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new jersey devil

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Everything posted by new jersey devil

  1. I was hoping gabe would have cracked his head open when he fell off that stupid steel drum, as it came very close to his noogin. And we would have never guessed that noah was arrogant, right?
  2. How in the world do you know the man hates his son?
  3. Anyone else thinking Matt is on some stimulant? Meth, maybe? I remember when he was arrested for that hit and run, the cop said he seemed high, and smelled like a "homeless person". And i'm thinking our boy Noah is "functional idiot".
  4. And according to many sources(I can give links. pm me if you want a doctors view) the high suicide rate is due to the simple fact that gender dysphoria was once treated as a mental illness. Doctors in many states are resricted from even MENTIONING mental illness in reguards to gender dysphoria, where it may save lives. Studies have shown that depression and suicide go hand and hand with gender dysphoria.
  5. This show, and the LA version, seems to exist merly to get this turds in the same room, shake, and then they fight like pit bulls over a bone. These little people like to tell all that they want to be treated with respect, but they degrade themselves but being on this shit show. Mean to say, all they do is fight each other. i know its all "set up", but they look like retards.
  6. Well, with some of these humps, it seems like "I'm fat and can't do for myself, so I will blame everyone/everything but myself. Yeah. Thats the ticket." And I honestly mean no offense to abuse survivors, here, but the "I was sexually abused" is played. Every addict on intervention has used the "sex abuse excuse" as my wife calls it. I'd love an addict to be honest and say "I love getting high." Instead, they say "I use to cover the pain." And again, I understand many were abused. I get that. But now, its the "go to" reason.
  7. Chay just wanted to bully his straight aunt and uncle. Like I said, he's an attention whore, and woe to those who did'nt agree 100% with his chioces(hence his little coming out "surprise" to his "safe, selected" audiance). I would bet my next paycheck that he is no longer in contact with his aunt and uncle. In fact, I'd bet my next 3 pays. If chay does'nt have all the attention, he will bully until he gets it.
  8. Like it or not, the aunt and uncle have an opinion, and they can have that. We may not agree, but thats what freedom is. I had to laugh out loud at paulie bombshell bitching about her pain. I was shot through the left wrist while in Afghanistan, and I did'nt complain about the pain anywhere near as much as she did. Mean to say, I believe her knees did indeed hurt her after years of that much weight on them. But anyone could see she was developing a pain pill problem.
  9. Attention whore much, Tater? Look, I'm fine that the guy wants to become a woman. But how many times did he have to mention that his aunt and uncle were very "conservative", and they "would not understand me"? So what? Their opinions are just as valid as this attention seeker. And great idea coming out to his mother and her girlfriend, and 2 gay cousins. Guess he did'nt want to face someone who might question his decisions. The whole episode was about the guys "LOOK! LOOK! LOOK AT ME! mental state. I honestly think this guy has "gender dysphoria", with a good dose of narcissist on top. And who in the world "needs" become a woman that fast? I guess he had to show off to the millions who watch this show, right? He made me sick.
  10. A good crack to the jaw sometimes will help TMJ...
  11. From what i 've read, there is quite a high suicide rate in this community. In fact, i recently read an article from some big shot doctor saying their hospital does'nt endorse sex change surgury because of "buyers remorse", so to speak.
  12. I noticed that Noah was wearing quite expensive looking leather boots. In fact, it seems the cast has been spending on upgraded jackets, boots, etc. And those black powder pistols looked new(and expensive). And they still don't seem to want good outdoor gear...
  13. I really hope Noah does'nt believe his own bullshit. Mean to say, the kid thinks he's some kind of "once every hundred years" special snowflake.
  14. I loved how the idiot said "I will bring the industrial revolution to brown town".
  15. Would that be the "porn star" who was proven to be lying? I keep forgetting... And I spent 18 months in Afghanistan protecting all groups(hate or otherwise) right to lobby for their religious beliefs. Believe me, there are other religions whose beliefs are alot worse than the ones Joshy was pushing. I invite all to look into them.
  16. I'll pass on the book recommandation, as I already know as much as I'm likely to be interested in, about the man. There was no need to go over all this as I've lurked for months and I've heard it quite alot as it is rehashed to a degree I find comical and sad at the same time. I'd suggest some people should get a hobby, but Josh would appear to be the chosen hobby of many, these days. And honest question, but the word "redemption" is thrown around these parts quite a bit, but don't most here WANT the man to continue to fail, in the worst way possible? Seems like it, to me...
  17. I'm trying to understand th I'm trying to understand this...Are you saying Josh has'nt suffered consequences? Or just not enough to please the rabid haters of the man(and by extension, his wife and family)?
  18. Someone who believes in giving someone else another chance at life? Or does'nt the man deserve that?
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