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Posts posted by NUguy514

  1. 3 hours ago, mojoween said:

    I’m sure Cleveland had Buffalo on the phone yesterday asking if he was going to be available.

    That was honestly one of my first thoughts, too.

    I've known about this case since last winter or fall.  The specific players who raped this young woman were unnamed at the time because SDSU had been covering it up for months with a big assist from the apathetic San Diego Police Department, but I heard about it.  She did everything "right" the morning after – went to the police, had a medical examination performed for a rape kit – and had proof that Araiza knew she was underage (in addition to other damning pieces of evidence from a phone recording), yet the criminal case has gone nowhere because of course it hasn't.  Anyone who thinks she's looking for a payday can go fuck themselves.

    Also, if I came across this story anecdotally, there's no way the Bills didn't know about it if they did any due diligence before drafting this sack of shit.  Your move, Buffalo.

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  2. Jay Hart over at Yahoo! Sports wrote an article last week bemoaning the fact that Djoker was going to miss the US Open because the vaccination protocols were too draconian and stating how unfair this was to Djoker in the race for the GOAT title.  It was all I could do not to email him privately and tell to shove it because he has it completely backwards: Djoker made the choice, knowing full well what the vaccine requirements were for both the Australian Open and the US Open, NOT to get vaccinated.  He does not get to have his cake and eat it, too, and Hart and the rest of Djoker's fan base can have a million seats about it.  This is the direct result of his own actions, and at least he's not engaging in some appalling chicanery this time around to try to weasel his way into the Open.

    Also, I don't care if Djoker ends up with 57 GS titles, he'll never be the GOAT over Roger and Rafa.

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  3. 8 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:
    7 hours ago, Popples said:

    Dear tiny-dicked assholes,

    The only satisfaction I can derive from such appalling displays of aggressive, violent, and stupid male sexism is that they come in service of such a Sisyphean and profligate endeavor: the Browns will come no closer to the SB this year than they did last year.  I'll happily enjoy and feed off of your tears of frustration, though.


    • Love 7
  4. 4 hours ago, Carey said:
    23 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

    Has anyone heard the story that Brady and Gronk were likely going to the Raiders in 2020 but Gruden decided against it and wanted to stick with Derek Carr? I wonder if it’s true. If it is, then Gruden is an epic moron for not going through with it. 

    That was probably between questionable and doubtful.  It was possible given the location, coupled with the fact there were several fairly decent teams those two were seeking (in addition to Tennessee and Indianapolis).

    Dana White related this story on Gronk's podcast, and Gronk confirmed that that's what happened.

    • Useful 2
  5. 1 hour ago, mojoween said:

    And yet, to this day, if I hear the name Paul O’Neill, I think … “Cincinnati”.

    I think it’s because Barry Larkin was my baseball boyfriend, Eric Davis was my emergency backup baseball boyfriend, and at that time I was DESPERATE for the Reds to win that WS.

    I was a mere tween sensation in 1990 and was also desperate for Cincinnati to win since I was born there (and had had my heart broken a year and a half prior during the Super Bowl), but those three men were among the reasons I knew I was gay.

    • Love 2
  6. 4 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    The Tahoe one.   Where the night manager claimed he called her to his room to "fix a tv" and assaulted her.  

    That accusation is not provably false either.

    • Applause 1
  7. 16 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    Yeah Ben learned from it and became a better person.    Also one of the accusations against him was provably false.    Unlike Watson where its an ongoing pattern of behavior.    Coupled with he doesn't seem to want to change because he sees no reason to change -- except be more discreet so he doesn't get caught.  

    Which accusation are you referring to?  If it's the 20-year-old he raped in the bathroom of the nightclub in Georgia, authorities cited insufficient evidence as their reason for dropping the case, which is what happens in the vast majority of rape cases and is not the same thing as the accusation being "provably false."

    There is one place Rapistberger should have learned not to rape women and grown as a person or whatever: jail.

    • Love 3
  8. 2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

    Serena doesn't have that among her peers. She literally stands on her own amongst her contemporaries. None of them came close to what she's achieved, which is why she's spoken about only in comparison to legends of the past. Because there is no question that she outpaced, outperformed and dominated her contemporaries. So I absolutely disagree that she'll be Novak like in terms of how her legacy in the sport is celebrated. IMHO. 

    This.  This right here.

    • Love 6
  9. 13 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:
    29 minutes ago, Carey said:

    I don't always think of how his birthday and TB12's special day are very close.  I used to a couple decades ago; while the latter was dominating his sport, Roger was doing so a much higher and more impressive level.  They were both the top story in their respective sports, and while things might be trending toward being completely done for real, the fact that Federer was able to compete well past the average age (and win) is rather nice!

    TB12 ???

    TB12 is Tom Brady.

    • Like 3
  10. 8 hours ago, roamyn said:

    You guys are making me defend Deshawn, and I hate that.

    No one is making you defend him.  I'm not being snarky by saying that, by the way – just making the point that you're defending him because you're choosing to.

    8 hours ago, roamyn said:

    These were only ALLEGATIONS.  There was no Criminal charges.  I believe that the majority of these women were band wagoners.  But I do believe there was something there.

    The bolded sentence is the reason why you can write the sentence immediately prior.  Too many women who go public with sexual assault allegations are not believed, are called gold diggers and sluts "who asked for it," are pilloried and threatened, are lectured on how they "should've" protected themselves, and any number of other cruel pieces of bullshit that are designed to remove blame from where it belongs: the men (usually) who assaulted them.  Moreover, since there are almost never witnesses to sexual assaults, it's almost always a "he said, she said" situation, making it nearly impossible for prosecutors to put together a strong case.  That's why only 5% of sexual assault allegations lead to arrest, 2.8% lead to a felony conviction, and 2.5% lead to the perpetrators being incarcerated.  I will always believe the victim first, and that is especially true when there are sixty-six victims and one perpetrating piece of shit.

    5 hours ago, Prairie Rose said:

    Equally sickening is the statement from Browns ownership. I've already made my feelings on this subject known here so I won't repeat all that. Read this and puke:


    The Browns ownership is trash, and it trickles on down.  Jimmy and Dee can go eat a bag of infinite dicks tout de suite.

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  11. 2 hours ago, Magog said:

    As for those wretched scummy Warriors, other than Draymond being his usual lovable & classy self, I was only happy for Andrew Wiggins. He was a big help & I'm very happy that he got his first ring.

    Draymond is many things, but classy is not, and has never been, one of them.  I love him, and he's entertaining, but he's a shit.

    2 hours ago, Magog said:

    I'm fine. Even though I was constantly nauseous & dry-heaving throughout that stroll in the park ass whopping by those Warriors. And I got up this morning & threw up a couple of times. My neck is currently hurting. Other than that, I'm OK.

    We're going to get you through this, @Magog.  The only true cure, and you're going to resist it, is to accept the love you have in your heart for Steph.  It's there and has been there all along.  We might have to force it, A Clockwork Orange-style, but I promise it'll be worth it!

    • LOL 10
  12. Go Dubs!!!

    I feel like Steph's Finals MVP award (FINALLY!!!) was the universe's personal gift to Magog.

    • LOL 7
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  13. 29 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

    I find it funny that Celtics fans are still complaining about the refs, despite their hilarious advantage in free throws awarded.

    Well, I mean...consider the source.

    • Like 7
  14. 48 minutes ago, Vermicious Knid said:

    It's a reference to Academy Award winning movie Moonlight, based on the play In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue by Tarell Alvin McCraney. Which has quite a lot of relevance in the Black queer community.

    I feel like JHud didn't really earn an EGOT. The Emmy and Tony weren't for her own performances, but for producing other people's work. On the plus side, RuPaul now also has a Tony.

    I'm aware of the reference as Moonlight is one of my favorite movies, and it was a very trite lyric.

    JHud earned the Emmy of her EGOT the same way John Legend did and the Tony of her EGOT the same way Whoopi Goldberg and Legend did (writing a check), which is also how RuPaul, Mindy Kaling, Don Cheadle, Ilana Glazer, Alan Cumming, and Billy Porter (among others) won this particular Tony, so I'm not sure why people are dumping on JHud specifically.  I'm frankly more annoyed by her Oscar win since I thought her non-singing acting was pretty terrible, but good for her for achieving the EGOT.

    • Like 1
  15. I was shocked at how much I disliked the number from A Strange Loop, which I was not expecting after the hype.  The lyrics in that song are just incredibly obvious, and Spivey was lifeless.  I was so surprised by my reaction that I watched the "Inner White Girl" performance posted above and felt the same way.  I mean, one of the lyrics in "IWG" is "His blackness doesn't look blue in any moonlight, which makes him harder to see."  I actually laughed at that line; it feels like it was written by a college freshman.  To those who've seen the show, are the songs all like this?  What am I missing?

    I refused to watch the number from The Music Man; I hate that show.  As I fast-forwarded, though, I did pause on the closeup of Hugh Jackman, and it was shocking how bad he looked.  He's only 53 and looks at least ten years older.

    The dancing in MJ was phenomenal.

    I've read Paradise Square isn't that good, but I loved the number performed; Joaquina Kalukango was incredible. I also really enjoyed the number from Six.

    I didn't like the Company number at all, and I hated the way it was staged.

    The Girl from North Country's number didn't hold my interest.  At all.

    So, basically, as others have said, I don't think much of what I saw makes me want to see more.

    The Spring Awakening performance was specious (and while I get why they went with the quieter, more yearning "Touch Me" for this performance, I'd have chosen differently), more than a few of the actors didn't sound great (Skylar Astin was overdoing it), and I want to slap Lea Michele's overly tanned face, but I still got a little misty watching it.

    Typically, there were some really lovely speeches (Kalukango, Deirdre O'Connell, Simon Russell Beale, and even Patti LuPone), and a few I did not like (Phylicia Rashad, who needs to take herself 48,927,031,035,692% less seriously, and Jesse Tyler Ferguson, who just seemed too hungry for it and just rubs me the wrong way in general).

    Ariana seemed to be having fun, which was great.  I fast-forwarded through her bits, though, because I watch the Tonys to see who wins and to see at least a bit of each nominated musical.

    I probably would like to marry Jesse Williams. Or at least have an adult sleepover with him.

    JHud is an EGOT! Who'd have fucking thunk it?? Suck it, Simon Cowell!

    • Love 2
  16. 2 hours ago, CeeBeeGee said:

    Went down the rabbit hole today and found this article. Jennifer Sey has lost her damn mind.


    From the article:

    No, you quit because you were about to be fired, because you've lost your damn mind.

    What a shame. I used to like her.

    Wow.  What a fucking asshole.  And what an object lesson in how execrable privileged people are when they have no idea how privileged they are because they're so far up their own privileged asses.  She went off the deep end because she and her husband had to be full-time parents to their kids in their multimillion-dollar condominium.  Boo-fucking-hoo.  99.9% of parents did the same thing in MUCH smaller spaces because public health and safety necessitated it and didn't scream about it or abandon literally every value they purported to have because of it.

    And not for nothing, she projected a TON of shit onto her children/children in general and clearly has no idea what a terrible parent she is.

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  17. 3 hours ago, merylinkid said:

    Watson is that good.   He really is.   It was tough to tell because he played for the Texans, but damn, he was magic out there.   Now he had a year off so he may be a tad rusty.   But yes, if these cases were settled, a LOT more teams would be pursuing him.   It was only the unknown NFL punishment that scared a few teams off.

    Not saying I agree with it.   But from a purely football "what happens on the field only" perspective hell yeah.   Teams are going to want him.

    The problem, of course, is that you cannot separate his off-field crimes from his on-field accomplishments, so, no, Watson is not that good.  No athlete in any sport ever is good enough to supersede sexual assault (or any other serious crime), and the athlete in question and any team willing to pay him (or her, I guess, although it's always a "him") as much money as the Browns are paying Watson deserve to be vilified until such time as the culture and mentality of said sport are changed irrevocably not to prioritize rewarding criminal behavior because of the perception that someone's ability to win is more important than the lasting damage his crimes cause (and that is true in every area, not just sports).  If that day ever arrives, I will celebrate.🕺

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  18. 32 minutes ago, I Want My MBTV said:

    Okay, I know I said I wanted Zverev in tears but that's not what I meant.   

    You're a better person than I then.

    Now that Wifebeater's out, I'll be happy with any outcome on the men's side.

    • Love 6
  19. 43 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    I cannot stress this enough … Tony LaRussa’s opinion of how Gabe Kapler is protesting means less than jack shit.  Once again, some more, someone is being completely obtuse about the damn anthem.

    One infinity percent this.

    In related news, I didn't think Gabe Kapler could get any hotter.  I was so, so, so wrong.

    • Love 9
  20. 2 hours ago, Magog said:

    Speaking of those Warriors & Steph, saying something remotely nice about them makes me want to vomit profusely. But for once, I will grin & bear it because Steph did something that did not irritate me for a change. He got a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Sociology from his school (Davidson). For that, I will congratulate him for that achievement.


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