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Posts posted by Dminches

  1. With only 2 episodes / days left I doubt we wilL ever know the real outcome of the election. Thus, we had to sit through an hour of election night coverage for the divide to occur and Shiv’s alignment with Matsson to be exposed. I wish they could have done it differently. Not my cup of team of viewing. 

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  2. On 5/9/2023 at 1:35 PM, aghst said:

    If Geri did eventually file sexual harassment charges, she should do it as soon after the incidents, not keep it in her back pocket.

    Or she should tell someone soon even if she doesn't formally sue or make formal accusations.


    If she files an harassment suit and it becomes public Waystar’s stock goes down and she gets hurt financially. Not sure why she would do that.

    People are supposed to tell others when they are harassed so it is documented. She doesn’t have to do that since she has the pictures to prove it.


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  3. 12 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    There's a lot of stuff I'm really liking/finding interesting but I think overall this season isn't really working for me.


    Same. The adult storylines are just boring to me. Enough already with Lottie.  Shauna's police issues aren't remotely interesting or clever. I was interested in Tai and Van (maybe only because of Lauren Ambrose since Tai is annoying as heck) but now they are at Lottie's.

    The crash storyline has always been the best for me, but there doesn't seem to be enough meat left (no pun intended) to keep it going to 30 minutes each episode.


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  4. On 5/2/2023 at 12:58 PM, Penman61 said:

    Re Gerri & Roman's fight: Why isn't Gerri using Roman's having sent her unsolicited dick pics as her trump card? Or has that card been played already, since Logan already found out (Roman's stupid mis-texting) and is now dead anyway?

    Seems to me a headline like "New Waystar co-CEO Sent Dick Pics to Highest Ranking Woman" would still have some potency (!) as a threat.

    It is in Gerri's best interest that Waystar stock stay high since I am sure a lot of her compensation is in the form of Waystar stock. To expose the pictures and take a chance that the stock price would drop is not a good idea. Her stock value is worth way more than a year's cash compensation.  Plus, once Mattson owns the company he can rehire her if he wants to.


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  5. While the ending scene with the pooping wasn't clever, it did serve to show how close Sam and Joel have become. They are so good and important to each other.

    Not only is the writing and acting great, so is the music.


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  6. I have always felt that Kendall and Roman talk the way they do because they have nothing substantive to say. They fill up time and space but nothing comes out other than repeated, meaningless words.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I don't dispute what you're saying here. My main point is that Mattson currently has been getting exactly what he wants while the Roys and their associates don't seem to have much in the way of individual or cohesive strategy going (with the possible exception of Shiv, who wants the deal and at least arguably took steps to make it happen).

    As far as we saw, none of the Waystar people meaningfully tried to probe GoJo people for weak links, strategies to to get what they want (whether it was approval of the deal, tanking the deal, personal survival past the merger, hot Scandinavian sex) beyond Shiv.

    Maybe some of the Waystar people will wake up and smell the lutefisk. But as of now, it doesn't seem likely given where they are at and their characterization.


    I completely agree that Mattson has the upper hand because the Roys, especially Kendall and Roman, are way out of their league.

    Even though Logan was a tyrant, he was accurate when he called them “lightweights.” Frankly, everything he said about them is true.

    Mattson didn’t like Logan because Logan had the advantage over him and he knew it.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Among other things, as things stand, Mattson:

    1. was able to get all the Waystar executives to jump at a moment's notice to join him in Norway, even with some still mourning their father

    2. get them to agree to a better deal for him that included ATN

    3. Assess the execs that he might want to keep after the merger happens (with an assist from Shiv)

    4. Smoke out that the CE-bros were trying to tank the deal and neutralize them 

    5. either get real advice on what to do about his ex and harassing of her or test Shiv to see how she would respond to a sexual harassment scenario involving him. (Right now I'm leaning toward it being a test. No matter how weird, giving multiple half-liters of blood seems excessive).

    6. Lay the groundwork to sleep with Shiv. (One doesn't get someone alone, give drink and drugs to someone in a romantic cabin and ask them what the deal is with their husband as part of idle chatter).

    I'd say so far advantage: Mattson.


    1. The Waystar executives want the deal so it was in their best interest to go.

    2. I am not sure this is a better deal for Mattson. He is paying almost $50B more.

    4. Does he know who spoke to the press? I know he mentioned it but I didn't know if he actually knew the source.

    6. Maybe she wants to sleep with him???

    All these story lines can go either way.


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  9. I love this show as well.  Real people doing real things. Like life, the show is an emotional rollercoaster. Every character is dealing with one or multiple life issues. This show is truly unique.


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  10. 6 hours ago, Verovee said:

    I don’t know if Mattsen really respected Shiv or is playing the same game her father did. He’s pretending to use her as an ally when he potentially could just be using her for his own ends and to get info on the brothers. So far she hasn’t said anything harmful but dynamics are in constant flux with these ppl. And that blood story could be BS. 

    Either way, that encounter with Shiv may have cost him almost $20B so it doesn't seem as though he gained any advantage by schmoozing with her.


    7 hours ago, Sailorgirl26 said:

    I wish just one of these fucktards would sit back and realize that they have more money than they'll ever be able to spend so just say fuck it and walk away from the bullshit and the stress and go run a tiki bar on some Polynesian island and be rich and happy and stress-free. Just one of them. 

    It is not about the money, it is about the power and control. Money isn't the same to these people as it is to "normal" people since they have so much of it and will never run out.  In the case of the Roys, they just want to be like Daddy and rule the empire.


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  11. 4 hours ago, aghst said:

    OK, I get that Pete and Perry are more than former colleagues, that they're friends and all.

    But why does Pete owe Perry loyalty?  The DA was the one paying his bills so why should he feel guilty about getting the gun or even feel compelled to help Perry track down the plot and stow away on the ship?

    I don't get Della and Paul's reactions when they find out it was Pete who broke into the safe.  Pete needs work from the DA's office, unless they're wiling to give Pete a retainer, some of that Sunny supermarket money.


    So you wouldn’t be upset and surprised if a close friend and colleague screwed you the same way Pete did Perry, Della and Paul? I get that Pete needed to keep the ADA happy but he could have found something else like trial prep documents instead of opening the safe that the ADA didn’t even know existed. Not only has Pete potentially ended Perry’s chance of getting the boys off, he may have ended Perry’s career as well.  I would expect more from a close friend.

    Paul and Pete don’t like each other to start, plus Paul is already close to the edge with this case. Now Pete screws them and shows up at their office.  I am shocked Paul didn’t try to kill him right there.

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  12. On 4/18/2023 at 3:26 PM, EtheltoTillie said:

    I'm confused:  Who is really the mastermind behind the oil smuggling--Hope Davis or Mr. McCutcheon?

    Did Pete just break into the safe on a whim?  Or was he provided with some info? 

    So Constance the "hophead" was the super talented pianist?  Oy.  How did she manage to play, practice and perform? 


    The same way all the other musicians in the 50s, 60s and beyond did it while being addicted to heroin. 


    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Anela said:

    I would expect a police investigation. 

    Tai was concerning her wife and child, throughout the first season, and refusing to get help, so I see this as her going to find the one person who didn't judge her, and tried to help her (that I've seen so far). It's our introduction to adult Van. 

    I don’t think Tai’s wife was judging her.  She was just reacting to not only her bizarre behavior but also some of the disturbing stuff she saw. Van has also questioned Tai at times.  Whether that is judging or not I can’t say, but she definitely questioned how Tai was behaving.

    Either way, I have no interest in that storyline.


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  14. Does anyone like the modern day Tai storyline? Even modern day Shauna seems to be going nowhere and forced. Shauna killed someone and now it is going to turn into a police investigation? Nothing creative there.

    Frankly, the only entertaining story line is bizarro Misty.

    I do like all of what they are doing with the girls lost in the woods. Finding ways to survive, both physically and mentally has great challenges. 


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  15. On 4/11/2023 at 5:23 PM, shapeshifter said:


    BTW, when we saw someone trying to break in again, the arm looked to thin to be Pete's.

    If you are referring to the scene where someone tries to break into Perry’s apartment (again), that was Pete.  He cut his finger and ran into the woman in the hallway.


  16. On 4/10/2023 at 7:24 AM, paigow said:

    When Brooks saw his killer, his reaction seemed to combine recognition, surprise and fear... so it is unlikely that ANY of the Gallardos pulled the trigger.

    I just rewatched that scene,  All I see is fear in his expression.  I don’t see any recognition of the person holding the gun.


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  17. 12 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

    I don’t think so…don’t forget this was filmed from late 2021 through fall 2022. COVID protocols and multiple location shoots in various places kept the shooting schedule long.

    They started filming season 4 in June 2022.  

    Snook is due mid-April 2023 which means she was pregnant in September. They were still filming in January 2023 so she could definitely been showing at that point.


    My favorite character in this episode was Tom. He seemed to put aside his business goals in order to deal with the severity of the situation and to be able to help the kids deal with their father’s death. He was just different. At one point Shiv snapped and him and apologized and he took it in stride.


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  18. On 4/10/2023 at 9:33 AM, Sailorgirl26 said:

    Am I the only one who thought Kerry was in the bathroom with Logan, giving him a blowie, when he collapsed? I thought that was the reason for the weird grinny face...

    Why would they do that in the bathroom when they had their own bedroom?


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  19. I think Shiv wants to kill the GoJo deal either because she knows they overbid on Nan’s company or she wants to hurt Logan. Kendall wants the deal to fail to stick it to Logan even though he hurts himself too.

    Logan made a tactical error by pissing off Shiv with the divorce attorney move before the GoJo vote.


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  20. I have been critical of this show but I thought episode 7 (Apology Tour) was excellent.  The interactions between each of the characters were real and meaningful.

    I really liked Derek's declaration of earning the right to be home after working all these years. Not only did it seem completely reasonable but he explained it in a matter-of-fact and kind way.

    Gaby continues to be the best character on the show. She is quick and funny but what she says is important.

    Paul's daughter was downright awful. It was great that she wanted to help out but her version of helping out was to now completely control his life. Seriously?



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  21. This show had potential given the actors and creator but it is neither funny nor thought-provoking. 

    Having people do stupid or gross things when they are drunk or high shows no imagination or creativity. When Jimmy is talking to Sean in the last therapy session and is about to provide him with some guidance about deal with PTSD and instead says he can't stop thinking about wings it was a lost opportunity to say something meaningful.

    Gaby is a good character as is Alice when she and Paul are talking. The rest of the characters and storylines are just not worth the screen time they get.


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  22. This show is a mile wide and an inch deep. The topic is serious and thought-provoking but they are making it too much of a soap opera. The love triangle is weak as is the brother sleeping with his could-have-been sister-in-law.  


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  23. I thought that was the best episode of the new L Word. I am not a huge fan of musicals but I think it was great how they got to the core each of the character's relationship issues and each one of the acted on it.  While the presentation was a little hoaky, this episode had more depth than the entire season 3 combined.


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