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This was a good one!
Mr. Rogers has made an appearance though! He came and sat with Julia (identifying himself only as "Fred") at the end of that awards ceremony last season. Totally agree with your points, though. I think Avis' new man is actually in her life to inform on Paul, sadly. (Hence the weird reference to his fascination with Paul's ring.) Off topic but I think the junky ads that pile up on this site is really fouling up the UX.
Is Rachel Bloom really done? Weird extended cameo if so.
I’m not at all excusing his dismissal on those grounds but I wonder if the reasoning was partially that it made him more susceptible to honey pot traps since that would be more powerful blackmail material than heterosexual affairs. I feel like this is an UO here but I am not enjoying this season as much. The plots, while important, are dreary and mostly seem designed to give Sarah Lancashire a lighter load.
Finally finished this. While a lot of the next-to-last episode was a slog I did think the idea of Sheila insisting on the right to her own artifice was an interesting one. I found the finale moving even though I agree the way they wound their way back to Bunny was very contrived. I guess they wanted a vaguely Mad Men like ending, but with that mission in Mexico (that also had an aerobics class set to pop songs?) in place of Esalen. Eh, whatever. It was fun seeing Greta leading a class. I'm sure they wished they had not started the whole series on the flash forward that they did. I sort of thought Sheila asking the limo driver to turn off the music was a bit of an acknowledgment of that moment (since in the actual series opener she turns off a Walkman and throws it at an assistant.) I guess knowing what we know about Sheila we can also assume maybe the underling was imaginary and she just threw the walkman into midair anyway! My headcanon.
Hmm I turned off the penultimate episode around the time Sheila threw away the Statue of Liberty torch and nothing I’m reading in these reactions makes me want to go back and finish.
And the actor seems to not even know how to play him.
I think about this a lot! Well not a lot but sometimes when I'm watching. My theory until recently had been that the woman she threw the Walkman at in the pilot episode opening was going to turn out to be her assistant and she justifies being rude to her because she knew she was sleeping with Danny but now that she already knows it seems like too much time would pass to have that make sense. Otherwise, yeah, it doesn't totally track since she's been on kind of a redemption arc and what we see of her in the pilot flash forward is also still very body focused which doesn't seem as much where their business is going.
Agree. Just totally bizarre choices all over the place.
yeah I wished I hadn't been spoiled - they did set the moment up nicely. I guess she couldn't wear the Paris one because it wouldn't be right with a veil ... I also think that whole exercise with Lily and the clothes being all through her apartment last season was because she was cataloguing stuff for storage but it makes even less sense to keep her giant wedding dress in that relatively small closet if she's going to keep only one of them around.
What was with Carrie's original terrible dress? The cape looked good but even with the right seamstress that would have been a bad look!
I enjoyed this but I wish someone recapped it somewhere so the ending would be clearer to me. Was that really the finale??
So many missed opportunities with the way they positioned Lottie and the compound - with Nat's cutting remark about her wearing Rolexes and her showing disdain for the way her smoothie was prepared that one time -- if that's how they wanted us to see her they could/should have leaned more into how she got addicted to luxury. That isn't particularly interesting to me but they seemed unable to commit to it which is part of the problem around the character -- lack of writing commitment one way or another. Imagine if she were just using all the proceeds from the compound to fund some artifact collector zeal, like she had this side hustle/obsession with collecting artifacts and talismans from other tribes who'd done human sacrifice and had strange spiritual rituals. That would be interesting in a way that still shaded her character and left room for possibility she's not 'evil' but also still tethered to the wilderness and the way of life they made. When I heard rumors of the season ending with something burning down I actually hoped it was that compound so we never had to see it again.
Lmao. ‘Aren’t we in a pickle’ … right up there with Joey’s smell-the-fart school of acting from Friends.
To say nothing of the fact that her employer stole her car and abandoned it on the roadside with files of Yellowjackets background on the passenger seat! What’s that saying about (male) politicians - never get caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl? Tai had basically been caught with both lol