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Everything posted by TiaGrace

  1. Recently it does seem like Simone has been trying to "up" her dancing. On her Instagram she's been taking classes in almost all genres. I've seen her take classes from Sarah, Stephanie, Michelle, plus ballet, plus some class with Jenna, etc. I have to believe she is determined to make it back. It's crazy when a potential 3 year vet does not make it back to Training Camp. I personally think she will make it back. She does look really good in Jenn K's class.
  2. I, too, have noticed this. Victoria is lanky. At times her long limbs make her movements look clunky. So I think right now Victoria appears clanky to me. Clunky + Lanky = Clanky Clanky = Victoria2017
  3. It looks like Saundra tried out last year for DCC. Does anyone hear know how far she made it?
  4. Their charbroiled cheeseburgers are delicious but then just about everything on their menu is. You wouldn't think that this is the place to go for dessert but their chocolate cake has a cult following and their lemon cake will soon have one too. They are highly recommended.
  5. @HowdeeDo Thank you for posting this for I hadn't seen it. Wow, this girl has power and technique. I'm going to light a candle and pray that she looks good in the uniform cuz we all know Kelli Finglass is sooo obsessed with how that uniform fits the shorter girls. I think this Ashley is a real contender.
  6. I believe the blonde is @ashley_gallagher. I'm pretty sure she is trying out for DCC. I hope she is cuz I'm a fan already.
  7. I wonder if Holly was a last minute change. I am really surprised only Jenna and Maddie came from the DCC squad. I think about 10 members showed up when Maddie taught her class. I wonder if there is anything to read into this....maybe?...maybe not?
  8. Second everything said here. Jenna is better here than Holly which is crazy since Holly choreographed this. Holly here comes off more of a performer than teacher. Oh well. Then there is Hunter. Cute girl. I wonder if she changed her mind and will to try out for DCC again. I said it last year and I'll say it again. She does not have the DCC style. Nor the technique. I remember last year some friends of hers came here stating that Hunter could outdance all DCCs. Then she didn't even make training camp. Granted she blew her interview in a really big way but last year's training camp was a hard one to survive. I still think Kyndall, Amy S., and Sheridan could have made the squad.
  9. Hmmm... I am part of the #EricaforPoint squad. Erica is the better dancer between Jenna and her. Granted that's just my opinion. Still between this and one of the Bimini pictures that showed Jenna at point with Erica and Amy flanking her is giving me the heebie jeebies. Erica for point girl!
  10. @raindancer, have you tried Portillo's lemon cake??? It's so wow, wow, wow. It is on the same level as their chocolate cake. I ordered a whole one for my family's Easter dinner desert.
  11. Thanks PBS, please tell her I say congrats on the new job and mentorship. I missed her comments on the girls Bimini shoot. I'm sure they would have been hilarious but I am so happy for her new adventures.
  12. Wow! Point Girl Jenn K teaching this week's Michelle Key's power class! Goooooooo Jenn! I'm sure she will be a great teacher. Congrats Jenn!
  13. I wish Moni was still here. On another thread I learned she deactivated her account. You know she would have something HILARIOUS to say about these Bimini pics. So, in her honor, I do agree that Tasha looks SO much better without her signature Potatoe Head Pink lipstick.
  14. What???? Moni, come back if u can! She is Hilarious. I can't see her getting banned.
  15. I feel the same way but why??? I like Jenna, but I think her retiring for 2 weeks and then deciding UNRETIRE was a bit immature. I dunno, I think that made me feel some sort of way.
  16. They need to sell A LOT of calendars. And I don't think we are their target audience...guys are. And like you say, the DCCs have some seriously incredible hineys on the squad this year. Who knew Lacey had such a great behind???
  17. Because... Making boobs bigger is easily done in photoshop. They don't need to stick 80% (guesstimate) of DCCs in push-ups like on game days.
  18. And Tasha's favorite shade of lipstick is Potato Head pink...
  19. Yes-- Maggie, Kelsey, and Cersten look wow! Least flattering -- for me, it's Yuko. I get zero sex appeal. I know Kelli gets lady wood every time she sees Yuko but all I see is scared little girl. I hope their stylist has those bottoms up on the hips more. I keep seeing the bottoms going straight across in so many pics. I think it's cutting off the girls and making them look boxy instead of shapely.
  20. I will always love Ashley after Kitty singled her out and made her dance repeatedly by herself in front of the whole TC. The girl took the heat and all the harsh critiques and showed her strong backbone. The girl is a brainiac and is smokin hot. One of my favs!
  21. Does anyone know the what the song in that video is called? It's stuck in my head now... Updated: I see Erica tagged the song. "Coming out strong" by Future/the Weekend.
  22. Erica's dancing looks effortless. Erica for point girl!
  23. I see that too. I like Jenna. Still, her coming back mucks up my vision of next year's triangle. Does Jenna think if she comes back she would be point girl? I really hope it's Erica for point girl.
  24. I have never and will never understand Yuko making the team. I think she cute but DCC? nah... I am really surprised by what I see in the insta that Stephanie posted. Stephanie is awesome. It looks to me like Kelsey has become a better, (has more power), dancer than last year. Stephanie and Kelsey are sexy and projecting. Yuko, after a year of being on the squad, lacks power, sexiness, and looks plain messy. Ex-TCC Christina shown dancing next to her is performing much better. It looks, to me, that she was outdanced by a girl who got cut at finals back in 2014? Isn't it a mortal DCC sin to be outdanced in public? I kid #notreally I wonder if Christina is going to try out again. I looked at her Instagram. She looks very flexible and healthy. If last year's comeback girls taught us anything it's to keep trying because this just might be your year.
  25. I really hope that Cersten gives DCC another year. It looks like she is is having a great time. That girl is a great dancer. I'm keeping my fingers crossed...
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