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  1. Exactly. I can't get past Victoria's LYING, openly while being filmed & otherwise. The lies she repeatedly told tptb, never mind the vet she bold faced lied to. When I was 18, I did NOT lie to my Boss nor did I blame others for my own actions. THIS behavior of Victoria's wasn't just immaturity...it was LACK-of-CHARACTER defining. Every viewer witnessed it & only the most loyal sycophants would deem it "immaturity". I say "ONCE a LIAR, ALWAYS a LIAR". Look at Tess's group & see all those missing veterans. What's the 1 common denominator = 1 World Class Liar! Whether "borrowing" phone cases whilst rummaging thru their bags, openly LYING, or just stirring up trouble among the team, Klepto is the gift that keeps giving. SHE is entirely the FAULT of Kelli & Charlotte & she will always be treated accordingly ON HERE & in private groups everywhere. Giving into Entitlement doesn't make the Entitlee feel grateful...it just makes them Empowered.
  2. On camera lying during training camp, securing a spot the following year AND making Show Group...guess whose the only dancer to manage this feat. If a dancer decides to lie to a veteran PLUS, lie to the Director's face...(thinking back to Jena & Holli most recently)...what would happen? Yes, Victoria returned slimmer & appearing to perform to the level of making the team. YET, this still doesn't address her lack of respect for a veteran teammate or tptb. Lack of character isn't something a person necessarily grows out of. When left unchallenged or (even worse) ignored...
  3. Tobie is not mormon. Courtney's immediate family is actively LDS but, I don't believe she is. I've never heard anyone mention her Hawaiian wedding was later solemnized in a mo temple. Yes, Maddie is active mormon as is her fam. Tasha is also LDS having converted her husband.
  4. Katy did do a whole lot of scheduling & for a variety of DCC events...including when Jinelle was performing. Does that mean favoritism took place; hard to prove either way. Leaving for Australia AFTER you're careers with the Cowboys Franchise ended, proves NOTHING. Let's see how they handle ANY openly gay player &/or DCC. The NFL motto is to hide then deny. They never deal with the violence against women or anything else. Gay just doesn't happen in the NFL. 😉
  5. FINALLY...able to live their lives openly. Thrilled. Open secret Basically an open secret.
  6. I agree 100% on the dress. It made Kelsey appear top heavy, the fabric appearing kinda cheap. I was hoping for something classic with simple, clean lines that would let the BRIDE stand-out & shine vs the dress. I've been a Kelsey fan for a long time. IMHO, she never needed new boobs, filled lips or anything... I still support her choice to do whatever she wants tho.
  7. Rachel has sent an apology to each of her teammates. Several were understandably upset by her choice to wear "brown-face" while attempting to dress as Bruno Mars. Having competed at Miss America & even finished as a runner-up, SHE SHOULD KNOW BETTER. She is from the South & still thought painting or tanning her white face brown, was a good idea for a Halloween costume. I am NOT impressed.
  8. The next cut is someone who truly struggled with all the dance. Not accepting help, dance difficulty & having one's heart just not into it. No one in the Dallas dance community was surprised.
  9. Madeline looks terrific.
  10. 1 cut. Follow the twitter.
  11. No cuts tonight. Either a bloodbath or a large team...soon.
  12. I'm going to state 2 things. Brennan was not cut nor was Victoria. This cut wasn't a familiar fan fav either. I'm certain this dancer will reveal herself soon.
  13. Not comfortable naming who until she releases her status. IMO - EXTREMELY strong dancers trying out this season. 2 legacies; BOTH not ready figure wise. I think when you try out...you should be at your physical best. My eyes don't lie, sorry.
  14. Several called in. 1 was cut.
  15. I assume some believe Shelley & Dayton are given A LOT of preferential treatment; since Mom doles out DCC info on this forum. Tina better start contributing if she hopes for Vic to receive remotely the same benefit. ?
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