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Posts posted by NUguy514

  1. 1 hour ago, morriss said:

    I just read that Deshawn Watson has a sore shoulder, maybe he needs some massage therapy on it...🤣

    Poor Deshaun!  I can help you out with that.


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  2. 3 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Someone tweeted Drew Carey should never have to buy a drink in Hollywood ever again and here’s why:


    I heard a story about this through one of our local NPR stations here in LA.  That Bob's Big Boy is about a five-minute drive from me, and it's an institution.  So, so, so cool to hear that about Carey.

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  3. 3 hours ago, mojoween said:

    The new bane of my existence - Cincinnati is at home, at night, wearing white.  This has to stop.

    As both a lover of the Bengals and a connoisseur of excellent fashion, I must agree wholeheartedly.

    That was a nice three-point win over the Rams.  If this exact outcome had occurred on, say, February 13, 2022, for example...just pulling a random date out of my ass, no importance to it whatsoever...that might've been nicer.  It's fine, no significance at all.  I'm just spitballing.

    • LOL 5
  4. 1 hour ago, mojoween said:

    I have to clarify something no one has asked for - I called Dan Orlovsky a jerk, but it’s really Danny Kanell, who has nothing to do with Monday Night Football, who I think is a jerk.

    Can't they both be jerks?

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  5. 2 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

    To be fair, this is not a representation of all Bama fans.  There are bad people in every fan base, but the few don't speak for the many.  We've seen really bad behavior by LSU and Georgia fans, but that doesn't mean they're all like that. 

    That's true.  You've posted about both LSU's and Georgia's fans' bad behavior in this thread before, and the criticism is totally justified, as is the criticism of Bama's fans' bad behavior in this case.

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  6. 23 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    This is so good.  Except the end DEAR GOD NO 


    I never thought I'd agree with Mike Tyson on anything ever, but...yeah.

    • LOL 5
  7. 3 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

    And speaking of voices, Alexandra Stevenson just sounds ditzy.

    Alexandra Stevenson IS ditzy, bless her.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Magog said:

    The Jets & Aaron Rodgers falling flat on their faces. I will root for them to massively failing like I do when it comes to the Cowboys.

    The Dallas Cowboys & Jerry Jones being nowhere near the Super Bowl & also sucking in the process. It really infuriates me that we can't go a week during the season or offseason without hearing from them, their big mouth sad excuse of an owner, & his loser mush-for-brains son (Stephen Jones).

    Patrick Mahomes & the Chiefs do not repeat. I do not want to start hating on Mahomes like I do Tom Brady. But, him being in that Not Worth A Damn  NFL GOAT debate with Tom Brady or if he's going to catch Brady's Super Bowl wins (7) absolutely irritates me.

    From your lips...

    I'm starting to hate Mahomes, and that makes me sad because he doesn't seem like a bad guy and because it's not like it's his fault that his wife and brother are demons.  At least, I don't think it's his fault...

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  9. 1 hour ago, mojoween said:

    It occurred to me today that Michigan has a LOT of haters, but I just can’t quite put my finger on why…


    Give me a minute...the reason will come to me...

    Still, I'll take Michigan any day of the week and nine times on Saturday over Ohio State.

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  10. 5 hours ago, mojoween said:

    The Venn Diagram of the analysts who didn’t think Trey Lance was a very good football player last year and are *furious* at the 49ers for “wasting his opportunity” this year is a single circle.

    Seriously, all of these dickheads bemoaning Lance's lost opportunity this year were shitting all over him last year.  And, frankly, they were more correct last year since I don't think he's at all worth the hype, but Jerry will always Jerry.

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  11. 6 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

    Since both the US Women's and Men's 4x100m relay teams avoided disaster and took home gold, the US Women's 4x400m team took it upon themselves to uphold tradition and get DQ'd.

    Still, 3 out of 4 ain't bad. ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

    Well, karma dictates that if, by some miracle, the men's 4x100 team doesn't fuck up a baton pass, another American relay team must fuck up a baton pass in their stead.  This year, it was the 4x400 women's turn.  You'll get 'em next time, ladies!

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  12. I unabashedly love The Blind Side, even with its obvious issues, and will delightedly watch any Sandra Bullock movie other than Speed 2, but the Tuohys themselves can go get fucked with chainsaws.

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  13. I've watched the video a dozen times and laughed each time because Ramirez's punch that knocked Anderson down looked more like a glancing blow to me; Ramirez just sort of sideswiped Anderson's chin and down he went!  Anderson is a delicate flower, poor thing.🥀

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  14. 1 hour ago, Milburn Stone said:

    The reason this strike will be prolonged is that the whole situation is between a rock and a hard place. If studio heads could solve the problem by giving the actors and writers everything they want, and then charging more to a consuming public who would willingly pay what's asked, it would have happened.

    It absolutely would not have happened because the studio heads do not care about writers and actors.  At all.  They care about spending nothing so that their shareholders are pleased.  That's it.  If the shareholders pressure them to settle because their bottom line is being adversely affected, they will, but they would never, ever, ever give the writers and actors everything they want; it would cost too much, even if they charged the consumers more for their products.

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  15. 8 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Understandably, there has been a lot of reaction to the comments I made this weekend about our strike. To ensure there is no misunderstanding about my thoughts and intentions I’m providing what I actually said and clarity/context to ensure my feelings aren’t unintentionally misinterpreted. We all know soundbites can be taken out of context and I have too much respect for my fellow union members to not clarify the record.

    What I actually said:
    1 “I support my union, I do, and I stand with them.”This doesn’t need much clarity: My support is unconditional and I stand with them.

    What I actually said:
    2 “I do not support striking, I don’t.”
    What this means in full context: I understand fundamentally why we’re here. My off the cuff use of the word “support” is clearly contradictory to my true feelings and my emphatic statement that I stand with my union. Of course I don’t like striking. Nobody does. But we have to do what we have to do.

    What I said
    3 “I think that it is a reductive negotiating tactic and I find the entire thing incredibly frustrating.”
    In full context: I’m an actor and I was speaking extemporaneously for over an hour. I emote, but I certainly don’t think these issues are simple. Our leadership has an incredibly complicated job and I am grateful for all that they do. Despite some of my terrible early acting work, I assure you, I’m not a robot. From an intellectual perspective, I understand why we are striking, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t emotionally frustrating on many levels for all involved.

    What I said
    4 “I think that thinking as it pertains to shows like the show that I am on that that premiered last night, I think it is myopic”
    What I meant: Nothing about the strike is funny but if I may self deprecate for a moment. I have no clue what I was trying to say here and who says, “I think that thinking…?” Perhaps it was an inarticulate shoutout to our crew and cast, who mean the world to me. I’m simply sad that we don’t have a chance to celebrate a show that all of us figuratively and I literally, broke my back for.

    As I said from the jump, I want to ensure that my thoughts and intentions are not misconstrued. This situation reminds of the proverb, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions,” which apparently, after reading a limited amount of the commentary, is a place many of you would like me to visit. However, at least for the foreseeable future, I choose to stand with my union. When you see me on a picket line please don’t whip any hard fruit.

    Yep, I was right: he has no idea what those words mean, and he's a pretentious fool.  And, judging on past behavior, a belligerent asshole.

    • Like 5
  16. 2 hours ago, Fukui San said:

    Uniform update that may only interest me:


    IKEA Sox now 20-4 lifetime wearing these colors after tonight's victory over the Braves.

    They look like boxes of Lemonheads.

    • LOL 6
  17. 3 hours ago, Magog said:

     Gee, Yay. 😒


    I can't wait for the NBA schedule for next season to be out sometime next month & I can't wait to see Adam Silver torment us again on Christmas Day by putting the Knicks on there again. Also, if there isn't a Lakers - Nuggets on Christmas Day, then I'm going to be very disappointed. I'll be even more disappointed if the Lakers - Nuggets happens on Christmas Day, but its in LA. Also, I'm certain that he will put those Warriors on Christmas Day so that ESPN can find even more ways to worship their " favorite golden boy."

    Bron-bron doesn't play for the Warriors, though.  He organized a press conference no one asked for about it and everything.

    • LOL 5
  18. Aww, Djoker, too bad.  Maybe you should've worn another nano patch?  I wear at least seven at all times.  One can't have too many nanocrystals doing their very scientifically proven thing, after all!  Now, go take some more photos with war criminals.

    Carlitos, I'm generally ambivalent toward you, but not today.  Today, I'm just grateful to you for making Lord Beaker of the Light Beam Nanocrystals your bitch.  Besos.


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  19. 3 hours ago, DearEvette said:

    re: Background actors.  I do not believe that day players and extras need to be in SAG to work as extras, but quite a few might be.  And I think if your plan is to be a working actor then you will need to eventually be in SAG.

    Your entire post was fabulous, @DearEvette, and I can speak to this particular part a bit.

    I'm in SAG (I actually really work in education and have never done anything of note as an actor, but I was a Theatre major in college), and there are certainly both union and non-union actors who work background.  If you are in SAG and work as a background actor, you are indeed covered by the same union rules that Brad Pitt and Nicole Kidman are covered by; pay scale is obviously different for background, but maximum number of allowable work hours is the same.  Non-union background actors are not covered by those same rules and can be, and are, heavily exploited by producers because of it.  And yes, if you want any type of acting career in the US, you do need to be in SAG; allowing yourself to be paid for one day's work and signing your likeness away forever won't be the way to effectuate that, but that's sure as hell what these sacks of shit producers are hoping will happen.

    As it turns out, I do have a few feelings around this.

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  20. On 6/10/2023 at 6:55 AM, SuprSuprElevated said:

    Perhaps Karma is at play. 

    Wishing serious injury and celebrating death can do that sometimes.

    I was exaggerating for effect, which I thought was pretty obvious.  However, if we want to be serious:

    If karma were real, Pat Robertson would've died long ago; he was an evil bigot who used religion to spread hate throughout his life, and the world is a slightly better place without him in it.

    Djoker fans cannot claim any moral high ground.  The man has spent his career mocking his fellow tennis players, cheating in various ways on and off the court, defending abusive assholes like Justin Gimelstob, espousing various dangerous conspiracy theories, and promoting an authoritarian regime's bellicose claim to another country's territory and people.  As @CountryGirl stated, he has been as terrible an ambassador for the sport of tennis as Roger and Rafa, to whom he will inexorably be compared for the rest of his life, have been magnificent.

    I suppose if there is some semblance of karma – which I do not believe in, particularly, but understand why others do – in the end, it's this: Djoker is only a hero in his own mind and among a small (but vocal) segment of tennis fandom, but he thinks he's the hero everywhere; that's his tragic flaw.  The majority of tennis fans have seen how he's conducted himself time and time again and how these other two men have conducted themselves time and time again, assessed what we value about this sport we love, and have decided, "We're good.  We have our heroes, and you are not among them."  He has 23 Grand Slam titles, and likely will retire with a number higher than that, but because of how he conducted himself on the road to amassing those titles, they will always be the emblems of what he really wants and will never receive: public adoration.

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  21. 8 hours ago, Magog said:

    BTW, ESPN brought it this stat after the game. Out of 36 teams that went up 3-1 in the NBA Finals, 35 of them went to win it all. We all know who that one team is that didn't finish the job. 🤣 😂


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