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🙄This is so "look at me! I have boobs AND my cooch is shaved!" and "what the fuck are YOU looking at?!" all in one.
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I agree with everything everyone said about Cate and Tyler, and I have to add this takeaway ... My heart split in two when (and I'm paraphrasing here, as I forgot her exact words) Nova excitedly held up the itty bitty turtle, and in her most courageous 3-year old voice told Cate "I'm not afraid!". IIRC, she said it twice. Damn it, Cate!! Would it have killed you to acknowledge that your baby girl did something so brave?! Because truly, that had nothing to do with the turtle and everything to do with wanting some hugs and loud announcement from Mommy about what a brave girl Nova is. Fuck you, Cate.
I see you, Mom. I'm sorry for your loss. My son was stillborn at 32 weeks and his surviving twin sister spent 28 days in NICU. After spending 6 weeks with a therapist who was doing absolutely nothing for me, I turned to a facebook support group of Moms who had early losses, stillbirths, or infant deaths. I didn't run off to rehab; I dealt with the freak accident of my son's death. And I am stronger today because of it. On another note: Farrah. In what world does the employee get to fire her boss(es)? Isn't it the other way around?
ALL.OF.THIS. OHMAHLAWRD, Tyler's behavior is making me stabby, and Kim is no help. WTF, my DH and I both work full-time, have two daughters in school (and dance and horseback riding lessons), and we just launched an online beard oil / balm / butter shop. Our own startup, too! No MLM here, so DH spends a lot of his evenings working on the website, on the facebook page, and on creating and delivering products to the post office while I cook dinners, make the kids' lunches, do the laundry umpteen thousand times a week ... you know, the usual shit most (if not all of us) do on the daily. So Tyler and Catelynn and every other sumvabitch out in Teen Mom land who ever whines "ugh, I'm sooooooooo stressed, this vacation is JUST what I needed..." can have a seat all goddamned day. Just what in the fresh hell is stressing you all out so much?! And I need to say this because it irks me: Farrah can stop with her whiny "aaawwwwwww!" But count me in as thinking that Michael's proposal was sweet and directly from the heart. And I, too, was thinking WTF when Farrah put Debz, EMBA on a boat all by herself?? AAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA!! I can't with these people anymore.
During Amber's entire dilated-pupils monologue about how Leah fulfills HER needs, the only thing I kept wondering was "and what if the child you're currently expecting has special needs? then what?!" I have a friend who has worked tirelessly during her Autistic son's entire 9 years on this planet to get him the proper care and schooling he needs, all the while nurturing him and his younger sister and being a, ya know, MOTHER. THAT'S a great mom. THAT'S someone who deserves a reality show. Amber can't even get with the program to want to be with Leah, who -- as far as I can determine from a television program -- is not a special needs child, just someone who wants to be her mother's daughter. Fuck you, Amber. She positively infuriates me. And I really wanted to have high hopes for her once upon a time.
IMHO, this is all precisely what mature adults like Brandon and Teresa have figured out for Carly that immature folks like Catelynn and Tyler et. al. have not figured out for Carly. My own kids have even figured out by now what is and isn't an appropriate photo (and accompanying announcement) to post on my limited-friends-list-and-tightest-privacy-settings on facebook. Pics of my kids winning a medal at a school awards ceremony? "Post it on facebook, Mom!" Pics of my kids with bedhead while sipping chocolate milk in their fleece jammies while playing endless Minecraft? "You're NOT posting that on facebook, Mom!" *sigh* But I digress.
^This^. You guys are keeping me entertained at work (ahem, you didn't hear me say that ...) during a very quiet and boring week. Please and thank you :D
... hear that sound? It's @Isthisok's epic f'ing mic drop.
I'm kinda thinking a "Being Kids" wouldn't be so bad. I mean, really. Episodes of nothing but Isaac, Lincoln, Aubree, Ali, Gracie, Adderall, throw in the Teen Mom OG kids, too. They'll have little confessionals where they can speak their truths about shit that really goes down when the cameras aren't rolling. And from Kaiser, Endtable, and Watson, we'd get voice-overs a'la "Look Who's Talking!". Ya? Ya? I can picture that.
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Oh, jeezismaryandjoseph. This is a worthy cause I'd support. Perhaps a GoFundMe ought to be set up ...
Exactly this! By the time I log in to contribute my 2-cent snark on these episodes, all the good stuff has already been said and I'm up to my eyeballs in laughter. And for good measure, how about another "Fuck you, Jenelle!" Can't have too many of those.
I noticed that, too. I actually said to the tv "Kaiser, poor baby, she wasn't calling you ..." I think I imagined her yelling at Kaiser "DUUUDE! I wasn't CALLING YOU, ohmygawd ... Kaiser. KAISER! DUDE!"
My jaw hitting the floor when I saw this had to be heard 'round the world. So allow me to also add a "Fuck you, Jenelle" to this thread.
Hey, now. I disagree. Back in 2002, my now-husband and I started to price a wedding when we realized the venue, catering, and photographer were already putting us in the $20k range ... and we hadn't even gotten our tuxedo and gown yet! We decided to fly to Hawaii to get married, but since we'd already asked the best man and maid of honor to be part of our special day BEFORE we flew to Hawaii, we also told them they were under no obligation to come with us because we knew it was a completely unexpected cost for them. They said they'd love to attend, and DH and I offered to (and did) pay for a good chunk of their travel costs. We didn't want a reception, and because we had been living together for over a year. we also didn't want gifts. We never once expected any of the people who would've been on our guest list to drop everything to attend our wedding. In fact, I think in our case, we DID consider our guests when planning a wedding. At that time, we lived in RI. Everyone (except DH's mother) would have had to travel out of state to attend our wedding and reception. So we flew to Hawaii instead. I purposefully under-estimated the level of interest everyone would have in our wedding :)
As is the streak of shows with Briana eating <BAER>. And I never thought I'd think this out loud, but "David, run away from Jenelle as far and as fast as you can." Yes, yes, he's already plotting her death and subsequent burial in the ground he was preparing and all, but really. I can't imagine being married to that shrew for however long he's going to put up with her. Just the once a week I see her on tv is damn near unbearable. Yes, Jenelle - you CAN take the kids to the playground by yourself. Yes, Jenelle - you CAN grab a garden tool to start working on your property. Yes, Jenelle - it's possible to have a Mother's Day that doesn't include an all-expense-paid vacation out of town. Oh, and Jenelle - Mother's Day is typically for those who, ya know, "mother" their children. Yes, even Grandmothers! I adore Ali. I think while she's smart enough to know her ultimate fate, she's still a little girl and wants to behave like a little girl who is coming around to learning about being independent. If I were Leah, I think I'd be completely torn between allowing her to go without her wheelchair (but maybe put a helmet on so when she falls, her head would be protected?) and forcing her into one to preserve muscle use. It's hard enough to be a parent as it is; I can only imagine how much harder it is to parent a special needs child. Kail's ASS?!?!?!? Dafuq?! I did, however, love seeing Javi teaching Isaac to ride that bike. Chelsea's segment was boring, but I think Watson is just scrumptious. And I'm pretty done with Briana.