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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Good night, great snark and have a great week everyone! Ooh... on the preview, looks like Thais or someone is leaving on a jet plane- don't know if they'll be back again! I'll see my corny self out now.... 👋🏾
  2. Lol I like Temperature for a friend of Emily and Kobe. Not in my life, but in their's, yesss.
  3. Ok let's all talk crap about my fiance while he's banished to downstairs... great going, Kara.
  4. Maybe "squad" is the new word for "coven" in Yve's part of the world?
  5. SDCB is upset at getting kicked out? It's not like the parents made it all that hospitable in the first place.
  6. Definitely much more valuable than butt bongo-ing, too.
  7. Wait. What Ari? You just wanted Bini to understand your lifestyle? So do you want to send him back to Ethiopia now? 😦
  8. Girl, why are you worrying about your squad getting along with Mohammad. you don't get along with him yet!
  9. Stick to your demands, Shaeda. What does he mean, "I'll consider it," when it comes to signing a new pre nup? He's the one who wants one to protect all that generational wealth he hasn't generated yet. Shaeda does, too!
  10. Hello everyone! Well, I see they found more friends from central casting again.... Thais knew she was planning to marry Patrick from the time she left Brazil. Why lie to the father you love and respect?
  11. I ran off during Yve and Mohammad's spat to get an ice cream sandwich. Klondike! 😋 Needed something to keep me awake for the last 5 minutes. On to next week's episode. Have a great week everybody! ☮️❤️
  12. Emily expected him to be happy about a second baby? She barely lets him get near the first one. Most important of all, they can't afford another one!
  13. I don't get their reaction, either. They're both adults. If they want to marry, then let them. And if it's a bad decision, again, let them make that mistake, and learn from it.
  14. A haircut and marriage counseling. I hope she doesn't charge extra for that.
  15. Must be, and she wants to marry the Little Prince. Other than his looks, I still don't see what she sees in him...
  16. My closed captioning said it was "sparkling peach cider."
  17. Yep, pretty sure he told her all about it. Unless... she had to sign one when they married and it's just his thing with every spouse...
  18. Kara was annoying enough before, now she's turned into a Bridezilla. Bleh
  19. Maybe you love her Kobe, but you're probably not going to be able to live happily with Emily.
  20. Wow. I didn't even miss Emily and Kobe until seeing them in next week's preview, did any of y'all? Well, see you guys then. Maybe sooner, if I feel like talking about Married at First Sight- San Diego. Not sure if I feel like watching this season after the last two. Peace, love & have a great week!
  21. All John thinks a wedding is for, is the bachelor party. That's all he's looking forward to. Not his brother's happiness.
  22. Bini's been watching other TLC shows. I made that mistake a few weeks ago and watched the Derrico family. Lord, that's a LOT of little kids running around!
  23. If he's in the studio for 12 hours? Doing what? From what I saw last time they had a studio session, all he did was be the hype man. Oh, and fight over Miona.
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