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Everything posted by TiaGrace

  1. I LOVE Jenna. In my eyes, she twins with the actress, Megan Markle. And I hope that one day, like Megan, she finds herself a Prince...
  2. More things than make you go hmmm... I remember the Kyndall drama back from the spoilers page, so I was shocked to see the mentoring session as a deleted scene from the cutting room floor. I am neither pro or anti Kyndall. As the posters above stated I know understand why Megan asked her why she didn't attend. It is such a reasonable explaination, like duh? Which Vet wouldn't have asked Kyndall why she attend the session. Too bad we did not hear from Kyndall herself why she did not attend. Unless it comes from Kyndall it's simply speculation. What I do find super odd is the fact that Kelli handed Kyndall, her own fitted finished blinged out uniform at fittings. Had Kelli ever done that before? Anyone in Kyndall's camp would have thought, wow this is it. I'm golden and this finished uniform is my ticket. And I couldn't blame anyone for thinking that way. Why weren't Madeline and Selina handed their finished uniform from the previous year? Especially Selina since she and Kyndall were cut the same night. At best, that scene now is really strange. I just wonder what Kelli was thinking.
  3. Thanks Kelli. Now, every time I see Kelsy, I am going to want crispy bacon. #everythingisbetterwithbacon
  4. Wow...I've never seen Judy so resigned over cuts before. I think if it were up to her, she would have had a 40 member team.
  5. Things that make you go hmmm... So...Allie said at cameos that "they" had told her that she needed to lose weight previously. Who is "they". Other rookies? Her local Starbucks baristas? Disembodied voices? Her peanut butter and jelly sandwich? I joke. Obviously CMT cut a office visit where Allie, winner of the " fittest" TC spa day, was told to lose weight because she naturally does not have the body that flatters the iconic uniform. Who was that Hello, Texas guy at SG tryouts? He seemed so pissed to be there. Was he being punished? He looked like he was SO OVER having to be there. For a second I thought he was going to take Neil McCoy out when Neil said he loved Kelli Quinn. And not out for dinner if you know what I mean. Yikes! I will take that the Access Hollywood guy over mad guy any day. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. Why did CMT declaw her? I watch for the episode when she tears into the TCC and leaves a few girls bleeding out on the floor. Half the girls usually walk around in dizzy circles after she bashes them with her truth stick. The revelation to a Rookie or 2, that if they want to make this team, it is time to push! Where were the tears? Remember season 8 when she called out like 10 vets for fluffiness and they all broke down into ugly bawling while Chelsy's brain melted on camera and she snapped? I can't understand making Kitty boring. Hey Kelli, can you name "who" have noticed Amy S. in a good way? We saw Kasey Musgraves, yet again obviously, there were more. And who set up Yuko at the plush hotel del NatalieWoods? How did they not connect that dot? I don't know why this episode was called dance intervention. It should have been called where all the bodies are hidden. CMT editing is leaving out some crucial info. Good thing this board has insiders who help fill in some of the blanks. Rant over.
  6. Please CMT, please pass Judy's stylist to Kelli. She needs it STAT!
  7. Too bad I didn't save the episode on my DVR. I wish I could make a GIF of Kelli's weird look she makes at Kelsey when Kelsey promises to perform better during the office visit. Kelli scrunched up her face and it screamed bull poo-poo. I was so shocked at Kelli my mouth fell open. The only other time I saw Kelli do that was when Chelsey exploded for being called fat back in season 8 I think? It is one thing to embarrass yourself on TV. It is another to have Kelli and now Judy humiliate you in front of the other girls, production, and the audience. I feel so so sorry for Kelsey. After this episode, I am team Khalyn. I never realized how beautiful she is. She is wow in my book. I don't understand how Allie did not get called in after uniform fittings. In the past several girls were cut for not looking attractive in the uniform. I like Allie but sorry that uniform will never look right on her body due to her proportions not weight. Another weird decision that got glossed over because Kelli had to seethe at Kelsey. Lastly, Yuko was a blob of a mess this episode. Is she likeable and adorable? Did her tears melt your heart? Hell yeah! But can she dance DCC style? Is she big and bold? Is she sexy? Does she have the right Visa like she is supposed to have BEFORE tryouts? Ummm...no. Wow, it really is sweet to be a Kelli favorite. Unfair but sweet.
  8. I wonder if them picking on Kelsey is a way too throw the audience's attention away from fluffy vets and rookies, TC attendance/visa issues, the fact that barely 200 girls tried out, and other questionable decisions. From what I am watching, I really really believe that Kelli is seething at Kelsey, annoyed with Kelli Q. for being so good (cuz what does it say about them passing on her 3x before?), disininteresed in the Fan Vote winner AGAIN (please, they should simply change that to the friends and family vote), and what is up with the weird looks/acting in the office visit scenes? It feels like Kelli was forced to take girls she does not want there. I have to wonder if Jerry Jones himself sent Kelli a memo stating that Kelsey has to be a DCC. That, I would understand except that I like Kelsey and I believe she earned the right to be there.
  9. So the Kyndal drama begins. I understand that she was released by her employer. I just get the feeling there was more to it than DCC training camp. If Kelli didn't know Kyndal had been let go, she didn't seem very surprised like the time Cortney mentioned she was going to quit her pharm sales job a few seasons ago. I have always been impressed with Kelli Finglass yet this season she has got me feeling some sort of way. It seems like this year there is a "cold" Kelli. I feel like she has taken some unnecessary pot shots at several girls this year. Calling Kelsey's hair a broom, stating that she was scared to talk to her for fear of 50 yard Kelsy appearing, telling Kelli Q. she never noticed her before, and lastly, did she not look a bit peeved when Kacey Musgraves told her that she wasn't sold on Yuko? Kelli seemed utterly disinterested in Kacey's Yuko opinion. And I am not even going to go into her wardrobe choices. And lastly, wait, what? Yuko needs to miss 3 days of training camp? Since when is that allowed? Didn't Jinelle get hospitalized but still made it back in time when she had Visa troubles? Things that make you go hmmm...
  10. i want to add how much Raylee has matured in her DCC appearance. Last year she was very young, looked confused and originally had a long stringy hair. This year she looks beautiful. I love her natural good looks. She is evolving into a stunner (well, at least to me). Anyone know if Hunter is going to try out again? I wonder if she crossed someone at tryouts because she got a spectacular BAD edit. It is horrible to be known as the ignorant girl. It's not fair but ... Being 50 yard Kelsey is one thing since Kelsey In her talking head said she was nervous and knew she gave the wrong answer. Hunter though followed up in her talking head and admits she does not read. Yikes!!!
  11. Melissa looked heavy this year at finals. The 2 second shot showed her leaping in the air. She was much lower this year than in years past. She always got so much air in her leaps.I was surprised. Now I understand why she did not get a Barbie. And what was Megan wearing? It looked awful. It looked liked an oversized apron. Weird. I was sad not to see any of Kelli Q. routine.
  12. Kashara looks AMAZING! What a noticeable weight loss. Lacey, wow, the 2 seconds I saw last night makes me want to see more. I was shocked at the kinder, gentler version of Miss Kitty but I liked it. Please CMT put up longer versions of their final auditions.
  13. F. I totally heard this in a Kelli Finglass voice and snorted coffee through my nose. Hilarious! P.S. You forgot to add Celebrity Ghost Mediums and Celebrity ghost cats ghost hunters.
  14. This year Madeline looks very fresh, organic, pretty girl-next-door to me. I think she is about to "WOW" us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her...
  15. I think it's odd that as a whole we have been asking to see more dancing. Instead we got a Kelli and Ramos time filler, a pee pee incident time filler, and why why why did they edit Tasha to seem like she was an unwed teen loser mom from MTV? I think that is really weird. Again, it would be a better show if they showed more dancing from the process. Still, I am hooked.
  16. Ouch!!!! That wrongly timed jump spilt must have done RC Bethany in.
  17. Please tell us more. Was there drama with Loren? Is that why she didn't return? The only drama I can think of that came up on this board was about Kyndall. There seemed to be new posters that came here to call her out but then an insider defended Kyndall and stated that Megan had asked Kyndall about her reasons for not getting help from M.R. Considering Kyndall may have been the last RC cut, that does sound like drama to me. But hey, if there is more please give us a spoiler as this is the spoiler thread. I, for one, will miss Loren.
  18. Kelsey can and probably will replace the moran in 3 - 2- 1 ...
  19. I can't take it!!! 12 more days to go to Season 11!!! Who will get the needs-to-lose-weight-to-make-this-team edit? Who will get the doesn't-have-the DCC-style-but-still-makes-the-team edit? Who "can put the uniform on TODAY" during tryouts? Who will be the first girl to say, "I want to be a DDC more than anything"? Who will be the poor girl(s) that pisses off Kitty Carter? and lastly, "Who will get the you've-given-this-a-good-run but tonight is your final night edit?
  20. https://mobile.twitter.com/samfinglass/status/761984118758322177 Sam posted this on Sunday. I think it confirms that she does want to be a DCC in the future.
  21. Is CMT still taping? Because pulling a rookie DCC days before a pregame show stinks of stunt queen shenanigans to me. Is Kelli itching to cut a rookie after "Making The Team" to show how World Class wrong they were? If they want drama, have Kelli cut Kelsey at an actual game. I'm sure both male AND female Dallas Cowboy fans alike would stone Kelli with their beer cups. Seriously though, I feel super bad for Kelsey. It's time for a prayer circle, Kelsey fans! I'm lighting a candle for her tonight.
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