kind of boring. The show was too be dramatic and exciting, but not willing to go all out. Could be that Host Shaun is kind of bad, but those softball questions are too much. Why did she not bring up Josh's situation with his ex-wife and why he maybe doesn't have contact with the kids he has not? Why was it ignored that David Spain started hitting on Evelyn when she was 15? In general, having the couples all there with their own hot takes on one other when they had no higher ground to stand on was annoying. David Spain lecturing about age gaps, Josh talking about responsibility, Molly, and Nicole going back and forth on their shitty parental decisions. Just ugggh. Don't even care for Undreiiiii, but he was the only person making sense. Annie became more and more unlikable. Her completely dismissing why David's daughter turned out that way and saying it's an American thing and has nothing to with her; It does have something to do with you Annie because you should care about how your husband treats his kids. Then Annie telling Nicole how much Azan disrespects her while sitting next to her Bahtman after watching him gaslight her. Antonio is an asshole, but at least he is entertaining. I have no doubt in my mind that Chris will keep supporting David Poor. Even David had a look on his face when Chris said it's over like "Yeah, I'm, getting that money". Aika and Josh are apparently "trying" for kids, but then Josh says he hasn't even gotten the reversal. Sorry, Aika, accept it now you will not have kids with this man. He is waiting it out until it's too late. Luis did everything wrong and Molly still had to beg him to come back. Just wow. Olivia, get ready to go to college and get the hell out. Luis will probably stick around a little longer, it does help he is actually attracted to Molly, unlike Mohamit and Danyill. He will then peace out again. Not sure what they expected David and Evlelyn to say "Best sex of my life"? "It sucked"? What an awkward scene. Not sure I even care about Nicole and Azan. TLC will try to suck everything out of this for as long as possible. I just hope May makes it out alright.
  7. Well, it certainly explains Luis' behavior. The guy was waiting it out once he realized his situation was unfavorable so played Molly waiting for her to kick him out. Good job, Molly your kids definitely came first. Bathman is a shitty human. He knew that the odds were in his favor to bluff Annie out because Annie would give and do it anyway. Where are the stacks of tapes David has on Chris though? This is excessive. Josh has a likable family, but he himself is trash. His crocodile tears at not seeing his kids because of what his ex-wife did were bs. I'm sure if you cared that much you would see your kids, I also wonder why they want nothing to do with him. Hmmmmm. But sure he is a nice guy, doesn't matter that Aika herself said he doesn't take the baby thing seriously, but go ahead and probably not have kids like you want. Friend David Spain and Mekala should team up. I can see them bonding over watching their friend's marriage fall apart like I suspect it too. Also, notice how Mekala isn't there with all of Evelvln's yes women. girls.
  8. Great episode to show everyone is trash. Luis wants out. He is giving Molly everyone excuse to send him back. The guy is done. I did appreciate the Antonio callback with "It's period".
  9. I really didn't know what to say after that last scene. Did TLC set that up? After implying it once at the restaurant, Luis then continues to do it after Molly actually tells him no? Why didn't Brother Molly shut that shit down?
  10. "But I am logic. I am thinking in logic way"- Antonio Beautiful.
  11. That Corney/Antonio convo was great. Some great lines in there. "Corny pls, stop" "Are you getting on your period?" "No more wine"
  12. "My God, Paul ran into the forest!" I'm dead
  13. "People think I'm crazy for spending my 401K, but this could change my life" No shit, you just spent your 401K. Your life has already been changed.
  14. Paul all sweaty from the day, with those dirty socks on the bed; HOT!. Seriously that was gross, and Karine is trying to jump his bones so hard. There has to be something we are missing here right? Something not being translated on television? There is nothing about Paul that would lead me to believe she wants to sex him that bad.
  15. I think my boy Alexi was over Pao here. Several points you can tell he was internally rolling his eyes. Towards the end, he also got a little annoyed at Pao's "Gold Digger school" comment. Loren laughs it up, but Alexi snaps back with his remark about Columbia. You know, Lauren feels so offended because people like Jorge and Anfisa, Mo and Dani are delegitimizing the process, while there is some truth in that I have to question; what makes a marriage legit? Jorge and Anfisa had an arrangement. He knew her terms, and they were willing to get married for that. Why is that less legit than a couple who get married purely for love? Why is she not angry at Pao? I can easily look at the show and make assumptions based on how she treats Russ. That she just a Columbian working looking to break into American modeling. Loren and Pao spent so much critiquing others when they haven't been perfect either. Anfisa came off really well. It took caty Lauren and Pao and Potato George to get me on Team Anfisa.
  16. What the hell was Paul expecting? I mean he asks so earnestly too. Yes, Family Karina, let your 21-year-old daughter go to a hotel with this sweaty, creepy, pasty 34-year-old man who speaks .5 % Portuguese. They just met and they can't communicate, but oh well! I wonder If TLC wasn't there would Father Karina even let Paul into his house and kick him out to be kidnaped by pirates and/or urethra eating fish? Darcy is such an airhead. I kind of felt bad for hearing when Hippy Dave started questioning her. It all stopped when they were in the car and she starts going on about her marriage to Jesse being a set in stone. While he sits almost flabbergasted at her constant poking. Courtney is dumb. Patrick was okay until his "American women" comment. At least he has a healthy relationship with his baby mother. And great, next week is another "older white guy trying to get an Asian girl".
  17. I could barely see anything after that massive shade Russ was throwing.
  18. Jesse definitely seems annoyed by her talking. You can see it on his face.
  19. Danielle's excuse was that she was "Doing this for her kids" and they clearly don't give a damn. They just want no part of Mohamed and want their mom to move on already. Yet she can't let it go.
  20. I'll leave this here. Feel Free to use this as wallpaper.
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