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Everything posted by TiaGrace

  1. Speaking about Emily, I am reminded about the other girls that have tried out before and have not made it to trading camp. I recall when I saw the training camp rookie candidates, I wondered if it was going to be show subject. Does anyone have a breakdown of which training camp rookies have tried out multiple times? I believe Auto Amy has tried out at least 3 times, Kelsey L. at least 3 times, and Emily too? I want to add that I am a fan of all the girls who keep trying to make this team. I find it inspiring that even when these girls get knocked down, they get up and are ready for another round. To the girls like Emily, Selina, and Madeline I find them extra inspiring. To have gotten knocked out, and then get back in the ring and go another 15 rounds is simply admiring.
  2. I have seen a few DCC picks that seem to be in order of veteran years. 5 yr first row, 4 yr second row, 3 yr third row, etc. This pic show 3 yr, 4 yr, and 5 yr in the first row. 2 year vets second row, the two rows of rookie candidates. I was surprised to see how few 3+ vets there are. That's how I noticed Jinelle missing.
  3. Oh, me too. Kashara would have made sense. She earned Rookie of the Year.
  4. They do. Madeline and Heather H. are twinning to me. They both look so young.
  5. They did, you are right about 47. I can't find Jinelle in this pic. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't Jinelle also missing in the picture from the teams' first meeting at the Stadium?
  6. That is so cute. I love it when these skinny girls pretend to eat like normal people. I can just hear Jay's head exploding. Good one Tasha!
  7. Oh - oh, did Miss Shelbi doll get a signed permission slip from her royal pain in the ass boyfriend to try out for the DMD again? I wonder what he will post to Mark Cuban's social media if/when Shelbi doesn't get picked for the squad? I wonder what butt-hurt things he will call these girls? Caila looks good in this style of dance. I wouldn't have even noticed Shelbi in the back if I hadn't read the above post.
  8. Does Jinelle look like she just fought her way out of the jungle and found civilization or is that just me? Erica and Lacey are looking amazing!
  9. I saw this immediately. There's more girls that "twin" on the team but I don't know everyone's names. It weird right? It is almost like they wanted this team to blend facially.
  10. Is it too early to girl crush on Cersten? I can see Kelli or Judy saying she has the full package. I also love the peek-a-boo vibe from Lacey.
  11. Hmmm...let's go through Kelli's 3 sacred commandments of a finals audition. Finalists, you must ingnite, you must excite, and you must delight. This solo is cute. Yet, I don't see it fulfilling all of Kelli's must have criteria.
  12. So agree! The word here is B - O - R - I - N - G... Considering these girls are given classes and instructions on social media, I do not understand the lack of personality. I, personally, would have to conclude they don't have much of it too share with fans. They should take classes from someone like Jenna or even Kashara. If you have a job interacting with fans, then I don't understand why some DCCs have private instagrams. Considering they cut so deep last year, I was shocked that some of these girls made the team.
  13. Phew, I was afraid it was something I said, lol. Kaedee, thanks for your input, I'm sure I'll see you in the threads.
  14. Thank you. I can't figure out who would have access to all 3 rounds of auditions were she would interact with TCCs. Can you share any insights on why Hunter didn't go to training camp? Any clue would be much appreciated.
  15. Well, the OP stated in her first post something about the 3 vets should realize the chance they were given to not have another Hannah situation. Hannah got cut for weight gain. To me that is what she is saying, granted, indirectly.
  16. TexasStar, sorry, still confused. Did you perform a solo last weekend and not make it into training camp? I can't tell if you tried out or just watched from the stands. Then about the 3 soft vets. Hey, let's call a spade a spade. We speculate on this forum and you said you speculated with the other TCCs. It sounds like you saw these vets in person so speculate away. Vets know how to handle social media. Getting called soft here on the forum is WAY better than getting called for weight in Kelli's office. I think you would actually do them a favor so another Hannah situation doesn't happen. Also, can you shed any insight on Shelbi from Miss Shelbi Doll? Why did she not make it back? What did the others there say when Shelbi and Amy Simone had the same outfit and music?
  17. Kristi Scales would never EVER jeopardize her position by posting that. Why would she? She is inner circle.
  18. Wow, you wrote a lot. I have some questions if you don't mind me asking. 1. Are you stating that you are a DCC rookie training camp candidate? 2. You said there were 3 returning vets that could have cut due to weight gain. Can you give names? 3. I, personally, really thought Hunter Blackwell was a shoo-in. I was shocked that she did not make it into TC. Can you share with us what happened with Hunter? Grazie!
  19. Yeah, he wouldn't make it into DCC training camp with those dance moves, lol. I had never heard him sing. It's a cute song.
  20. So agree with this. I was shocked at what Neil McCoy said at auditions last year that Madeline's look was not fixable by a makeover. Come on, he basically said she was ugly on National TV! I thought that comment was very below the belt. I, personally, would not be able to come back from that. Yet Madeline showed how beautiful she really is. She took their critiques and has made big chances in dance, looks and hair. I have always seen Madeline as the sweet girl next door looks-wise. I respect her ability to go back and try again after such rough treatment. Gooooooo Madeline!!!
  21. So... I can't figure out something out and it is confusing me. Does Michelle Keys work for Kitty Carter? I'm wondering why Michelle's classes usually say Kitty Carter's Dance Factory on Instagram. Then I see some messages on Michelle's IG referring to Hunter Blackwell as her assistant. Does that mean Hunter works for Michelle? Does Hunter teach Michelle Keys choreography to students? It seems like the game six degrees of separation. It seems it all leads back to Kitty Carter and DDC. Any insight from those in the know would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  22. I simply do not understand her thoughts. Girls that tried out on a whim?!? Right. How can having years of dance and/or cheer team, prep classes, technique classes, 2 dance outfits, a written test, a choreographed solo, hair, makeup, workouts, a tough job interview, and three nerve biting rounds of auditions EVER be considered a whim? Every single girl in that DCC trading camp EARNED that right to be there. The fact that it's been weeks and she is still whining is only hurting herself. People with this mindset always do themselves in. Some never outgrow it.
  23. Miss Shelbi keeps her Instagram private so I can't see any of her posts so can anyone please post a pic of her knight in shining armor? I would love to see what kind of man calls this entire group of women such vile things and then decides to single out Kelsey. It smacks of nothing but pure jealousy and entitlement. It also sounds 1000% NOT TRUE. He posted that it was a DCC sloppy drunk and kissing a guy in a bar. Kelsey at the time would have been an Ice Angel NOT DCC (yet). Also...Kelsey has an Alpha looking boyfriend. I know if acnyone ever said anything like that about me, oh yeah...my husband would NOT let that fly. I think Mister Shelbi Doll will have some explaining to do. And the fact that Shelbi defended him AFTER these comments says everything I need to know about her character, ever.
  24. Thank you for posting Cristi's solo. It is very pretty with lots of technique. Her legs are sooooo long. I hope they extended those first two episodes of S11. CMT could put the solos as extras videos on their site. They would get so many hits. It's an easy way for their website to get a ton of traffic.
  25. I got you. Lol. Please know that I think Stephanie is a beauty but from this forum I get why people feel there is "something" about Stephanie's look. In my previous life (before marriage and children) I worked in women's apparel merchandising. I was part of the round table that chose models for our catalog. You may have not heard of this term before but Stephanie has "fish eyes". Her eyes are just a smidge too far apart. It does tend to throw people off at times. Then add the fact that Stephanie has big bright eyes, it makes it seem even more off. I hope this makes you feel better.
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