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Everything posted by clairetvfanatic

  1. I don't think they were trying to put Colin down or anything by writing Old Hook. Both A&E seem to love him. And yeah, Colin seems like a bigger nerd than them both.
  2. Yes, I have no doubt CS are TL. Regardless of no TLK, even the characters knew they were. Snow knew the flower would work and Henry seemed super happy about the fact when he was trying to get Emma to remember up on the roof. I'm not sure why people are trying to act like the only reason CS will be apart next season is because they split up. I don't think Hook and Henry would be adventuring together next season if that was the case PLUS she ISN'T the only character missing. If only Emma wasn't returning next season I MIGHT buy that she had died or was taken or something, but never that she and Killian split up. Wherever Emma is, the Charmings and Belle and Zelena are probably there as well.
  3. I much as I love other theories, and would watch the hell out of them, the Wishverse still seems the only real option. Especially with Zelena gone now too. The 3 staying are the 3 that were left in that other realm. Part of me hopes they get Robin back so poor Colin has a friend on set. Also, because the thought of Hook, even an AU one, with EQ makes me sick. Henry can be the man and idgaf about the girl. They'd just need to "magic" them young again.
  4. Best. Theory. Ever! Now I'm going to be sad with whatever other crap they give us.
  5. Yeah, the one thing this show has been pretty good at is casting. There is no way she is their daughter. Sadly.
  6. The only way I can see season 7 happening without Snowing and Emma, is a Wish Realm version since they are gone from there anyway. Sean and Lana kinda hinted at things in a recent con and it would keep Colin as Old Hook.
  7. I'm not talking about your opinion. I'm talking about the fact that Killian was going to die. Not like the Lost Boys were going to suddenly change their minds.
  8. Regardless of the perspective, he was in danger and about to die. If she hadn't gone when she did, he'd be dead. End of story. She made the right decision. All worked out in the end.
  9. What "possible" danger?? He was about to be burned alive. She KNEW he was in danger because of all the reasons listed above by others. Why on earth would she even think for a second that he was okay?? Her parents on the other hand were NOT in danger. They had Regina who was working on a cure which actually made me like her for once. I'm personally really happy with this one! I wasn't totally bored out of my mind and even rewatched certain scenes. Its about damn time!
  10. Definitely! He's the only reason I still smile when watching this show.
  11. I'm guessing Black Fairy is the death along with maybe some other side characters that nobody gives a crap about. I don't think any major characters are going to die. Was hoping Rumple would after all the crap he's done but it seems like all the mains got scenes for a 'happily ever after' montage. Glad to hear that there was no romantic stuff between Killian and Tiger Lily. He's had enough to deal with this half.
  12. Where does it say he did something terrible to her?? I've only read that she's part of the past. For all we know, she did something to HIM.
  13. After last night, I'm wondering if the little girl could somehow be EQ and Robin's daughter. Timing is off but hey, different realms, different rules. Look at week old Gideon. If she's related to anyone on the show, Lana is the only one she could possibly resemble IMO.
  14. I really, REALLY can't see them killing Emma at the end of the show. A&E don't seem like the smartest of men but surely even they know that if they kill her, nobody will ever watch their shit again. If JMo doesn't sign up for S7 (if there is one) I figure it will be because she is missing and Hook will stop at nothing to find her....with or without a love child around.
  15. Even IF she is Hook and Tiger Lily's, how would that be a way to keep Hook around without Emma??
  16. "OMG, I'm so bored!" This is what I said out loud on several occasions during the show tonight . I really don't understand what the writers are thinking here in what is possibly the last season. Its just one bad idea after another. On the plus side, as tainted as the CS proposal may be right now, I'd still take what we got over him proposing and Emma saying no. Because of walls, guilt or other bs. She was truly happy and don't tell me she hadn't been trying that ring on ALL DAY.
  17. This. This is the reason. So glad the stupid Wish Realm crap is over. I never watched 6x10 and skipped 6x11 as well. For me, these 2 eps never happened.
  18. Not unless her headphones have 3 earbuds. One is above the ring and the other is hanging way down below her hand. Someone did a comparison on the ring seen in the preview and its the same one.
  19. I for one am thankful that the proposal takes place in another writers episode. It actually has a chance of being good now! If A&E had done it, it would have been crap.
  20. Chiming in to say WOW the pessimism is strong here! True, this show sucks for the most part lately...to the point where I wonder why I still watch but I guess I'm not to the point of thinking Hook runs off sulking with Jasmine because Emma turns down his proposal. I really think something is seriously wrong with Emma, like Gideon has her under a curse or spell and Hook is off finding a cure. Something like that must be going on for all the indoor filming this half. We used to get outdoor filming like once an episode or so. Perhaps she's under a weird sleeping curse and the musical ep is us seeing her dreams. Then she wakes up at the end? Also, is this the first time Jared has filmed in a while? Not that I care about Henry but where has he been this whole time?
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