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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Good night everyone! I'll see some of you tomorrow, if I'm not melted from this 90+ degree heat, for the Single Life Tell Too Much. If not, have a great week. ✌️❤️
  2. Bilal there's silence, as in holding your peace, and then there's the shut out. You shut her out, for the rest of the day, and at a social function.
  3. Maybe your mom is making it uncomfortable for you AND your fiance to continue to live there, SDCB. Get your own place.
  4. Sheesh Bini wasted no time doing stupid dance moves on the subway. Smh
  5. I bet Kara is like, " Maybe I should've picked another friend (someone else from Central casting) to grill Guillermo..."
  6. Oh my... I didn't see the tap/slap/cuff upside the head, or whatever Shaeeda did to Bilal, but he is TRIGGERED... and mean.
  7. So did Yve convert? Was she planning to? Also, couldn't this conversation happen after the plumber installed the bidet and left for the day?
  8. On the other hand, John is rude. Probably more so because he's already had too much to drink.
  9. Thais says that she doesn't feel comfortable in her own home with brother John there, she can't be nude. Is that really her home yet? She just got there.
  10. Hi everyone! Oops I was bingeing Survivor and forgot what time it was... Oh drat! Made it just in time for Bini and Whiny in their all expenses paid for apartment.
  11. Sheesh, if that is Alyssa now being "mindful" of what she says, there is no hope for her. She still sounds like a victim of something horrific. Maybe getting married on tv to a stranger was the trauma... 😕
  12. Why do I have the feeling all the best moments of the Tell Nothing were shown in that preview... Oh well, we'll find out next week! See you then, and have a great week. ☮️❤️
  13. I don't know, it's a little maudlin: Egg loses Teddy and Liz waltzes right back into his life.
  14. Eww. Souvenirs? Mementos? I don't want even want to know where he stored them in his luggage...
  15. He seems to be many notches above Jay. He paid her a compliment, may actually be single and... talks.
  16. Josh is in LA? No wonder Natalie likes him now, he's thousands of miles away.
  17. Lol this uncomfortable conversation helps nothing, especially when the translator is the subject of the conversation. Oh wait, it did help Jesse? Uh, okay...
  18. Who's the one, Egg, Liz? Or someone else? Because every woman you talk to may be "the one."
  19. I like that the producers called Sinjin on his comments regarding kids. I know it was just for drama but still, he should be called on his varying answers.
  20. I hoping against hope, that so is this show. No more adventures of Big Egg trying to convince a woman to instantly love him.
  21. Wow... Egg just has no patience. And that's why Kaory dipped, his lack of patience. He doesn't want to date, just get married.
  22. Waaaay TMI on Sinjin's showering process. Waaaayyyy bleh
  23. Hi everyone! So, I just watch Jeniffer manipulate an apology out of Jesse and I saw no sincerity on either side. Just extra screen time.
  24. But she wants him to get her a better engagement ring... I knew I didn't like her from the moment she was introduced. Same for Bilal and from that preview, Mohammed is on that list now too. Don't tell that woman what she can or can't do, or who with, in her house. Especially if it's for your benefit. Alright then, great snarking, everyone. See some of y'all tomorrow for Single Life, if not, then next week. Peace and lots of love!! 👋
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