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A welcome return to form after last weeks misstep. I am so happy that they found Zoe & gave her back her real name, Marie & found her maternal grandmother. You could see how much that meant to Adam. It would've been nice to see the scene where Adam called the grandmother, or visited her to tell her about Zoe/Marie & perhaps explain the case a little more. I felt that once the *** 'Dad' died that part of the story was kinda dropped. Adam is so close to breaking point & the you could actually see his heart shatter when Bob asked him to remind him what his name was. That scene was sublime from Paddy & Jack Coleman & I am sad that we won't get much more of this pairing. Clearly Bob had gone downhill rapidly and Adam had to realise it himself & when Bob started putting Makayla in danger it finally hit home. What I did notice was that Kim was kinda cold towards him, I understand she could see what Adam hadn't let himself see yet but feel like she could've been a little softer in her approach. This episode broke my heart.. many times over.
Interestingly I saw a comment on IG from LaRoyce replying to someone who said he should've been Detective instead of Kim & he reminded them that his career had been 'Bricked' a few years back. I was surprised that he bought that up, I mean this show forgets storylines all the time. I do also wonder with all his side gigs that he has going on, he always seems to be doing shows, poetry readings etc all over the place, maybe he asked for reduced screentime? Or maybe his reduced screentime made him take up all these side hustles. I hope we see his Dad before the end of the year, I really love that dynamic.
What more can I tell you, other than it was written by Rick Eid... the man that bought you the Roy Walton mess, Upzek, Detective Barbie & the repeated brutalisation of Burgess, got rid of Antonio is some stupid drug storyline, killed Al & stuck Atwater in that black v blue merry-go-round. Such a shame. Atwater deserved better.
I've tried, and yet I just cannot seem to warm up to him. I don't hate him, or even dislike him & in the background he does perfectly fine. I just find his mopey expression when he's the lead a little tedious and I tune out. He reminds me of Droopy Dog. The case had been done before with Halstead way back before he was neutered by Upton so it just didn't do much for me. Unfortunately the re-arrangement of the episodes which put this after the crossover wasn't ideal. If people had checked out the crossover & decided to give PD a go again this week I just don't think this was the episode to keep them invested.
I've only watched the PD episode (in part due to the fact that they country I live in only PD has the current season streaming.) & a few clips from the others, I can safely say not one single other character made me even slightly interested in checking out those other two shows again. A couple of points...... Ummmm don't they have a Rescue Squad for like, actual Rescues? And having to dig through tunnels seems like a Rescue type things. So you had Mouch, who's wife was only just bought back to life & that screachy man do the rescue. But I guess they had to rescue Saint Stella.🙄 Gotta say, for being stuck underground in a collapsed tunnel and recently fighting with the perp in rubble Kidd was immaculately clean when she came out (as were they all)... like come on... a least try. Of the clips I've seen of the other shows so Burzek finally said I love you again for the first time since season 2.... that's shitty writing to go that long & perhaps great acting & chemistry that everyone could see it but it was never said. Anyway... their reunion was cute. That's all I got. Congratulations though to the cast, crew & writers for putting basically a movie together seemlessly.
What a remarkable performances by both Paddy & Jack Coleman & the young girl Annabelle Toomey. Disco Bob tends to cause chaos, I wasn't expecting that though. I have to try & ignore the retconning of Bob that Rick Eid did & it seems like the current showrunner does too thankfully. Watching Adam try and process the news, while also dealing with Zoe was quite a trip. There is a twist in this serial killer story that I can't quite nail down just yet. Zoe knows stuff clearly, but how involved in it is she. At times I've had the feeling that when they said the little girl, sarah's death was deliberate I do wonder if Zoe had anything to do with that. But then she wasn't covered in blood, so I don't know. Can't wait for the resolution to that storyline. Another heartbreaking thing about Bob's condition is that pretty soon we won't get to see Jack Coleman on this show anymore & that's a travesty because it's always a treat when he shows up. Mack & Adam's conversation about the Belize Wedding was all sorts of cute as well as hearing Kim really laugh on the phone. After so many years of abject trauma for her character it's nice to hear her laugh again. Season 12 is really a step up from previous seasons. Everyone seems to be breaking free from the trauma and misery that dragged this show down for a few years. I actually look forward to each episode instead of dreading them.
I thought the Dad was a gambler but that was a red herring that ended up having nothing to do with the Kidnapping, it was the mother's cheating that was the reason it happened. The Dad was just trying to pay the ransom to get his family back. That was my understanding of it anyway. Perhaps I missed something?
I really enjoyed this outing. I loved the parallel between her parents & the COW married couple. Her Dad is the good guy & the Mum is a trashbag, compared to everyone (well me at least) thinking the Dad had done something wrong & the wife was innocent. Sure the Dad had gambling issues so wasn't as pure as the driven snow but it was the wife sleeping around that caused the issue here. I liked that directly parralled Kiana's family set-up. Adam being dragged into the middle of her family drama was a gold nugget & his need for the gossip at the end was cute. I loved how he told her she'd done good, that was sweet and they have a good bond after how they met. He told her she'd done good then too. I am loving the energy and vibe Kiana has bought to the show, it seems to have re-unified the team or at least the writers are using it to re-unify them after several years of a clear divide between mopey, dopey & Voight & the Officers. Loved the 'car crash' and how they both immediately blew in the confected outrage. Kim was a little big badass there & Kiana matched her energy. I was worried when Voight busted that house that they were going to be too late to save the girls, so I am glad they did. Those poor wee things, losing both their parents. Life really does suck sometimes. I had no issue with her not going to the party. Clearly her mother is now using her on her Daddy's orders for his own agenda, why not Kiana use her as well. The gist I got was her mother had zero to do with her upbringing but now that her Daddy is running for Alderman she's trying to play nice. Yes, yes, more Daddy/Mommy issues for our newest cop, but it somehow feels fresher. It doesn't appear (at least not yet) to make Kiana a miserable mopey drag, which is nice.
Could not be less excited for this if I tried. I stopped watching Fire & Med a long time ago. Fire does not have one redeeming or interesting character & I have no idea who is actually on Med anymore.
I'm loving her so far. I loved the attitude she gave Torres at the start too. The girl has moxie but doesn't seem arrogant & self serving. Hope they keep her this way. I think you'll find they are the same fans.... they are trolls & they latch onto someone & go hell for leather, eventually turning to personal threats. The MO is the same & the language & style is the same. I'm sad they've found your reviews....
I think people view it as she wouldn't have been in that situation & they may have done something differently if they had all the information. If Voight knew that Torres had slept with her, or had gone to see her it may have been played differently Perhaps they wouldn't have gone UC with her because he'd tipped her off by visiting her that she was back on their radar. Cook's mistake seemed a little contrived to me though, a clunky way to move the plot along? That's my read on it anyway.
Well thank god that's over, and I didn't even watch last season & still hated that storyline. Despite that I really enjoyed this episode. It was well paced and kept my attention. Adam getting all pissy was all kinds of hot & precisely in character for Adam. He shoots first then takes a breath. It's who he is, flawlessly flawed. I so wanted to see Kim chew him out, because you know she did when she followed him out of the bullpen. Knowing that many of the Adam critics were also huge hypocrite Hailey & Judgey Jay fans just makes it funnier. Voight's "I'm not your father, or your priest" was gold. Kiana having the confidence to voice her opinion on Torres garbage was also great. And Kim not letting the lie continue was just that little bit of shade at previous Detectives' behaviour from the writers (you can't convince me otherwise), however it was very Kim like. She probably had cause to stop and think because of just being made Detective & potentially losing it just as fast but she didn't miss a beat. Torres.... yikes, his mopey, depressing hang dog expression was old 3 mins into the episode. I am just not sold on him as a character or an actor. He's not doing it for me & I've tried to like him. The decision to give him this storyline, so early in his career is a wild choice. I mean there is fucking up & then there is this level of fucking up. Oh boy Reid.... you are sketchy as all get out... and I am kinda digging it.
Torres is as dumb as rocks.... what the hell was he thinking actually going to her house? What was that supposed to achieve, except alert her that they were still onto her. I just can't with him, I just can't warm up to him. I've tried. I am a little annoyed that Kim killed the feed to protect them & left Cook on her own. I get it was a shitty plot device, but it felt very un-Kim like. Adam didn't have much to do, but his little snack-acting was a piece of levity. I'm taking it as an impromptu Burzek date. Having never watched the whole Gloria thing last season (I had a vague idea of what was going on) this certainly didn't compel me to go back & watch. And the Torres white shirt schtick they have with him might be the only vaguely interesting thing about him. Cook basically getting herself made with her comment was such a rookie mistake and seemed a little too obvious considering she's seem pretty smart so far, even though it was her first go at undercover, she's not fresh out of the academy dumb like Torres seems to be, or even Adam at the start of the show. I do not seeing the 'chemistry' between him & Cook, and please TPTB do not lumber her with that idiot. Let her character breathe without hooking her into a in-house relationship. At best I see a Burgess/Atwater type relationship. I like that it felt more team orientated this week, but 2 weeks without Trudy is just wrong.
I think Marina explained it in an interview.... It's a lot of work & study & Kim & Adam couldn't do it both at the same time and Atwater is all caught up in his housing project that's keeping him occupied. That makes more sense than the throw away 'nobody was interested' line in the show. I was just happy that they showed it was a lot of work... and you don't just get it sleeping with your boss.
For this episode I though both Kevin & Trudy should've been in it, rather than blink & you'd miss Kiana, & Torres... but I guess they needed the later to set up the next episode with him banging hi CI.