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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Good evening everyone! Oh great, I get here just in time for Bleh and Shaeeda.🙄
  2. Whew! The episode is over, we made it though! Sooo, this show thinks we're all waiting to see Angela confront Michael in person, for all the evil things he's done to her. 🙄 Don't know about everyone else, but I'm hoping to see if they carry her off in a police wagon. Until then! Have a great week. Stay safe. ✌️
  3. Is this Renee, Angela's friend or lackey? And what happened to the other one that helped with the wedding, was she busy...or no longer available?
  4. Just over here smh at Jovi about Yara. That footage was evidently filmed at the beginning of the invasion, and she had to be extremely worried for her family and country. Also, we didn't really need to see Charlie and his wife at home.
  5. Did they really have to start this Big Egg segment with dog poo? Also, does the dog get a trip to Petco for going on the pad? Reminds me of that ad years back with the little girl who went poopy in the potty... Lord, the things this show gets me to remember. 😖
  6. sksksks I don't blame Usman for reminding Kim that her drink is HOT this time.
  7. Sheesh! This better be some birthday party- with or without Charlie. They have been discussing it forever.
  8. That's probably Michael's opinion, too. Thus he doesn't compliment much on her new slimmer body.
  9. Zip lining is not a compromise to me. How about activities that are on the ground, not above. Oy, my anxiety.
  10. Looks like? She's only missing a wart, or two, and the hat lol. So, uh, is Usman going to lose his chance at a green card, finally, or will that yammy obsessed show pony cave in again? Place your bets, people! 💸 See y'all next Sunday, and have a great week! ❤️❤️
  11. Kim is all angry and upset about Usman marrying women who don't even exist yet. Throwing a drink at him, again? Let him go, and come back to the States.
  12. Ok, ok, we got it. Young men in India (or anywhere) don't usually fall in love with and marry women considerably older than them.
  13. There was no need for Bilal to convert those prices to Trinidadian currency. Just go somewhere inexpensive. I'm sure there are plenty of colorful items that would pop in their vanilla ice cream decor.
  14. Ellie is so cute. Maybe the best part of that family. For now.
  15. Most of the Americans are annoying on this HEA, especially when they are dating, or fiances with each other.
  16. Oh dang, Jenny and I have the same taste in adventures- none!
  17. Why can't we just play with the grandkids? Don't they deserve their special time with Me maw or whatever they call her? Nope, gotta take time out to spew insults at the husband half way across the world, on his birthday. That's Angela.
  18. Hello everybody! Hope all has been well. I'm here for the snarks!
  19. That was Loni Love. Glad to see what she's up to now that her co-hosting gig, "The Real," has ended.
  20. Lol It didn't seem that long to me, thanks to all the snark! Have a great week everyone, and see you next time! Signing off from rainy NYC! ✌️❤️
  21. I wouldn't let Egg teach me anything. Plus why at night? Wouldn't the day be much easier for Liz to shoot in?
  22. Can't we get to being a wife at all, before worrying about Usman getting a second spouse?
  23. Yeah, it's difficult to listen to some of his songs now without cringing and/or side-eyeing.
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