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Posts posted by NUguy514

  1. 3 hours ago, Black Knight said:

    He says he has an open mind and wants to educate himself blah blah, but refuses to hear what the ADL might have to say.

    Yeah, he's proven throughout his career that he has absolutely no interest in trying to educate himself on anything; moreover, like all very stupid, narcissistic, and insecure people in the world, he won't listen to any views that don't reinforce his own because he does not have the mental capacity to self-reflect or process more than one train of thought at a time – or at any time.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Carey said:

    A revenge game for what it's worth.  The Houston Astros tie the series 2-2 with the second no-hitter in the history of the fall classic!


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  3. 3 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

    Kyrie was a five star prospect - I'm pretty sure all he had to do was prove he was literate and Duke would have considered that good enough.

    This is exactly correct.  I tutor high school students for the SAT/ACT, and athletic recruits for D1 programs really don't have to have the academic credentials non-recruits might need to get in.  Right before the pandemic, a former student of mine told me a football player at her school (Sierra Canyon, where Bron-bron's and Dwyane Wade's kids go/went) was recruited by Yale to play football.  His GPA: 2.7.  The rules are very different.

  4. 6 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    Literally no idea what happened to the Rams.   They just imploded this year.   

    What has happened to the Rams is pretty simple: they went all in last year for the sole purpose of winning the Super Bowl, knowing that it was a one-year bet.  It paid off last year, and the downturn this year was expected and inevitable; it was a tradeoff everyone in the Rams' organization seemed to be OK with.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Magog said:

    Despite LeBron's best efforts as usual, another season of Laker failure will make me very happy.

    Bron-bron's best efforts are WHY the Lakers have been failing.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, twoods said:

    He had some offensive racist and homophobic tweets surface in 2018 that he wrote when he was 17. It seems as if he’s a different guy and learned from his mistake since there hasn’t been a peep from him since he got drafted and seems to be well-liked. I can see living a very sheltered life where you learn to think one way, then go out into the real world and realize how screwed up you were. Josh Allen did the same thing at Wyoming and it’s all but forgotten now since he does a lot for the Buffalo community, so I am willing to give Hader some leeway. 

    I'm not inclined to give Hader or Allen (or Nick Bosa or Kyler Murray, etc. etc. etc.) any leeway.  Since the vast majority of teenagers don't post bigotry on social media, I don't think youth is any excuse, and when these men are rewarded so handsomely, they don't have a particular incentive to change.  What I think athletes, in particular, do learn is not to put their bigoted thoughts on the internet and hope that people forget because they want their teams to win no matter what.

    To a one, the athletes whose youthful indiscretions are uncovered use the "I'm sorry, those views don't represent who I am now" line, but those empty words are almost never followed up by any meaningful actions.  Sometimes, they have to go through some kind of sensitivity training, which is completely meaningless; sometimes, they don't have to do anything beyond making a statement of contrition.  What would actually, truly open their eyes to the damage they do and maybe help them to evolve would be to require them to do something like volunteer with The Trevor Project or at homeless shelters for LBGT youth or with victims of hate crimes.  That way, they'd actually have to interact with the people their bigotry is directly affecting.

    Anyway, go Phillies.

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  7. Such spectacularly shitty calls by the umps and managing by Roberts (like clockwork every fucking year).  Although I'm a Dodgers fan, I would be excited for the Padres if not for the presence of racist homophobe Josh Hader.  Fuck that guy.

    I will say, given the way these division series are mostly playing out, it's almost like finishing as one of the top two seeds in each league and being rewarded with a week of not playing so that your team can go completely fucking cold is not an advantage.  Still, that's no excuse for the abominable hitting by the Dodgers.  Jesus.

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  8. 2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

    I don't dislike the Rams, but I enjoyed watching the Niners spank them. I just can't help but root for Jimmy G. 

    I love Jimmy G('s face and body), but my hatred for Nick Bosa overrides everything, so fuck the Niners.

    44 minutes ago, Carey said:

    Okay, so now I know why Tom Brady got "work" done over the summer.  It's still questionable, but you have to do what you have to do to be the better looking quarterback during the game on December 11

    I've always thought Brady was pretty hot, but he'd need a face transplant to be hotter than Garoppolo.

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  9. 6 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    *I think the Bengals defensive player deliberately threw him to the ground -- but it was still legal since he didn't put his weight on the QB.   He had a "back injury."  So the D was going for his back.   There had already been a low hit flat earlier in the game.   By twisting and throwing him, the player was hoping to exacerbate the listed injury to get him out of the game.   I don't think he realized how hard T'ua would hit his head on the ground.  And if protocol had been followed Sunday, he wouldn't have been in the game at all for it to happen.  

    Tupou was not trying to injure Tua deliberately.  The trajectory of the sack was more about physics and momentum: Tua was resisting the sack until Tupou's force in one direction overcame Tua's force in the opposite direction, at which point Tua's force plummeted to approximately zero while Tupou's force remained very strong.  Tupou went from fighting a 217-lb man to sacking a feather, and the momentum inexorably built as Tupou was able to swing Tua to the ground.

    Tl;dr: It was basically a normal sack.

    5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

    I don't know, I feel like that hit on Tua was almost criminal. If someone picked me up and slammed me onto the ground like that, that would be assault and I would be pressing charges (if I was able to). Even though this was done within the game, when does a move like that become an act of violence as opposed to a normal play? My opinion is that the defender went beyond what was necessary to stop Tua, and that picking him up off the ground and forcefully slamming him down showed violent intent beyond normal game play.

    As I said, this was a normal sack.  Calling it criminal is ridiculous, and no commentator or expert has found it to be anything other than a pretty typical sack.  The only reason it looked so bad is because of Tua's response, and had he not suffered a concussion four days prior, I don't think Tua would've had any particularly abnormal reactions to it.

    If you're going to call anything criminal, start with the Dolphins and their coaching and medical staff, who all blatantly lied about what Tua's injury on Sunday was and who should never have allowed Tua to play last night.

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  10. 3 hours ago, Carey said:

    Just petty people

    It's the opposite of petty to think records earned by cheaters aren't legitimate records.

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  11. 1 hour ago, mojoween said:

    He actually wasn’t.  He was mostly agreeing with Shannon, but the noises he was making while doing so felt obtrusive.

    Any noise of any varietal Skip Bayless makes for any reason feels obtrusive.

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  12. So, with only three weeks behind us, the only remaining undefeated teams are the...Eagles and the...Dolphins...?  Whoever had that duo on their bingo card wins!

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  13. 1 hour ago, 6Lombardis said:

    I wish you would stop with the big rapist comments.  It’s not truthful or funny.

    It's not funny precisely because it's truthful.

    • Love 8
  14. We'll see how the rest of the match unfolds, but that set point Ruud just won featured some phenomenal tennis from both Ruud and Khachanov.

    Also, Christian Ruud is a toooooootal DILF.  But that's neither here nor there.

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  15. 4 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

    You're all a bunch of Hussies!!!


    Also, it's almost midnight here on the West Coast, and this match...


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  16. 19 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    Matteo is single???

    Shark Tank Writing GIF

    No, he's very much taken.  BY ME.


    I see that Kyrgios lost.


    • LOL 8
  17. 1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

    Since Alja and Matteo both lost today, maybe they can console each other and get back together.   Yeah, I'm cupid. 😍

    Ajla can console herself because Matteo is MINE! #delusions

    • Wink 1
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  18. 5 hours ago, Carey said:
    14 hours ago, Calvada said:

    What is going on with Brady?  He looks gaunt - did he have plastic surgery?  In the middle of training camp?  Unless he had an accident requiring immediate facial surgery, why would he have it done in August?  

    Maybe it's a gift to self to mark 45

    It's too bad he can't return this particular gift to self.

    • LOL 8
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