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  1. I know this show is on cable now but it still surprises me when characters say "shit." How Patrick Stewart said it yet? I don't know if I could handle that from Captain Picard.
  2. Steve Martin's monologue (esp. the "Gulf of Steve Martin" line) and Eddie Murphy doing Tracy Morgan were two of several moments in this show that will stay with me. I'm not an Adam Sandler fan but his tribute song was excellent and the audience gave him a well deserved standing O.
  3. Jeez, if they have this many guest stars for the Xmas show, what's the anniversary show going to be like? Might as well tell the regular cast to stay home that night. I've always liked the joke swap, but I feel Jost and Che are overdoing their reactions lately. The jokes aren't THAT shocking and are sometimes predictable. That roast beef joke, though...whoa!
  4. I'd give the million dollars to Rachel mainly because she found a practical use for the SITD when she played it to see if she needed to use her idol. She's a pretty smart player and a decent challenge competitor.
  5. Andy wants everyone to see that he's playing the game, but flipping like that may backfire when it comes to jury votes. I found Teeny to be a bit obnoxious today after she wasn't chosen for the reward.
  6. I guess Kyle really wasn't aware of Sue's vendetta against him otherwise he could've voted for Sue one more time as a big FU to her.
  7. Now that it's come up, I could almost swear someone (Kyle?) used the Tweedledee line in a previous episode. Maybe I'm just suggestible. I think some people think it's an insult because of the "dum" part of Tweedledum. So, that's dumb. When Sol came out with that vest and the swagger, he made me think of a bouncer in a gay club, not that there's anything wrong with that. Sue just gets creepier looking with every episode. Wonder what she'll think when she sees herself on TV. Gabe may not have been the better choice over Genevieve in the long run, but people fear those who do well in challenges and it's a more immediate threat. And yes, he'll be back...on the jury.
  8. The Mama-at-Law animated theme reminded me of Fran Drescher's The Nanny. This episode felt like the writers were clearing out their idea file of stories that couldn't fill a half hour on their own.
  9. Sue really had the advantage in that IC, being the smallest woman as well as appearing to be quite fit. Her pre-game weight had to be one of the lowest of the women, along with some fairly muscular arms giving her a favorable strength-to-weight ratio. From what I could see, she didn't give an inch in that challenge. Those slo-mo shots of Andy were a bit much. So far, he's all talk and not much gameplay. The show must be desperate for a "villain" to build him up that way.
  10. Pretty obvious references to Apocalypse Now with Nandor as Col. Kurtz. Am I the only one who remembers that movie? I'm a little surprised no one brought it up.
  11. First thing I thought of
  12. My first thought when Lex was looking at the mess that Doomsday left behind was that Bizarro managed to literally shed the Doomsday carapace that was created by Lex through his treatments, so maybe we'll see Bizarro back in his normal form? It's the last season so his story needs an ending. Are we to assume that Clark's superhearing is still lacking so he didn't hear the signal that drew Doomsday to Lois? Did she not think that the boys would hear it?
  13. I thought Ariana did a much better Coolidge than Chloe because she nailed the voice timbre just right. I guess being a singer means she has a better ear for that aspect of impressions. A decent show with a competant guest host and a few daring jokes on WU made this a B+ episode for me.
  14. I think I remember someone reading the note on a previous season and it explained that it had to be played before the vote. Anyway, how would one steal a vote after it was cast? Theoretically the votes are anonymous so Jeff wouldn't know which one to cancel.
  15. I've never been comfortable with the idea that Superman becomes depowered when out of the sun. He wouldn't be able to function at night or underground otherwise and it was never a concern when I was reading comics (a looong time ago!). He used to fly to other planets well away from the sun with no problem. Depends on who's writing the stories, I guess.
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