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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Ximenia is done done. She's fed up, tired and red for Mike to go. Me too!
  2. Almost. She did forget to have the pre-nup ready, and embassy papers set up. Oh wait, that last part was Hamsta's responsibility.. But, yeah, she was tracking her cycles. Lol
  3. Ben: I love Mahogany so much but I have questions.... and not enough sense not to keep asking them. Wait... Memphis is... WHAT the HELL? Maybe it was that lamb liver his mom fed her?
  4. I was wondering where the rest of the family was. They're usually there for every conversation. Now for the big blow-up, there's no one around... but the producers. 🙄
  5. Ok, at this point Mike is painful to watch. The woman has broken up with him and he's still hoping for a chance.
  6. Maybe the cameraman has a fetish... or thinks we viewers do. 🤢
  7. Wow... I see why Memphis fell for a Tunisian man. She figured out she could spend weeks treating Hamsta just like a hamster, and get treated like a queen by his family on her wedding day.
  8. Ben, that's your whole problem. You're always only thinking of you, that's why you traveled to see her when she asked you not to come.
  9. Hi Made it here for more 90 Day Nonsense! Oh yay! We start with Gino and Jasmine- the newlyweds, uh, I mean, new fiances!
  10. Good night all. I am watching the Diaries but it doesn't feel worth chatting about. See y'all later, it was fun! ☮️
  11. Well that was nice. He finished that drink before getting a water chaser,
  12. Wow, Debbie belongs in Las Vegas! But she is telling us everything she did in there, 40 years ago... 😒
  13. Is it me, or are Synjin and Tania not really single but just want to be on TV?
  14. Why did the Married at First Sight music play during Jeniffer and Jesse's hug? What y'all trying to say, 90Day?
  15. Wait Chuck is gonna be on Diaries, and considering dating? Watch out, Florida! 😱
  16. I agree with you Big Egg, you are not worthy of Mia. She's got her act together and knows (or is happy learning about) herself.
  17. Oops! Debbie big mad at Coltie for kicking her out...uh, I mean making her move in 3 months.
  18. He did make Natalie's hair look nice. Just hope there's no humidity... Oops I might've spoke too soon- her hair already looked different by the time she got to the date.
  19. Next week, OF COURSE, Mike knows the curses in Spanish. And here come cheap Gino with a prenup. How long before Jasmine screams and steals his cap again? Alright- see you then, if not tomorrow for more time with Big Egg and jerky Jesse. Goodnight and be well. ❤️
  20. And more exposure. Also, couldn't he find the instrumental version of his own track? Sounded like he was singing along with the words to me. Ooh Kim's off to me Mom Usman. Hope she has a goat or cow on hand... oh wait, that might have been Angela and Michael's gift to mom...
  21. Is Benjamin serious? The girl pretty much said she doesn't want to be with you.
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