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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Well, GTL Patrick has one thing going for him, besides getting his back waxed, he can speak Portuguese... Lucky Thais. 😒
  2. Wow... Mom Ari did well in finding an apartment for them and setting it up and paying for it and... there goes Ari whining again. Thanks, and happy birthday to you too! And to all other Taurus and May Babies. There are a lot of us out there must be a spring thing lol. Homemade pistachio pudding cake. Old, er, vintage recipe from the 70's.
  3. I got a phone call and missed most of the first hour. Yet somehow tuned in again to Emily, Kobe, and now an awkward family dinner. So Emily is the boss of the whole family, huh? Yikes. Thanks for the birthday greetings, and yes, the cake was good. Too good. Congrats to @Suzywriter! 🎉 That is awesome! 😀
  4. Good evening, folks! Hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was fine, I quietly celebrated a birthday yesterday. There was cake! 🎂 Oh, I tuned in a little late to see the topic of discussion is lactation. Uh, Kobe, dude, if you don't want to see her pumping or feeding, you could leave the room...
  5. Tonight's episode just leaves me baffled. How does Egg not realize that just because someone isn't in love with him at first sight, doesn't mean something can't develop. Natalie just seems to not know what she wants. She says she wants children but it doesn't look like she wants to get into a relationship which might produce some. Jeniffer is so upset with Jesse that it lasts several episodes- next week preview footage looks just like this weeks. I'm not sure why Debbie is so adamant about finding love all of a sudden. I think she'd be happier just finding a new place to live that will accept all the cats. Stephanie- nothing more to say there. Was Syngin on tonight, and did I miss him? I see him on the promo for next week but didn't notice anything with him tonight. Oh well, see y'all next week. Goodnight everyone!
  6. Did Debbie just realize that traveling all that way for a date was, uh, an unwise decision?
  7. Anyone else get the feeling Jeniffer's so insulted because it's true?
  8. Stephanie's whole segment is just TMI that is somehow boring.
  9. You ain't kidding. He's looking a bit Squatchy there in that clip. He'd be great though if they ever reboot that silly sitcom Harry and the Hendersons!
  10. Hola amigos! Got here in time to see Big Egg has no concept of letting things flow naturally, and forget taking it slow. smh
  11. Oh, so the new dude's name is Patrick and Mr. Opinionated is his Brother, not his friend! Thanks PT, I missed some of that from the original airing. Sheesh! Kobe crying over meeting his son has ALL of the PT'rs crying. Alex, you do need the tissues!
  12. I slipped away to go have dinner and luckily, missed an unappetizing (and apparently crunchy- !) chicken alfredo dinner from SDCB and Meowona. Saw some the new dude, his girl who tracks his phone, and of his opinionated friend who has a LOT of opinions on his girlfriend's need to track his phone. I liked how the lady sitting next to the friend told him to keep his opinions to himself since he had no girlfriend at all. Caught some of next week's preview. Poor Kobe dares to try to weigh in on when Emily should stop breastfeeding Kobain. I mean Koban. Does she seem like the new Ari? Too bad we still have the old Ari around, and on the same season. So, see you all then, or tomorrow for Single Life. ✌️❤️
  13. Wait.... WHAT? SDCB and his friend got baptized in Serbian church together? And it involved HAIR?!! Reminding myself to be respectful of other cultural customs, no matter how strange they sound....
  14. Oh yeah, that's right. Rebecca just had to brag to the salesperson about how young he was. I bet Guillermo would want the PS5 too.
  15. Ok never mind the culture shock, Guillermo wants a computer ASAP! Hope he doesn't become like Pedro or Luis and spend all day playing games on it.
  16. Guillermo seems to have culture shock. "More houses, more cars! Wow!"
  17. Miona, face it, SDCB is pushing for settling in Rapid City because he can't afford Big City life right now.
  18. Good evening everyone! Happy Mother's Day to all! 💐🎁
  19. I feel kinda bad for Kobe. This seems like just the start of Emily's manipulations. I know it's been two years for her, but damn, it's two years for a lot of things since the pandemic.
  20. I kept expecting a real estate agent to pop out from somewhere with a key.... it doesn't look lived in.
  21. No need to explain bidets, Mohammed. Are you related to Jihoon?
  22. I'm so glad I was looking at the forum instead of my tv. Bleh Emily is selfish, seriously.
  23. Actually SDCB, we don't know you that well yet to know how extra you are, but we're learning....
  24. Agreed. This recap only reinforces how incompatible they are.
  25. Good evening all! Aww Mohammed made it to the States to Yve and they had a big hug at the airport. She says she loves him so much, but does she notice he speaks quite slooowwwly?
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