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  1. I just found this discussion after wondering what in the world is going on at CNN. The main thing that hit me was this post and Brianna Golodryga. Her appearing on air back whenever was the first time I stopped watching CNN. She was like an AI. Shut all facial expression when not talking and super rapid blinks that made me start yawning for some reason. She has improved but I change channels anytime I see her on air. Of course I'm changing the channel frequently now when CNN was usually running in the background all day.
  2. Playing catch up thru the dvr and my first glimpse and first thought was Hitler. He has to be aware of the resemblance so while I wouldn't berate him over it I really don't want to watch him. Why couldn't he be on Mayim's turn?
  3. I had to turn it off, was hoping I'd come here and find a miracle had occurred.
  4. I wish I'd read this before I decided to watch it for curiosity's sake rather than just delete the recording. And what they hey! Gilligan old? I've had many old dogs in my 70 years but never one with a perfectly black muzzle. Deleted it immediately and won't watch another.
  5. Thanks everyone.....temporarily happy lol
  6. I feel like they're cramming Mayim down our throats. I can't find anywhere where the host is named, just the contestants. I have to watch the beginning of the show and then change the channel when I find she's on. I tried The Jeopardy Fan and not only is it not listed but the co-hosting announcement really ticked me off..."I also hope that this announcement will stop the constant lobbying from so-called “fans” who, often for misogynistic or anti-Semitic reasons, do not want to see Bialik hosting." Uh....after all the guest hosts my first choice was Robin Roberts, second Buzzy Cohen, then Ken. I've asked friends, none of whom watch Jeopardy, about her. The reaction has been "Who?". Till I tell them she was on Big Bang Theory. Then they say they like her. Me? I never watched Big Bang and my only experience with her has been her commercial and her Jeopardy performance. Fail. I've been ready to give up on Jeopardy and then Ken shows up and I'm happy temporarily. I don't think this will last.....they'll eventually have her on too long for me to even watch to check.
  7. For the next year all I can do is vote with my remote.
  8. There are so many factors to enjoying a show. I completely dropped the Walking Dead after Negan's torture porn. As a late comer to Supernatural I was horrified when Jeffrey Dean Morgan showed up on that. I couldn't watch those episodes. That one role ruined the actor for me. I wouldn't of liked Mayim anyway but her brain pill commercial and her voice and attitude escalated it. and I'll never like her for anything. CNN's reporting stated that we will be kept updated with who is hosting when. That might be bearable to know I can avoid her. The only way I know now is by coming here
  9. Yes my favorite too.
  10. So I need to check back in a year? I doubt I'll still be interested then, all this who is hosting and then not knowing and being subjected to her voice.....there are just way too many other things I could be doing to worry about that irritation and the foul mood it puts me in. I'd just as soon watch news.
  11. I'm so tired of trying to keep track of who's hosting I'm really ready to just give it all up. It's too much trouble and if I make a mistake and hear Mayim's voice it ruins the whole rest of the night for me. I liken my response to her to my response to Negan on The Walking Dead. Or Tyra Banks on Dancing with the Stars. Gone
  12. I hope they pay attention to that poll. Several days ago reading this forum I realized I hadn't seen a commercial for Mayim's brain pill recently. Since then I've seen it but hadn't been noticing it because she wasn't in it. I hope it isn't something they asked her to quit for the Jeopardy job. I would of disliked her anyway but that commercial sealed it.
  13. I guess I'm a sucker. I bawled my eyes out at the dog act with the dog trying to get her attention. Too many things, people, pets we take for granted. Then I got mauled trying to compensate by giving my 2 huge pitties attention. Reminder to self....next time grab a cat.
  14. I missed it since I don't watch Mayim. Actually what bugs me most about Mattea is how when she's not talking her mouth just hangs partially open!
  15. Mattea reminds me of Mayim. I'm not sure when Mayim is back but I can't imagine even considering watching the show with both on.
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