The Kasich interview was disappointing: considering ideas, not one word about Progressives (Bernie, AOC and others). Typical for Bill because he belongs to the establishment.
Roy sounded a lot like he could lose his voice any time soon. Whoever next? ;-)
When watching Bill Gates these days it always astonishes me how much he aged in the last 10 years. Too much drinking poop water? :-)
Concerning complacency: Pelosi already said that she wants to work with Republicans. We know how that turned out in the past. Good luck with that...
I hope progressive forces come forward and give that darn administration hell!
Trevor's looks always reminded me of a younger Al Jarreau. Sporting a white suit, he even more resembled Al:
"We're in This Love Together" would make for a nice Midterm slogan. :-)
I pitied the musicians. While playing, their instruments had been insulted. ;-)
On a more serious note: Can someone tell me what is not political nowadays in the US?
So, Bill thinks he can have anybody on his show if the ratings are good enough or why does he have people like Stormy and Mooch on? A waste of time, money and energy... :-(