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Everything posted by TiaGrace

  1. Well to me I find this ironic. I am being honest in my opinion here not being mean so to me Chandler and Victoria Kalina look alike. They could pass for sisters. They both have really big smiles. I know they knocked Chandler for having a frozen smile but I see Victoria also having the same big smile while she dances I thought Chandler would have made a great DCC. I think they are pretty girls.
  2. Supposedly... According to good intel both Jenna and Holly P. Got busted for fraternizing. They did not get kicked off and Holly P. seems to be a lock on trying out in May. Jenna said she is retiring after 5 years.
  3. Wait, Razzleberry pie gets to use the honorary thunderstruck commode? Ok, so I'm butt hurt over Courtney Johnson's cut 2 seasons ago and the fact that Auto Amy got a few hours before the team was announced this past season AND the fact that Kelli Finglass does not use a professional stylist for her wardrobe choices. I think you can charge admission from people on this board if you wanted.
  4. I remember this when it popped up in a thread last summer. I still can not believe Kelli did that. Wow. Personally, I think Kelli did that on purpose. Which leads me to believe that Hannah's cut was motivated by something more than an 11 pound weight gain.
  5. Help...my IPad is acting wonky. Can someone pls post KaShara's insta of the same Choreo? She is slaying it. At times Vicki Kalina is in the same frame. i finally understand what Judy means by mature dancing. Kashara looks amazing next to VK. Not that VK looks bad at all. It's just that she dances her age. The way Kashara moves her hair, head, arms, hips, legs, is sooo entertaining. She is so wow!
  6. Well, I hope this cracks you up because I laughed so hard when this happened that my cat meowed at me, angrily, for disturbing her slumber. The following is a recollection of true events...dun, dun, dun... My sister keeps telling me to follow The Krazy Coupon Lady on Facebook. I didn't know that it was spelled Krazy with a K so in the search I typed in Crazy. And guess who's name popped up??? Shelbi Crawford. Is Facebook trying to tell us something? Honestly, I have never Ever searched for her. Weird, right? I believe in signs but I don't know what this means. I wonder if she is going to try out again?
  7. Oh Moni, I feel for you. Now, I am not a doctor but you having trouble swallowing is concerning. I am relieved you are smart and going to see a Doctor. I hope you feel better soon. I just want you to know that your comical comments make me laugh out loud every time I come to this site.
  8. Pizza, pizzzzzaaaa... Pizza is to mortals what ambrosia was to Greek Gods. In fact, I'm sure Pizza is actually stolen ambrosia from Mount Olympus.
  9. Hey Lady DeDallasCowboysCheerleaders, I want to congratulate you on passing your exams. And that bathroom is utterly fantastic, love it! Please post more pics whenever you get a chance.
  10. I am on team #comebackCaila. Last year about this time she was looking a bit heavier, a bit bloated and had become clunky in her dancing. This year she no longer has that bloat, is tone, and is dancing very nicely. I think she is better now than last year. I wish her the best. I would just advise not dancing next to Maddie, lol...
  11. Yes, hands down, this girl has earned point girl. Please, universe, make this happen!
  12. I think it's a big loss to the DCC organization that Jenn K. is retiring. But I am so happy for her. I'm sure she has big plans that are now a year closer to being realized. Goooooooo Jenn!
  13. I think Erica is most deserving of point girl for next years squad if Jenn retires. That girl is stunning.
  14. Well, I learned something new today. A friend moved out to Gilberts, IL a few years ago. When we go shopping out there we go to Spring Hill Mall, in what I thought was just a town called Dundee. I swear the the signs only stated Dundee. Oh well, you are right. I looked it up. Both towns have a combined population at around 10,000.
  15. I guess this is where things are unclear. When Did Paige separate? We do know that her exhusband was in the military and he was stationed elsewhere while Paige and Jinelle lived together their Rookie year in 2013. Then in TC 2014, Paige is brought in on weight warning but given a pass most likely because she is going through a divorce. So then in Nov. 2014, Jeff and Paige are already in a relationship??? When did it start? If Jinelle knew than that puts the timeframe in Paige's rookie year 2013-2014. The timing here sure as heck is hella interesting. Oh wow, I didn't know that Paige is 5 years older than Jeff. So no way they met in high school. When Paige was a college freshman that would put Jeff in 8th grade.
  16. Here is my verrrrry UNpopular opinion, please -- no one have a meltdown. I think Ex-DCC Newly engaged Paige is a rather calculating social climber. I don't think that she was released from the squad, then started dating Jeff, moved in with him, and got engaged all in the year 2016. In other threads, posters wondered how they met. I wonder WHEN they met. I don't believe for a second they knew each other when they were in high school. They lived in different states. I see Paige likes to state she is from Chicago or rather West Dundee. Oh pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!! It's all one small middle class suburb called Dundee. Close to the city of Elgin (not Chicago) which may sound familiar to anyone who saw the show Rosanne. The show took place there.
  17. F!!!! Where is the delete button??? Sorry Mods.
  18. OMG...talk about detective work! We should call this -- DCC: Forensic Files Training Camp. Hilarious. It is a bit telling that this insider disappeared once school, I mean, regular season started. In my opinion there was a bit of immaturity in their posts. I always wondered why she threw Cersten then Megan under the bus to make her favorites look better. I never took her pot shots seriously especially after she said Maddie had low kicks and in her opinion would not make the team. Look at Maddie now. She is a dance slayer AND made show group. Oh well, like you said, they're gone now. 2016 training camp is ancient history.
  19. I always got a "stage mom" vibe. She sounded very vested in several TCC candidates like Bethenny and Kyndall. My theory is a mom of the one of the girls from the rookie class that might not have made the team.
  20. I remember an insider stating back in July or August that several girls were on weight warnings. I think that Allie D. And Jennifer K. were among those pointed out. IIRC, Megan was pulled from an appearance because of weight probation. I am not weight shaming any of these girls. They are all talented, beautiful, and fantastic dancers. But... it is obvious that for some weight warnings do not fix the problem. I am just surprised that Kelli and the organization haven't been able to implement a better way to deal with softness and muffin tops that can help their cheerleaders all season than what we have seen in previous training camp scenarios. This reminds me of Hannah West, she asked for a long term solution and was cut because there was no time. I'm glad to see Hannah is still dancing and giving classes at ( I think) Kitty Carter's.
  21. Lol. Yes, please let Wallflower Maddie never return. I think the technique and skill were there in 2015. The difference I see now is confidence. I can't believe that crunkin', poopin, booty shaking, dance slayer, Show group Maddie version 2016 is the same goth, got cut at trading camp, Maddie 2015 version. What a difference a year makes.
  22. Nope. At this time her Instagram is public. I think she opened it up when she officially became a DCC.
  23. Last week DCC Khalyn posted this but it was Holly and Khalyn dancing in it on her Instagram.
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