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Everything posted by TVcritic

  1. To me, Jack Kingston will always be THAT guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvsCVJA0v4E
  2. The Kasich interview was disappointing: considering ideas, not one word about Progressives (Bernie, AOC and others). Typical for Bill because he belongs to the establishment.
  3. I see. Trevor was channeling his inner Stephen Colbert with the calculator bit. ;-)
  4. Roy sounded a lot like he could lose his voice any time soon. Whoever next? ;-) When watching Bill Gates these days it always astonishes me how much he aged in the last 10 years. Too much drinking poop water? :-)
  5. Concerning complacency: Pelosi already said that she wants to work with Republicans. We know how that turned out in the past. Good luck with that... I hope progressive forces come forward and give that darn administration hell!
  6. So, why isn't separating children from parents called torture...? Would that make the MAGA snowflakes uncomfortable?
  7. Trevor's looks always reminded me of a younger Al Jarreau. Sporting a white suit, he even more resembled Al: "We're in This Love Together" would make for a nice Midterm slogan. :-)
  8. Let's make them action heroes: RAGA and DAGA fighting MAGA. ;-)
  9. I pitied the musicians. While playing, their instruments had been insulted. ;-) On a more serious note: Can someone tell me what is not political nowadays in the US?
  10. So, Bill thinks he can have anybody on his show if the ratings are good enough or why does he have people like Stormy and Mooch on? A waste of time, money and energy... :-(
  11. I see, the Colbeard is back... It's like that groundhog that appears for a short time and then goes away. ;-)
  12. The LWT team should have made Gilbert Gottfried doing a Queen impression when not showing the Parliament bit. ;-)
  13. In case of pay cuts: hopefully all the actors stay on board! And promote the series well, NBC! There's so much more to explore in B99 land ... ;-)
  14. Wow. When the children appeared on Blankenship's arms, out of thin air, I went 'WTF?' John's writers have a hard time upping the craziness that comes from the dark conservative side. Who needs SNL anymore? ;-) Oh, and John could have mentioned that Giuliani's 'heroship' is actually based on lies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudy_Giuliani_during_the_September_11_attacks We'll see if the 'Giuliani calendar' runs out of time soon ... :-) ... and if blocking Giuliani from having giuliani2024.com is good enough. There's still giuliani2020.com available, methinks.
  15. Looks like, in this case, she does give a f*ck. Oh, and Pence as a stinkbug gave me a hearty LOL.
  16. This makes me so sad and angry! I read about suicide of Scientology members as early as the 1990's. The article was in Time Magazine, from 1991! Here it is: http://www.xenu.net/archive/media/time910605.html I wonder what could have been if Scientology had been severely prosecuted back then. How many lives could have been saved ... I hope this show will be the downfall of that horrible "church"!
  17. I hope Trevor will be able to keep up with all that's going down right now and the following days.
  18. So, where does all of NK's money come from? China? If so, a report on that would have been nice. Other than that, Weird Al is a better ambassador for the US than Dennis Rodman who is a different kind of weird.
  19. Larry Wilmore's fairly new radio show 'Black on the Air' has Bill as a guest: https://art19.com/shows/larry-wilmore/episodes/5f3a6629-08c4-4aa0-8cfa-9d8c232a9e35
  20. 10 episodes so far. Please take a look here: https://art19.com/shows/larry-wilmore I like that show.
  21. That Ciscoe Morris sounded A LOT like Futurama's Professor Farnsworth! Sometimes it was uncanny ...
  22. Wow! Bohemian Rhapsody ("Scaramouche, Scaramouche ...") quickly became Another One Bites the Dust. I love how the WH works according to Queen ... ;-) Whatever next? There are so many songs: The Loser in the End See What a Fool I've Been Nevermore Don't Stop Me Now Under Pressure I Want It All I'm Going Slightly Mad The Great Pretender ... and so much more to choose from!
  23. Teehee ... Trumpus Dumpus Reince Priebus - his name fits right in stylistically ... ;-) EDIT: Hmmm ... what's the difference between a Televangelist and Alex Jones? Is there any? And what's the FCC doing these days? Can anybody roam the airwaves and internets with stupid crap and get away with it?
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