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Posts posted by Zonk

  1. I thought she could bend light around herself and that is how she camouflages herself. Now suddenly she changes colour like a cameleon?! Could they maybe at least keep her way too many powers consistent?

  2. 300€ for a baggy of meth? wtf? Have these writers ever taken any drugs? I guess with weed being legal these young whipper snappers have lost all connections to organised crime. Maybe we should get back to how it was in the 80s, when writers rooms were entirely fueled by cocain.

    Also looked the drug dealer parked his bigass car in the middle of a street. Yeash that's not going to attract attention at all... And I'm sure it makes total sense when the guy holding the drugs is in the car with you, then briefly gets out to be signaled by the car lights, then immediatly gets back in again.


    Why did drug lord kill his nephew? Didn't quite get that.

  3. This seems like it was written 10 to 20 years ago, sat on a shelf somewhere and then was hastily rewritten to make it work in the current day. She is trying to "score" some Levi's in 1994? She got forgotten about "when Russia's economy collapsed"? There have been economic crises in russia, but overall their economy has always been terrible. Why would the FSB  forget about her because of that?

    This all screams "her spy days were supposed to be set in the sovjet union but we couldn't make the timeline work".


    I guess the actress is playing a bit older? She was born in 1980, so in 1994 she would have been 14. But she is clearly at least 18 in those scenes.

    On 1/28/2022 at 3:13 PM, AnimeMania said:

    It was bad enough that the hacker's computer can see everything that Jenny is doing as she moves through the building.

    I didn't have a problem with the hacker seeing her and maybe her immediate surroundings. I can fanwank that the suit just has that many cool sensors. But people rooms away? Yeah no, bullshit.

    On 1/28/2022 at 3:13 PM, AnimeMania said:

    When Jenny shook Chris the hacker's hand there was a red light glowing there. Was the red light in Jenny or Chris' hand and what was it for.

    I think she used her super power to make her handshake firmer. Pretty stupid, if you ask me.

  4. On 1/27/2022 at 9:43 PM, CountryGirl said:

    That Jack, while certainly not perfect, was a pretty darn good husband and father just ups the ante in that respect. He died after helping to save the lives of his family, including the dog. His life being cut short at 53 and his kids, though teenagers, not old enough to fully grasp all that he was, foibles and all just adds to his "Saint" status.

    His saviour complex was a big problem. I loved my cats, but if the house was on fire, they better make it out of there on their own furry little legs. I'm not risking my life for them. That would go 10x if I had a family to support. Risking your life that way is damn selfish.

    • Love 1
  5. On 1/27/2022 at 8:56 PM, Shermie said:

    Re: any skill or whatever as it’s done on tv compared to how it is in real life. You have to let it go or it will drive you crazy. I could write a 10-page screed on how tv gets small towns and farming wrong, but it’s easier for Hollywood writers to tap into their stereotypes. In movies they often give it more effort, but in a few seconds of a tv show, it’s probably easier for the director to say, “Here, you’re a grandma, knit something. Don’t know how? Just fake it, no one will know.” Because they don’t know the difference, they figure no one will.

    Also people playing videogames. In TV and movies you have people mashing buttons randomly, when in most games you hold buttons and very carefully time presses. Only thing worse is when they wiggle the stick back and fourth erratically. Only game I would give that a pass on is Mario Party.

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  6. On 1/26/2022 at 3:56 AM, SFoster21 said:

    I assure you, shorts suits  for parties were quite the fash in like LA (Vanderpump Rules), but I just think BJ is as in much in the closet as Kelvin.  He so Ioved his new clothes. It was sweet to see him in harmony with Judy for a moment.

    Nah, BJ is just a very flamboyant straight man (and also kinda crazy). These people do exist and it's nice that they are getting some representation.

    Kelvin on the other hand, very much gay and I wish he'd finally get it on with his live-in-boyfriend. I'm slowly getting tired of that dance.

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  7. So does Junior know and that is why we got the machine guns on the bus last episode? It didn't seem like he did before...

    26 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

    Okay, #1: Who did Goodman’s 1993 makeup?

    I was trying to figure out for the whole episode if it was just makeup or if they also used CGI. That has gotten crazy good and certainly within HBO-Budget. I can't tell.

    • Love 3
  8. On 1/26/2022 at 4:23 AM, Jax7917 said:

    I found this episode boring and quite honestly , I feel like the only reason it was made was to give Milo some work , as he’s really not needed in the series any longer . I think he’s a good actor but he was killed off early on in the series and in my opinion , every scene with him feels like filler and not something necessary or intriguing . His mom died but it had no bearing on anything because We are nearing the end of the series and Jack’s story is complete . He died . Let’s focus on the characters who are still a mystery to us . Who Kevin ends up with and his journey to get there  , Kate’s divorce and marriage to annoying guy , Randall’s career or kids etc . I like Jack but I don’t think we need an entire episode devoted to him at this point . 

    Yeah, the flashback gimmick hasn't worked in a while. They probably should have stoped shortly after Jacks death was shown. But writers are often too afraid to change the status quo.


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  9. This was okay. For a murder mystery it didn't make enough sense and for a parody or satire it wasn't over the top enough. You don't have to go full "scary movie", but you have to go at least "don't look up". The last episode finally went to a level adjacent to what it should have been the whole time. Also it was a bit overlong. Probably would have been better as a movie.

    A lot of things were too on the nose. I get that the daughter being eaten by a cannibal is to parody the implausible tragedies that befall families in these movies, but that is just not far enough removed from the original to be funny. I could see that happening in a slightly different way, played totally straight. What would have been funny would have been if they subverted that expectation and the daughter would have died by slipping in the parkinglot on the way home or something. They already had a perfect setup with KB stoping the story midway through in the first episode.

    If they do a second season, I hope they steer way more into the absurde.


    I'm usually pretty good at seeing twists coming and knowing who the murderer is, but this one I actually didn't see. They just didn't go absurd enough until the last episode, that I would have considered a little girl killing people left and right and framing her neighbour for it.


    I can't help but compare this to The Afterparty. Also a murder mystery comedy. Certainly with different intentions and a different setup, but also soooooooo much better.

    • Love 6
  10. On 1/22/2022 at 1:26 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    Damn Javi has really got to go.   Killing Darlene and Wyatt on their wedding day.

    For me it was more the inconsistent writing. One second he is a complete dumbass, the next he is quite smart, one second he wants to take over his uncles business and will pounce at any sign of weakness, the next he does whatever his uncle tells him to do, after his uncle told him that he sold out the business to the FBI. He changes completely depending on what the writers need him to be in that moment. The writing on this show used to be top notch, but the writers are really failing a lot on the home straight...

    On 1/22/2022 at 3:20 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

    I will confess, I wasn't feeling well during episodes 6 and 7 and wasn't following some of the twists. Why did the FBI reneg on their deal with Navarro? And why was it Javi and not the KC Mob that took out Darlene, when Darlene killed the head of the KC Mob?

    The FBI doesn't want to destroy the cartel, they want to make money from seizures.

    Junior doesn't have the killer instinct, but Javi does and Darlene kept selling heroin when she was repeatedly told not to by the cartel.

    On 1/26/2022 at 3:04 PM, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I think we are supposed to see that quality as a feature of Maya rather than a bug. Holding a ruthless and unrepentant mass murderer to account is morally better than getting millions in cash. photo ops and attaboys. I suppose the rationalization for the FBI bigwigs is that you will never eliminate drug cartels so it's probably better to channel one in certain directions. But the counterargument is that even if would be more successful in limiting the carnage the cartels bring, it still would be repugnant to be that much more complicit. 

    I mean if we are talking morals, there is a simple solution that would strip cartels of 95% of their power and influence and safe countless lifes in the process. But nobody is willing to make that move. 🤷‍♂️



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  11. 12 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    It was in Gilmore's Glorious Goods, if I am not mistaken. Pike even stops and looks at the book with interest and the cover of the book is facing the camera and it clearly is Fjord and Jester on the cover.

    Ah thx. I think I was paying more attention to the background at that point. Yeah I think that is a nod to Jester and Fjord. But I hope that if they ever do campaign 2, they change Jesters design up a bit. That haircut doesn't fit her at all.

    12 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    The battle with the Blue Dragon was pre G&S stream and occurred during the home game, and I don't think this is a spoiler since that has all been out for years, but I know they have discussed how Pike died fighting the dragon. (Can't recall if it was this dragon fight or another one). So during the fight with the Blue when Pike gets slammed into the rocks, at first I was thinking, "Oh they are going to go there."...and then they didn't. I know they changed up a little bit from the streaming dnd game story for the animated show. Like Pike being around even though she wasn't due to Ashley Johnson filming Blind Spot meant she was away from the table during the game a lot.

    They might not want to introduce resurection into this show at all. That is part of D&D but it would probably lower the stakes for a show like this. That is until a resurection towards the end that isn't a true one and only temporary.

    The change I'm a bit sad about is that they totally omitted Tiberius Stormwind. I know there was some falling out with the player and maybe there were rights issues for using the character, but I think that would have been fun if he had been there for the first three episodes, then gone to get help from Draconia and them finding his body like they did in the campaign. Could have given a later arc a bit more of an emotional impact. Although they were pretty blasé when they found his body in the campaign, too. They really must have parted with that player on bad terms.

    12 hours ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

    I was under the impression most of the first season was going to be what was played at home, the things people didn't see on the stream, leading into the Briarwoods. So when they hit the story beat in the 3rd episodes I was taken aback, but it also explained something that nagged about the first episodes and that was that I couldn't understand why Pike was having trouble healing people. But as you point out, if they skipped the underdark, iirc that is where Pike does something that displeased the Everlight Sarenrae and cracked her holy medallion.

    I thought we'd get a bit more of the pre-story, too. A bit disappointed, that we don't. Feels a bit weird that bloody beginners fight against a dragon, get a keep and get named protectors of the realm right away. And then go up against the Briarwoods (which I won't spoil there whole deal here at the moment). Seems a bit rushed. I guess they really commited to get that whole story told in two seasons.

    I don't even really remember the part of Pike having problems with her faith, but I guess there was something...

    4 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    I have to go back and look but apparently there's a banner behind Lady Allura when she visits the crew at their new keep that depicts a roc and a bunch of cows. I love that nod because I had a feeling there was just no way they were going to be able to fit that particular episode into the Briarwood Arc at large, even though it is full on crazy and exactly the kind of shit that happens at the table.

    Whoever caught that has very good eyes: uZYAzmx.png

    4 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    And I don't want to give anything away to those experiencing this story for the first time but everything Percy in episode 3 was top notch. The dream/flashback at the beginning, the rage at the feast, the smoke rising from him with the carriage driver, and the introduction of No Mercy Percy. "Your soul is forfeit!" Just... mwah!


    4 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    This makes me anticipate the Sun Tree like whoa.

    I hope they don't skip the sun tree because they think it's too silly. That was some very needed light heartedness in an otherwise very dark arc. I also hope it's voiced by Matt. Was a bit taken aback when Gilmore wasn't.

    • Love 1
  12. Really good writing and of course voice work so far. You can see that this is the original critical role crew behind it and how much they love these characters and this story. Me personally, I actually like campaign 2 more, but that doesn't mean 1 wasn't also excellent.

    I like the animation style, except for the dragon. That one was really jank. I can see what they were going for but it really didn't work.

    I don't really like the opening credits. I know instrumental openings are all the rage these days but it doesn't fit the overall style of the show. It needs some good old-cartoon- or current-anime- style opening. Something banging, like the first attack on titan opnening (or most of the other attack on titan openings). And knowing the creators and their style, I get the sneaking suspicion that the opening we got was something amazon demanded. Because when they make openings on their own, they bang, hard!

    There was a lot of foreshadowing dropped especially in the first episode.

    David Tennant as Krieg was a nice surprise.

    A bit weird to see Kima here at the beginning, but I guess since they started straight into the Briarwood Arc in episode three they are skipping her introduction in the campaign. Probably a good choice. I'm sure a crawl through the underdark wouldn't have made for the most exciting television.

    Glad to see that Vox machina got to fight their worst enemy twice already in these three episodes. Doors *shakes fist*

    According to X-Ray Felicia Day was the guard captain who got her face electrified off. I listened to it multiple times and really couldn't recognise her. Had no idea that she can change her voice that much. On the other side of that coin, I think I caught all the Mathew Mercers in here, but it was a delight every time.

    2 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    My favorite so far is seeing Tusk Love. And, come on, we all know that was Fjord and Jester on the cover.

    Oh, I totally missed that. Can you remember where in which episode it was?

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  13. 12 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Well, the issue is that, once they now leave a country, they're gonna have to get on the same plane(s), so there's no changing that aspect. They don't have infinite number of planes to get someone from one country to another, so I do think this is simply one of the changes they have to make, and also make consistent so it's not changing, depending on the mode of transportation at the start of the leg.

    People being on multiple flights sadly hasn't been a thing for a number of seasons now. Tickets were prebooked for the teams. So the charter plane doesn't actually change that much.

    I think it's more of a problem with public places like museums not being open and them not being able to take public transport. With HoO and train departure times, they could always build in natural bunches. That's out the window now, so they have to make it more obvious.

    I too am sad that TAR is now more a gameshow set in multiple countries than a race around the world, but what are you going to do?

    12 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    The weight limit for jumping off that dam is 253 pounds.

    So 115kg. Yeah, I would be over that, too and I don't think I look much heavier than Akbar. At 6'8 100kg would still be a good normal weight for you, so 15kg more isn't that much.

    12 hours ago, QuantumMechanic said:

    I was thinking that, so I looked it up.  Turns out the lake is only 889 feet above sea level.

    Yeah, those mountains are tall, but not everything is super high. It's mountains, not a plateau.

    I don't live in switzerland, but germany's Mittelgebirge. My town is at 222m (728 feet) above sea level, but drive less than 20km (12 miles) and you are at 634m (2080 feet) above sea level.

    12 hours ago, toodywoody said:

    Every time they showed the stairs I saw the tram skeleton next to it and am very interested into reading why it wasn't still in use. It was overgrown and the landing up at the top looked rusted. 

    Seems like the alley even got the name from the funicular, "Funicolare Angioli Lugano" (funicular of angels). It got the name from a church that is next to the bottom station.

    It was mainly there to bring guests to a hotel that closed in 1981 and the funicular got closed down consequently in 1986.

    Infos in german and some photos: https://www.standseilbahnen.ch/lugano-angioli.html

    11 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    Usually, at the start of the leg, they race to the aeroport, book their flight, and depart to the next country.

    They haven't booked their own flights in quite a few seasons.

    11 hours ago, Amy Beth said:

    I do not understand the purpose of having a Race activity that a Racer is disqualified  from doing. Either do not cast that person or don’t include that activity. 

    If it's a roadblock it's fine, imo. Only one person can do that one anyway. So they do not have a choice who does it. Big whoop. They have to split roadblocks between them anyway.

    6 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

    It certainly appears to me like the twins spent the pandemic hiatus to work on their relationship.  I found them enjoyable to watch last night.

    I get the feeling that was their usual selves. When we last saw them one of them had just gotten dumped and the other just couldn't stand her whining about it anymore.

    1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

    Speak for yourself.  The charley horses I get are excruciating and some of them take quite awhile to let go.  If I'm sitting when one starts and I can't immediately stand up, I'm stuck in a weird and very painful half sitting position for 10-15 minutes or more.  The really fun ones go from the ankle to the groin and hit both legs at the same time.  Now admittedly, I am neither as young nor as fit as Dusty.  Still, good for him for getting back on his feet so quickly.

    I'm 99% even you with your bad charlie horses would prefer those to the heat strokes and exhaustion to the point of fainting, previous racers have had. I was comparing a thigh cramp to these prior problems racers had and in that comparison cramps aren't all that bad.

    Also you might want to take magnesium daily, if you get cramps that bad.

    1 hour ago, bearcatfan said:

    Penn and Kim addressed the backpacks on their podcast. If they dropped them, they would not be able to have them for the rest of the race. 

    It wasn't quite clear, when they adressed it. From my understanding it was more a "when they are gone, they are gone" and nobody will watch them. Still very unlikely that they would be stolen, but I do get the anxiety when you could be without a change of clothes for the rest of the race.

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  14. 23 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I knew as soon as they allowed Arun & Natalia to finish the detour that it was a non-elimination leg.  A little disappointed by that but I don't dislike them so whatever.

    That really wasn't any kind of clue. Phil only comes out when you are hours and hours behind. Here, it was late, but the sun was still up. That is still well in schlepp-yourself-to-the-mat-territory.

    22 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    Every time I see a man like Penn having a ridiculous emotional breakdown such as witnessing your wife bungee jumping it always makes me think of the pioneers who crossed a continent to settle the West. If men were anything like Penn is back then we'd never gotten past the Mississipi...those were damn tough people men and women (gotta plug the new show 1883 which is wonderful and depicts the hardship of pioneer life)

    Is that the "good old days" we are wishing back for now? Yikes. I certainly wouldn't want to live in that time or have a man, like the men you wish for, in my life.

    I for one appreciated Penn getting emotional here.

    22 hours ago, Netfoot said:

    The strength of the bungee isn't the issue. The heavier they weigh the deeper down the bungee pilot will go. And there is a finite distance to the bottom of the dam.

    I doubt that's the problem. All your wieght is attached to your ankles. The harness is jsut for additional safety. So your ankles and your legs are the weak point and if there is too much weight pulling on them, that could lead to serious injury.

    22 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

    One question I would like answered: For the Wine and Chestnuts Detour, did the racers have to keep their backpacks on? I would have thought that they could have left them at the bottom of the stairs. Hell, Dusty and Ryan were having a hard time and they are arguably in the best physical shape of all the racers!

    I was asking myself the same, the whole time. Unless there is now a general rule which states you can't leave your backpack, that didn't use to exist, I don't get it. There was probably not a rule special for this task and it's a tourist town in switzerland, not some bad neighbourhood in india. They could have totally dropped their bags close to the chestnut stand and nobody would have taken them.

    21 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    I'm going to figure that kind of relationship works for them at home, and it isn’t as toxic as we’d think. Seeing it on camera and in a foreign country? Yikes. And now we find out that Akbar has been too heavy to do Roadblocks twice, forcing Sheri into really uncomfortable situations. It's cringe. We've seen worst teams/couples, but I don't see much hope for them . . . at least not on this Race.

    He wasn't too heavy for the roadblock last episode. That was just them being dumb.

    21 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    I don't think we've seen teams suffer cramps and Charlie Horses before. Asking teams to climb those stairs was a bit sadistic. When you see two alpha dudes struggling to make it to the Pit Stop without being forced to roll themselves in that direction, you know the show has gone a bit too far.

    Oh we have seen teams suffer cramps and much worse in previous races. A cramp really isn't too bad. They are young men with big muscles. They will sweat a lot and their muscles use a lot of minerals. For the next legs they should stock up on sports drinks and they'll be fine.

    14 hours ago, Taeolas said:

    The Bungee jump probably had height and/or weight limits that Akbar was over. I wonder if Penn was too tall as well and they just skipped him saying he couldn't do it. 

    They specifically said it was his weight. Penn didn't do it because they made a pact to always switch, before the race, as to not hit the limit and he did the last roadblock. Plus they thought it was dancing. Since the clue only said "Who wants to get down?".

    Production cleverly gave that clue far away from the jump-spot. Usually it's right there and it's obvious. I appreciate them mixing it up


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  15. On 1/20/2022 at 4:50 PM, bunnyface said:

    But to be fair, the guys are not raising two kids (and a husband) and running a family and an after-school program.  At what point was she supposed to magically produce an extra 12 hours a day to train and the $$$ to leave home and go mountain climbing and hire someone else to run her life?

    I mean, half an hour cardio a day does wonders. You don't need 12 hours and bench 1000kg to be good on the race.

    That being said, I know how hard it is to keep the siciplin to actually stick to it, especially during these unsteady times. So no shade from me.

    On 1/20/2022 at 5:06 PM, ProfCrash said:

    As for Akbar and Sheri, I only made my comment that Sheri felt like she had to do it because she said that and the way she said it made it sound like there was some type of restriction in play. We saw that there was a task that one of the Globetrotters couldn't do because of his height so I don't think that it is a stretch to say that there might have been a restriction in play. 

    It is a stretch because production would have said so. The only worry about Akbar's size came from Sheri.

    Also Penn did it and he is about as tall as Akbar.

    On 1/20/2022 at 6:58 PM, blackwing said:

    I'm right there with you.  I really dislike this team.  Oddly, one of the many things I didn't like about him was his unkempt hair, so at least he got it cut this time around.  But I was hoping for him to trip and fall, to show that you don't always have to be trying to get ahead in life, in the end, it really doesn't make that much of a difference.  He is almost certainly the guy that is weaving in and out of traffic, just so he can get to his destination a few seconds faster.  I agree that Kim's flag was all furled up, if the judges are going to be so exact on the moves and the look, why allow her to pass?  She clearly must have done something wrong with her movements in order to get the flag furled, since nobody else did that.

    They are in a race! It's right in the title of the show.

    I doubt he is an unsave driver. You certainly can't get that from how he runs a foot-race. If he was a shitty driver, they probably would have shown it this and last episode, as he was the one driving.

    On 1/20/2022 at 6:58 PM, blackwing said:

    Agreed, I am shocked that Phil has never won.  He was nominated four years in a row in the second to fifth year the award existed, and lost to Jeff Probst three of those times.  Hasn't been nominated in years, while RuPaul has won the past SIX years in a row.  Nothing against RuPaul, but what does Phil have to do to get an Emmy?

    Phil isn't present enough. He's only really there at the pit stops. Yes he explains the tasks, but there is no interaction. One season they tried to have him there when racers started the tasks, but it didn't add much and was probably a production nightmare.

    Sucks, since I think what he does he does really well, much better than Probst, but it's probably not enough

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  16. Count me in with the group who hated the HIMYM finale and since then can't rewatch any episodes. The alternate ending lessens the wound a bit, but not enough.

    This was fine so far. Not nearly on the level as HIMYM was in its first season though. I'm not sure if I'll be back for a second season, but I think I'll stick it out through this one.

    On 1/20/2022 at 6:56 PM, akg said:

    A very big bonus to this is that the writers can't paint themselves into a corner with how they think things will end at this point in the process. The last scenes of Ted's kids had been filmed years before to catch the actors at the right age and couldn't really be changed (although I have no idea if tptb would have rewritten the ending if they'd had more flexibility). With HIMYF's format, they can adjust the plan if actor chemistry isn't what they expect or they realize a different father would just make more sense in 5 years.

    I mean, they easily could have changed that finale if they had wanted to. Just show the kids from behind when they are talking, have a few old reaction shots, when Ted is talking. It would have been a little clunky, but loads better than the finale we got. Or they could have done what they did with the alternate ending and not shown the kids at all. Anything would have been better than the actual finale.

    On 1/21/2022 at 11:47 AM, anthonyd46 said:

    It did feel that one of the four guys from the pilot had to be the father, but I don't trust these writers after HIMYM, because the narration only said that she met the father that night so they could always pull something down the line that it was some background character or like with Ted he was in the same location as the mother at one point and didn't know it at the time etc. I think thats just the safe story for now in case this doesn't make it very long so they could have some kind of resolution, but if this show goes on a while I wouldn't be surprised if that changed since they had a plan like that for HIMYM if it didn't make it past season 1.

    Who had episode 3 on their betting card, for when they wheel out a new man she met that night? Not me. I thought that would be a move for season 2 at the earliest.

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  17. 2 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    This is true, but Zach has always maintained that Flo did contribute to their race efforts, in particular with her interaction with staff in aeroports etc, back when travel management was a key element of the race.

    My main point was that Zach certainly wasn't "nagging and raging", like @meatball77 said.

    Travel management was a part of the race, I wouldn't say big, it seldom made a big difference, so if that was Flo's only contribution it was really minor. But I have to say it was always exciting when it did make a difference and I'm sad that the Amazing Race really isn't about racing around the world anymore, but just a gameshow set in multiple countries. You still see spectacular vistas, but the sense that these teams are traveling around the world is gone.

    7 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    And one thing I have to say about Flo is that she never denied what a harpy she had been, unlike subsequent real horrorshow racers who routinely blame the editing.

    That is true. I saw interviews of her where she fully admitted it. I still wanted to strangle her by the end of the season and it really wasn't fun to watch. That's one of the seasons I caught up on with a binge though. Maybe she wasn't quite as bad spaced out over 13 weeks.

    11 minutes ago, Netfoot said:

    I may be wrong here, but wasn't she for quite some time, the youngest racer ever to compete on TAR?

    Zach is 6 months younger than her, so not possible. He also wasn't a crying self-absorbed mess because of his age, so there goes that excuse.

    I also was younger than Flo when I watched that season and I still could never fathom acting like that.

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  18. On 1/20/2022 at 4:21 AM, meatball77 said:

    Sherri and Akbar have been married a while and he's a coach.  I suspect that she just stays out of situations where he would feel the need to coach her.  If I went on TAR with my husband we would probably resemble Zach and Flo, I'd be crying and he'd be raging and nagging, which is why I'd never go on TAR with my husband.

    It's been a while but that's not how I remember Zach and Flo at all. I remember Zach, while being understandably frustrated, having the patient of a saint and sometimes literally carrying Flo to the finish line.

    Good thing we have the split roadblock rule now (because of them). With that they would have been out after a few legs and we wouldn't have had to suffer through that.

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  19. On 1/17/2022 at 7:14 PM, sistermagpie said:

    Magic or just a bad unusual event. Animals don't always follow their own rules, even when the rules are mentioned by the characters beforehand.

    Suuuure. Wolfs not being afraid of fire is totally something that happens in the real world.

    For all the rest I guess we have to agree to disagree.

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  20. 2 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    The gas pump obviously had a leak (from sitting there for years without routine maintenance), and when the plane heated up, it caught fire. The pump is under the passenger seat.

    And? An explosion like we saw on screen is still not realistic.

  21. 2 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

    There has to be more to Adam’s story. The most unbelievable plot aspect in this entire show, including all the goings on in the woods, is Adam being so incredibly attracted from first glance to frumpy middle-aged Shauna. And then randomly running into her at the hotel. If there was really nothing else behind that storyline, that is some terrible terrible writing. 

    Maybe a wizard did it? I seriously don't know. That might be a possibility.

    2 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

    Earlier, Shauna was on the internet and we saw that Lottie’s family had initiated a wrongful death suit, so I don’t think she’s still alive. Who knows what’s going on there.

    Lottie probably wandered into the woods shortly before they got rescued and was presumed dead, but survived with forest magic or something.

    1 hour ago, Black Knight said:

    But snow fell later that night, and if she had been sleeping when it happened (and the position Shauna found her in suggests she'd been sleeping), she wouldn't have known that the fire went out. I think she froze to death in her sleep.

    I'm 99% sure you can't sleep through freezing to death. It hurts, a lot. Long before you get to the comfy numb stage. You only get there if you absolutely can't find shelter.

    51 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

    Bears show up in the wild sometimes. Nothing supernatural about it. They are just very suggestible at this point.

    But they usually don't let themselves get killed with a knife.

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  22. Showing us that ritualistic killing in episode one and then not getting to it this season is just bad form. Not even How to get away with murder did that.

    Killing a bear with a knife, I call bullshit on that. I don't care how sick it was. If it can still walk, it can still maul you.

    I guess Lottie got herself a cult, even after they got back from the wilderness. But how would she just be able to empty Travis' bank account? And the cops didn't think that was suspicious? Very far fetched.

    I'm not quite clear in how far the magic is supposed to be real and I don't like it. I think the rules of a world should be firmly established by the end of a first season at the latest. Is Jackie causing Tai's sleepwalking with that little Voodoo altar in the basement? The first time it happened it was caused by the little bone-idol Jackie had given Tai...

    Jackie should really learn to play along when a dangerous cult is forming around her in the wilderness. Of course it's stupid, but you gotta survive girl. If she hadn't frozen to death, she would have been sacrificed eventually. Related: How did she freeze to death? Of course when you go into extreme hypothermia you feel warm and just go to sleep, but it should become unbearable long before that. Are we really supposed to believe that she was too pridefull to go back inside when her whole body was hurting from the cold?

    So they hadn't seen Javi the whole day after the bad mushroom trip and nobody was concerned but his brother? Way to drop the ball there, coach...

    I still don't buy that there is no path to that multi story cabin. How was it built? Did dead guy fly in a crane with his mini cesna?

    Also still peeved, that nobody there just followed a stream to civilisation, while it was still summer, instead of "heading south". On a related note wolves attacking humans with fire is bullshit. Or is that supposed to be part of the magic?

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