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If Kate were completely wasted and constantly trying to unzip Luke's pants, it would make for great tv. We would have seen it. At least once. It doesn't matter what "narrative" this couple is getting. Drunk and horny Kate would be great for ratings. The camera crew would be staying late to catch it. And thank God someone finally mentioned the K2 foot champagne. That looked so horribly uncomfortable and unsanitary....
Ugh. I would really love to see Kate get angry at Luke. As soon as she did, he would run. Guaranteed he can't handle it. So let me see if I have this right. She drinks. And anytime she drinks...ever, it's a turn-off for him. But he sleeps with her anyway. Then, because he is so repulsed with her drinking, whenever it occurred, he runs away. For multiple hours. Oh, and nobody is allowed to know. But she's the "bad guy" for asking for help. During Unfiltered both Pepper and Jasmine looked like they could have punched him. More than once!!
Pottery Lady was totally over the top. But so is AJ. And she said at the beginning... "Making pottery is either sex or food." I assumed that AJ was loving the sexual references and that's why she took it so far. Yes, her comments made me uncomfortable, but I was more grossed out that AJ was probably totally digging them... 😝
I am going to call complete shenanigans on Kate and Luke. The show is messing with us (the viewer). I suspect it's almost as bad as the manipulation they did with Jon and Molly. For this entire episode Kate was in her pajamas. She was in her pajamas in the morning, while talking to her friend, while on the phone with Jessica and when finally confronting Luke. I don't actually think she spends her life living in her pajamas. The show had to have been edited totally out of sequence or all those events happened within a very brief period of time. She was probably never given the opportunity to actually go get dressed. Also, consider the other two couples had a face-to-face visit with Jessica. Kate only got a phone call from her. I suspect it's because again it was all edited out of sequence. (Perhaps she spoke with Jessica right after Puke left on their anny). My suspicion is that this all happened on the day of their anniversary, right through her telling Luke she wants a divorce. And the clip at the beginning, when she was on her way to work, was actually the next morning. I would also like to point out that we now know that Kate has been keeping a secret for Puke. Maybe I've been watching too much Finding Neverland, but in keeping his secret, that makes them a team. No matter how dysfunctional. He has told her a secret, so now she has been put in the position of "protecting" him and his secret. The secret gives her a false sense of closeness to him. Obviously, this is all a manipulation. She does refer to him as manipulative in interviews, but I would bet these are all interviews taped much, much later. Even Pepper referred to him at manipulative on Unfiltered. But again, that's much after the fact. The experts all seem to have his number. All three experts have been harder on Luke than any other previous contestant (except maybe Molly). Jessica basically told her that it was okay to leave and Kate still isn't sure. But up until now, the experts don't know about the secret. Once the "secret" is out, I think that's when they will start identifying his behavior as manipulation. Perhaps the group honeymoon was set up to insulate Kate a bit. The other contestants are aware of what he's doing and they might be willing to call him out on his behavior. Kate won't be as vulnerable to his manipulations in a larger group, either. This theory could also hold true for Steph and AJ. Yes, it's good drama, but it could also serve another purpose. Also - I'm not a Jas fan, but I felt bad for her this week. Who cooks in a nighty? And then the camera panned to his arm/hand during the kissing exercise to show that he wasn't reacting AT ALL.
First, Mia sucks. We pretty much all agree on that. But Tristan.... HOW did the "experts" miss that how multiple businesses were failing? Surely they look into these people's finances a little. My opinion? Tristan needed this marriage to keep himself financially afloat. IE- the insurance debacle. He needed her to take him on, so he could save money. That's why he was so upset. Mia moved into his place with the thought of renting hers...saving him $$. Furthermore, the arrest gave him a little bit of power over her. And he used it to "convince" her to move to Houston. And somebody turn up the damn heat in his apartment. It's hard to act like an adult when you're constantly swaddling yourself. I'm glad they aren't together, but Tristan is probably pissed he can't sponge off her Cobra benefits for the next 6 months or so. As for Dave, I was over Dave a few episodes back. Amber made a comment to him that "this was the most honest relationship she had ever been in.". Or something similar. Dave's response.... "Wow. That's really concerning.". I get it, Amber has lots of insecurities, but Dave's (judgmental) comments like that are really cruel. She was being completely open and vulnerable. She meant it as a compliment to what they were building. Let's be honest, most of us who are married would describe our marriage as our most honest relationship. It's not unusual. Dave used it in a way to point out what was "wrong" with her. Even Dave said in the finale that he has really high standards for his wife. Amber was picking up on that, either overtly or subtly, and it heightened her lack of confidence. Also, I'm convinced Dave has zero sense of humor. Did anyone else notice that we never saw Dave and Amber in bed at their place? We saw them in bed when they traveled, but never at home. Mia and Tristan never got up. Danielle and Bobby had many "pillow talk" scenes. I always wondered why for our most-active couple?! And lastly, FWIW, Amber commented awhile back that she usually only went to one class at the gym. The same class, multiple times a week. And she went with her closest friends. I was thinking she didn't want to change because she would have to give all that up. But who knows? Maybe gym guy was in the class with her!
I agree with the general opinion about Zacchia... But I was annoyed with the way Dave handled it afterwards. If Amber and Dave make it, eventually they will get closer and there will be more daylight between Amber and Zacchia. Dave didn't need to blast his dislike of Zacchia. Especially given how young their relationship is and how self conscious Amber appears to be. At the couple's dinner, did anyone else catch Bobby say that the biggest fight they have had is over finances??? I KNEW IT!! He was totally NOT okay with her financial situation and glossed over it for the camera!!!
I agree!! Every episode I find another person to dislike. This week Danielle completely turned me off. It's one thing to ignore her terrible brows and lashes, but then to hear she is 15K in debt and still doing all that stuff?? How grown up is she? (Not to mention the student loan, car payment, Bark Box and Birch Box that were all detailed in the episodes thread). Nope. If she can't pull all that together, Bob Jr isn't going to take kindly to it. He is so extremely opposite. I suspect he was holding back a bit because of the cameras. Also, I really can't believe how few spoilers there have been this season. No random sightings at Ikea? No IG posts to dissect? No leaks from the production staff? Anything!?!
My two cents... Bobby/Danielle - It has been mentioned, but at the very end of the episode, there was a short clip of them on the plane. Bobby had on a baseball hat and maybe a t-shirt. I didn't recognize him at first!! He's kinda cute when he stops wearing his hair as his mom taught him! I kinda got why Danielle is into him in that moment. Also, I think we all need to remember how much this show is spliced and diced. I am choosing to believe that Danielle is NOT mentioning kids constantly (nor is Amber). The show is just being edited to make it seem as though she doesn't think of much else. But otherwise, I am as creeped out or bored as everyone else... Amber/Dave - His attitude in the TH after salsa dancing was such a change of demeanor. Hopefully, it was just an off moment. Otherwise, this is going to get rocky. But man, he was so sweaty. I would have been really self-conscious too. Humility would have served him well in that moment. Tristan/Mia - What a trainwreck. I think @Neurochick said it best. I think the experts are giving her enough rope to hang herself. Somewhere I read/heard an expert say that they knew she was lying. They weren't believing anything she was throwing down. As far as Jessica's interview went, I don't think she could have pushed Mia much harder. Mia is nothing like Molly. Molly was staunch and would push back to Jessica. Mia would/did fold like a bag of chips. I actually think Jessica took the better tactic, build a therapeutic relationship, build trust and hope she comes clean on her own. It doesn't make for the best TV, but Mia is far too emotional, fake tears and all, to be confrontational. What is more alarming are their proclamations of love.... ??. Tristan seems less intelligent and more of a rube with each episode. But I haven't read the "Spoilers" thread since this episode, so maybe I'm off on everything!!
Ok, so I always read these posts (love you all!) But I rarely post. I live in SE Michigan. Was talking to a friend today... The connection is very muddled, but basically someone I know was at a family function with Anthony's sister (her husband's family). His sister said that A&A are very much together. Sheila and Nate are together. Cody and Danielle are not. And Danielle's girlfriend and Cody's brother have also broken up. I was looking at all of the "cast" members IG pages today. A&A have posted really recent pics together. And they call themselves A2. Sheila and Nate post pics. Some seem more recent. Cody and Danielle haven't posted any pics together, unless they are directly related to the show (like reunion pics). Danielle posted a picture from a Cubs game on Saturday. Someone asked if it was her anniversary. She replied yes. But a picture of a hot dog and a beer doesn't seem like the best way to spend a first anniversary IMO. I'm guessing they aren't together. But, as we have already seen... They are still good friends.... And can I just rant for a second that Danielle's IG posts are almost all pics of her at events promoting the event (eyeroll). Maybe it's just me, but I find it annoying.
ITA with this. I keep wondering why Sonia is dragging her heels about moving back in. You can't "be married" and live somewhere else. She seems to still say that she wants to be married (although the editing is not trustworthy). I suspect that Sonia and Nick were getting along just fine - off camera. Obviously, if they had sex more than once, they had to be connecting. I am thinking that Sonia was starting to have real feelings for Nick. But she hadn't shared them with anyone. Audience or Nick. Then, when he had his outburst, she realized how misplaced her feelings were. She moved out. And she is staying away so her feelings don't develop further. Now that he seems to be chasing her a bit more, she is getting more comfortable. She wore her Freakum Dress to see how he responded, he did okay. She puts her ring back on. But to finish the experiment strong, she kinda needed to move back in. I don't have a lot of hope they stay together, but maybe? I am too much of a romantic.....
I am so glad someone else noticed that too! He makes 60K, lives on a bus and has A LOT of debt??? WTF? For me that's a total red flag. Maybe it's for his business?
Hi, I'm new here, but my take is a little different at the moment... I see Heather/Derek as more similar to Crazy Pants/Long Beard from last season (what were their names again?). During Heather and Derek's argument, I thought he fought really dirty. He kept attacking her as a person and storming off. It reminded me of Sam (!!) attacking Neil last season on their honeymoom. Maybe Heather is giving up, but Neil didn't give up. But at the end, Neil realized Sam did too much damage to overcome. Heather may just be realizing that a bit sooner. Heather is not particularly warm, or overly friendly, but I still think she is miles ahead of Ashley. Also, I love Sonia. I really hope they make it. And I kinda hope that Lily and Tom "get real" soon. It can't really be that perfect. He isn't going to wash his feet before bed forever....