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Everything posted by Bees52

  1. Ugh! Enduring all the line repetition and pregnant pauses throughout this episode (no, throughout the season) outweighed what should have been a satisfying scene tonight. I've been waiting for Jeffrey to come back at Veronica for years now and when it happened- i had no reaction but, "Oh good, it's almost 10:00."
  2. The thing i dislike about Mayur and Maneka's interaction footage is that he's always looking everywhere but at her- out the car window, at his laptop or at his phone- and she's practically all over him vying for his full attention. Buying a new house seems like a nice gesture but it won't make up for that, and i'm betting he found one with enough rooms for him to run away and hide from her. Except for when he wants dinner. While i knew Vicki was from Seattle, i didn't realize that Ben was also. I thought he was from NY and grew up in Far Rockaway, (the way he was so insistent at the beginning that they should live there instead of Manhattan) so all of this talk and pressuring her to move back there seemed really strange. The editing of this show at times can be strange and confusing. Taylor and David- so she's been insufferable, crabby, and selfish this whole time to him, and everyone else, because of medical complications? Ohhh, ok then...
  3. They could have titled last night's episode, "Save the Tiger!" Imagine getting to examine an abandoned young and frightened tiger without getting hurt, (although i think Dr. Lavinge did get a little scratch) then to shelter her, and then almost have her stolen from right under you. Good thing the shelter employees arrived at the right time to ruin the thief's plans of taking her. Happy to see she's got a new home with plenty of space to roam and a nice pool to cool off in. I like how the doctors' families are so close that they get together for most occasions, plus every Sunday for dinner. That when one doctor's electricity went out during the storm, his wife brought all the perishable food over to another doctor's house so they could cook it and not let it go to waste.They had enough food for more than one dinner, including the upcoming Sunday meal.
  4. I wonder if Bryan would be (or attempt to be) so controlling if he wasn't First Mate. He's one of those people who go overboard when given a position of power. I'm glad Julia stood up to him and his menacing in the galley, and that Hannah backed her up. Normally I'm not fond of her interactions with the rest of the staff because she can be as hard as Bryan at times, but this time she was on point. Ouch. Danny's worn out his welcome so much that he's gotta be near death for anyone but the Captain and Ben to show concern. Bobby is keeping a check on him now, but he and Bryan both immediately thought Danny was faking his illness.
  5. Really? Should've remembered that since Shep seems to have been with every woman in the area under 35. Thanks for the clarification. His was the head I saw dip down the lowest...
  6. I noticed when Landon retorted back to Katheryn that she'd slept with everyone on the couch, not one man objected. They all put their heads down in embarrassment... and I thought Shep was the hold out.
  7. True. I'm not sure why she's focused her ire only on Landon, though. Thomas is constantly checking out and chasing other women...most likely the same ones Shep's attracted to. Landon hasn't wrecked their relationship, broken up their home, or stolen her man away. He wasn't hers alone to begin with.
  8. Mayur is coming off like a older, more organized version of Christian. I guess that's what happens when you marry your boss, he'll be bossy. Ben and Vikki's wedding was sweet. They make a cute couple, so far. His need to play around and be goofy while she tries to organize or cook, though, makes no sense. They're trying to make a new life together in a small space, not dorm mates for a semester. I hope he calms down soon. David and Taylor...why are they on here again? Because their marriage was "arranged" by his brother, or just for drama? Their car ride conversations alone give me an idea that their marriage may be doomed.
  9. I can't remember Thomas ever being as caring and considerate to Katheryn as he was the night before the inducement. Probably not since she first had Kensie. I'm sure that niceness on both their parts won't last for long...especially with the stress of two little ones. Craig is just so bitter this season. I'm not sure making up and hanging out with Whitney then getting a massage was beneficial for him. He came back from LA worse than when he went out there. I do wonder what kind of boss JD is. He mentioned something about what a manager's responsibilities are to Craig at the Charleston Cup, but I don't remember, does Craig have a management position or is he currently his assistant? Either way, seems like Craig no longer cares what happens at Gentry, or how bad his actions look to JD. And yeah, well Shep is Shep...no matter what coast he's on.
  10. Just finished watching this On Demand. I rarely watch this award show and was only intrigued this year by the Go-Go's reunion and the Prince tribute- which was the only performance I watched live. I was too busy crying and singing along with Madonna and Stevie at the time to notice all the negative aspects others have commented on here, and elsewhere. I thought it was an okay tribute, though, for the first of (I anticipate) several to come. The BBMA's set the benchmark, the BET Awards say they are going do a better one, and with more award shows down the pike there will be tributes that fans (hopefully) will feel are worthy of one such as Prince. As for the rest of the show: Kinda wished the two musical hosts were allowed at least one musical performance. Nice clothing changes, though. So enjoyed The Go-Go's singing, "We Got the Beat " live, and in that classic American Bandstand clip. Is it really 35 years since that song debuted? (sigh) I'm sorry, Justin Beiber, why on all the music award shows I've seen recently are you still singing the same song? No wonder you're bummed about attending them. Sing something else... Like Kesha did with that Bob Dyan song. That was something different for her, from what I've seen previously. Very subdued....and brave. Overall, the BBMA's was pleasant, but will remain in the category of awards that I don't have to watch.
  11. Since he says he's a chef, I sure hope Whitney's cooking is better than his singing.
  12. I've been watching this show from the beginning, and i agree with some of you that the law practicing scenes are the best parts of this show. The Sisters-in-Law circle drama however, should be toned down. Most specifically, Rhonda's drama. I know she defends victims who've been maligned by someone or some organization, but does that give her leeway to play the victim in her personal life? Juanita may have gossiped a little to the others about their business history, but dragged her name through the mud as she keeps claiming...no way. Rhonda's hysterics about the same issues, especially after supposedly mending fences, is just too much. As for Jolanda and Vivian...imo maybe if they championed and praised anyone but themselves a little more, there wouldn't be any animosity between them. I like them both as characters on this show and hope to see them as friends and colleagues again, not rivals.
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