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Everything posted by TiaGrace

  1. Rookie Kelsey looks like she is a direct descendant of Elizabeth Taylor. They picked some stunning girls this year. Mandy, Kelsey and Cersten are mesmerizing.
  2. You assume correctly on my part. I don't know her. My opinion is based on solely on social media and to clarify, not just her social media. In my opinion, she does seem like the third wheel in pics with other DCCs. On social media, I have seen her working out with Holly. To me, it is not far fetched that Holly would work with Sam on her dancing. I never said the word used or any other things of that matter. If any DCC is helping Sam with dance, I'm sure it would be mutually benefitting to both. Again, just my opinion.
  3. This will happen way before that. You know Sam is dying to wear the uniform instead of being a hanger-on like she is now. I bet money Holly is giving her privates. If we see a drastic change in body shape that will be the sign that Kelli will put her on the team.
  4. I saw a different promo for this new season today. It still featured Vivian but it did show Amy S. in Kelli's office with tears streaming down her face. I know posters here hate a crying Amy but I am an Amy fan. She looked scared though. And we had a crying Madeline in the finials confessional I think. She looks noticeably better as in prettier. I really wish CMT would stop using footage from tryouts from 3 years ago in their promos. I think I caught Melissa in her rookie tryout costume. 23 more days, ladies!
  5. Hmmm...I would not be surprised if Erica is asked to be a Bachelorette in the future. She would be perfect if she isn't already locked down.
  6. From what I understood from Jenn K. Answers is that this season is about the swerve. How some girls seemed on track but derailed and others were headed towards the off ramp but stayed in the right lane in the end. I could not get a read on Jenn's feelings but I have too wonder if in her opinion the right 36 made the team. I know there is 37 girls today but I don't believe Yuko is a real member of the squad without the right visa. Like Amy said in the FB chat, in order for you to get the DCC pinky ring, you have to make it through the entire season.
  7. I was making dinner while I watched the playback of chat. Who did the girls state was the funniest DCC on the team? I missed the answer.
  8. I put my money down on Kelli. It will be very telling if they show that scene.
  9. Oh yeah, more Michelle Keys routines please. I wonder who choreographed "word up"? SG looked great performing them.
  10. Is it the shadows or lighting or does Melissa need the next size up in bottoms? If I see what I think I see what is Kelli thinking? Even if Megan is on weight warning, what about Claire, Jax, Madaline and her pet, Yuko?
  11. Yay!!! I was wondering what happened to you. I thought you had been unmasked, kidnapped by K & J, and held captive at Kitty's Dance Factory where Kitty kept yelling, "Fang Face! Do across the floor again! Toxic! I watch Holly Powell's every single movement! . is there anything you can share about why Kyndall was cut? Did the Melissa thing have anything to do with that? Is Yuko really on the team or is it a squad of 36 plus Yuko? I ask because I don't see her being able to speak or interact with fans at appearances, teach at kiddie cheer camp and still has visa issues so I just can't wrap my head around her being a full member of the team. Lastly, I'm becoming a fan of Kelli Quinn. Can you give us any background info on her? Thanks for any info you can share.
  12. Exactly. I'm wondering where TxStar and DalGal are. I, for one, could really use their insight?. I am #teamamy so any clues would be so appreciated. I am also very surprised Kyndal got axed. Again, on the last day? Someone is heartless in that DCC org.
  13. So...ummm...if you can say, are you surprised they cut 2 girls or surprised which 2 girls got cut? Thank you for all your info...
  14. Praying for ALL those girls. Keeping my fingers crossed for my personal favorite Rookie candidates. I'm worried about 2 of them.
  15. It just doesn't look pretty yet open mouth fang face wow, Judy, she just did something big I know I can do this i'll work harder than anybody and the ever dreadful: you've given this a good run
  16. Beautiful pic of both of them. Is it just me or does Kelsey look super thin here. She looks as small as Jinelle.
  17. Wow...it's so rare to see Holly outdanced at technique classes but is it a Hip Hop dance not Power Pom.
  18. 47 girls taken to TC. 8 girls cut to date Whitney Jackie Lindsay Bethany Celinda Emma (Whoops! I mean EMILY) Sheridan Brennan That leaves 39 girls. If the magic number is 36, then 3 more girls need to get cut. I agree with the above. For some unknown reason at this time Kelli already put Yuko on the squad. It's going to be a rough heartbreaking week for all those girls left in TC...and us. These RC still haven't made the team but already have fans.
  19. But Razzleberry Piiiiiiiie...Miss ShelbiDoll is a reject...and they took her and her drama papa boyfriend. I have to wonder what incentivized the Mavs to take her? I will always remember Shelbi dancing looking like a wounded delusional duck going around in circles when guest Choreographer Bree showed up last season. She was actually flapping her hands down by her sides.
  20. I second this motion. I have never met Amy in person. I too see her as passionate instead of desperate. What impressed me was her reaching out to Jenn K. on her solo. I know Amy probably paid Jenn for her solo as Jenn is a dance teacher but money isn't everything. I just can't see Jenn K. Helping Amy if she is a desperate RBF unworthy of joining her as a fellow DCC.
  21. IMOHO, the video shows the RC dancing like the Vets. For some reason my eye goes to Allie and stays there. I like the way she moves. She reminds me of a graceful feline. Heather Hamiliton looks all grown up all of a sudden. I like her too. Madeline looks very pretty too. Whoever did her makeover after she got cut did an incredible job. That was money very well spent. Going back to this week's TC pics, to me Jessika is the one without the DCC appeal. I remember I voted for her. She's my guess on who might get cut next. I hope CMT explains the love Kelli has showered on Yuko with the missed practices. That faux pas I can not get my head around.
  22. Can someone confirm for me that RC Allie D. and Holly P. are roommates this season? I thought I had read that on this board. I would have thought that Raylee and Holly would be roommates after reading their site. Dear Lord, their blog is so, so...well...cute! https://2redheadsindallas.com/
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