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Everything posted by TeenMomAngerMgmt

  1. What (if anything) do we know about the fathers of Rio and these twins? 7 kids? Sheeeeeeeesh.
  2. Wow this got really dark. For once in her life can she ever put her kids first?
  3. I don’t envy the situation Kim and B&T are in at all.
  4. Can you blame her? Stevie Wonder could see Cate was trouble from jump. She probably expected the relationship to end at a relatively normal point...but now here we are.
  5. This show is insane. I wish I could write something funnier about this, but...I can’t. These are crazy people.
  6. Why do these chucklefucks have another unfortunate child? Like...why?
  7. Facts. Susie was able to hide her crazy juuuust enough.
  8. Ok, so I finally caught up with all of this and holy shit is there a lot to unpack here. Y’know what this case reminds me of? The Susie Lynch case in 1985 in NC. Susie was from a super well to do family (her aunt was the first female NC Supreme Court justice in history). Her folks were educated, comfortable, it was a standard middle class existence until she went to college and met her future husband, Tom. Tom was a nice guy, aspiring dentist, everybody thought it was a bit of a mismatch, but whatever. They get married and end up moving to NM and that’s when things start to go poorly. Susie’s mental illness starts to crop up away from her family. In NC her family name meant something. In NM it didn’t. Also there were too many Mexicans and Native Americans for her liking (because, in addition to being a sociopath, she also was racist). Anyway, she and Tom have two boys. They eventually get a divorce. She takes the boys to NC with her and basically ceases all contact between them and their father. Because of her aunt’s connections, the court system sides with her (and also the ideas that children are best with their mothers). Tom has to fight for custody for years and spend thousands of dollars. In the meanwhile, his mother and sister are murdered by mysterious assassins. Then Susie’s parents are murdered in the same way. Later on, when he finally gets to take the boys to NM, he discovers some pretty disturbing stuff. The boys are living with their mother and “Uncle Fritz”. Fritz is their mother’s first cousin. She was basically dating and living with Fritz and her children as a husband and wife. Fritz was posing as a doctor, but never passed the board, much to the disappointment of his doctor father. In his capacity as a “doctor” he was giving them ziplock bags full of what he called vitamins every day. The boys didn’t have beds. They didn’t have a lot of clean clothes. Susie’s family was concerned for the boys, but they couldn’t do anything or she would cease contact with them and they wouldn’t be able to monitor the boys and their condition. I don’t want to prattle on too much longer about this, but in the end Tom has to return the boys to their mother. The police make the connection and tie the murders to Fritz. They go on a high speed chase to try to capture Fritz while Susie and the boys are in the car. Fritz detonates a bomb in the car and blows all of them up. That way, not only does he avoid capture, but Susie avoids having to share the boys with Tom. All of this to say I fully expect David and Jenelle to put Susie and Fritz to shame. I am terrified for those kids.
  9. He seems so miserable this season. Makes no sense to me at all that they are having another kid.
  10. Also holy shit all of the financial burden would have been on Kim to take care of all of them. I don’t blame her one bit for putting her foot down. She was already practically having to raise Cate as is.
  11. I am keeping up with TM via the Grace Report and this board. I finally reached my NOPE level. Why in fuck hell are Cate and Tyler having another kid?
  12. She looks like an extra in the fucking Handmaiden’s Tale in that dress. These people need to have another kid like I need another hole in my head.
  13. Janelle has said a couple times this season that she has a bug out shelter with supplies and that she fears the impending end of the world. She’s in the throes of a psychotic episode, IMO. I can’t tell if it’s drug induced or not, but I bet the sudden obsession with weapons is tied to that. David either feels the same way or feeds into it.
  14. Remember when Kail called Vee a hood rat for smoking weed? Pepperidge Farm remembers!
  15. IIRC Barb already has full custody and Janelle gets visitation. In either case, the state is not gonna sever parental rights from someone for just generally being a POS and having a couple handfuls of run-ins with the law but no real convictions. Janelle will have access to Jace until Jace puts a stop to it.
  16. I really can’t snark on Leah in light of the episodes I caught up on. My heart bleeds for her and her family because of poor Ali’s condition.
  17. Unpopular opinion here, and I haven’t watched the reunion special yet, but Roxanne was downright reasonable and right when she talked to Javi in the aftermath of Bri’s surgery. Javi also exposed himself as being needy, insecure, and seeking to raw dog it with every female on the east coast and a few on the west coast too. His motives were so transparent. It all showed right when he was packing up his stuff and muttering about ruining “his image” by being around these people. So it’s ok for him to not respect Bri’s (very reasonable) request not to immediately move in together in a state where she knows no one and has no familial support with a veritable stranger? And then they break up (which is fine) and he proceeds to weasel his way back in with Kail right away? While also simultaneously hooking up with this chick who is pregnant now? And where does he get the nerve to be pissed off about who she had helping her after surgery that he didn’t want her to have in the first place? You’re broken up, dumbass! Also think her surgery looks awful and posting it on Snapchat is dumb af, but it’s her body and her choice and he knew when they got together that Snapchat surgery pictures existed. So if your image was such a big deal why get with her in the first place? Javi is so damn thirsty and shady it makes Roxanne look reasonable. Fucking Roxanne of all people looked reasonable.
  18. Ok, so I am caught up all the way to the reunion special. Kail is still the goddamn worst. There are so many things about her that I just cannot fucking stand. She’s a sanctimonious, hypocitical, lying bitch. I have so many questions: Why in fuck hell do you have to go to Atlanta to record a podcast? The whole point of a podcast is that it’s easy to do anywhere! Why is she surprised Chris’s folks do not trust her and want nothing to do with her? All she does is bitch about them! Their situation is the poster child for the phrase “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. Where does she get these folks to be in her “entourage”? How is it worth it with how shitty her personality is? Why is she so pressed about Bri? You didn’t care, right? You moved on right? You had an entire kid with another guy, so...why are you mad? Why is she always lying? Why she always lying? Mmmm OMG. Stop fucking lying!
  19. Finally caught up until the reunion special. Jenelle is a garbage person. I really hope Nathan and his mom can do something to protect Kaiser. While there is certainly an upside to Janell potentially no longer filming, I wonder if it would be in Jace’s best interests. Obviously the show is problematic and at his age I’m sure it’s introduced some challenges into his young life but this may have been the one thing sorta keeping Janelle in line and providing her with stable life (at least financially). What I’m trying to say is that without the show Janelle no longer has any incentive to pretend that her life is IG perfect and she can go even further off the rails. Hope that makes sense.
  20. I have finally mostly caught up. Just watched the reunion episodes. I cannot fucking stand Jenelle or David. They are garbage human beings. When Nathan looks like the reasonable one, you have severely goofed.
  21. Barb is still the best one. In a world of imperfect people she has flaws and doesn’t always do or say what I would, but I think she fundamentally has a good heart and I wish her and Jace the best.
  22. Did they ever decide whether they are getting a 4th girl to replace Farrah? If they plan on just going with Maci, Cate, and Amber the show is pretty much toast. The episodes without Farrah were completely unwatchable.
  23. OMG I am so tired of TMOG in general and Amber in particular. Where is Matt’s dumb grifting ass? How has he not demanded a paternity test and then immediately filed for custody? You gotta see a grift through to the end, my dude! Look at the Toucan Sam Rhine is married to!
  24. Ok, I am just now getting back into TMOG because I had a lot of work trips in Mar and April and let me tell you I have OPINIONS. MTV was full of shit for how they dragged out her “firing” and I really hope the show crashes and burns after this. Love her or hate her (or love to hate her) she was literally the only interesting person on the show. She was always going somewhere, doing something, and when she moaned about the same sad shit over and over it was at least in Italy or something.
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