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  1. At first I thought this episode was a halloween flashback episode. Then I realized the events were too fresh to be old. This is just one of those many filler episodes of season 4. I always enjoy them though. I don't feel sorry for Jordan either nor Simone. If it wasn't for Thea, Simone and Damon would be together and it's just a matter of time before Leyla and Jordan get together. I could be the only one but I'm not into this pairing. JJ is really the only person who can get Leyla to do something she doesn't want to lol. Another episode where I thought Spencer and Olivia would break up but they didn't once again. I feel like the writers will continue this game, making them fight or disagree about something and reconcile them to make it look like a healthy realationship where they communicate. I think that things will be messy between Coop and Patience in the next episode. I don't know what's in store for them but it's too good to be true if they just get back together like this with no further complications. In the beginning of the episode when Billy and Preach were scared about staying there alone at night I was like "look at these two tough grown up men acting scared for nothing, I bet if it was Amina there she wouldn't be afraid". And then she appeared at the end and I found it very funny. Billy should have asked her to stay with him instead of Preach lol.
  2. glad we didn't learn that Damon's mom already knew the truth. Wouldn't have handled the writers creating drama between him and his mom again. Though I'm really surprised that one wouldn't want to have the adoption paper in case something would come between them and the kid. What if random people came to claim Damon, I would ask the husband the adoption paper so I can at least prove that the adoption was legal and the kid is mine. It's crazy that the same guy (Cam) who used to beef with Spencer in All american is the same soft guy in Homecoming. They feel like two complete different characters to me lol. I like Thea but she reacted like a drama queen when she saw Damon and Simone talking. Like for someone who is unaware of what's going on between them why would she suddenly react like that by just seeing them doing nothing ? Their conversation wouldn't even have happened further if she just showed up. And the way she run away after earing it was comical. Just like that moment she bursted into tears because of her broken rackets. I like how they did their best to keep the coach's secret just to let him spill the beans that easily in front of everyone. I feel like everything came out too quickly and easily in this episode. There were other ways for Thea to find out about Simone and Damon even thought it's already strange she didn't know before. It's funny how since Simone and Jordan broke up it's ok to put Damon and Simone's relationship into words now. It's not tacit that they like each other anymore. I don't even remember when they established there was something between them and I didn't realize it was okay for Simone to be so open about liking Damon. I can't get enough of this show, I don't know why, it's not even that deep but I love it!
  3. When I saw JR's look at Simone's face when she realized Damon and Thea were dating, I thought "if we get 4 seasons of this show one day you two will be together and it will cause chaos between the two brothers just like Damon and Simone getting together is going to cause chaos between Thea and Simone's frienship. Gotta love this show! This is All American all over again, I assume they will all date at some point if the show goes far.
  4. I'm so happy the show got renewed. Since the CW loves to cancel stuffs I was too scared to even look for cancelation/renewal. So I kinda screamed when I read your comment!
  5. I think what's real is that she loves Jen more than any other person. She was able to say no to her mother because Jen told her she should learn how to say no and Judy avoided the worst by saying no at the right moment. She's aware she's too nice and that's why she gets in trouble all the time. That's what she told Michelle's ex girlfriend, the cop. It's not a bad thing to love everyone, what's bad is those people being so mean to her just because she's a nice person. what's bad is Steve being so mean to her and that scene where the cop makes Judy listen to what he last told her again. I don't think Judy is needy. She may have said "I love you" but notice she didn't say it to Michelle. Also when that one left she didn't cry or act like it was the end of the world. So I don't think she really loved her even if she said so in that moment. She can loses everyone but at the end of the day Jen is the one that can hurt her the most.
  6. You are right. It was pretty obvious when Jen asked her is she wanted to say something for the bird. I liked that scene to be honest because of that double hidden meaning.
  7. I'm not saying this because I think the two scenarios are equal. I meant to say that even if the truth hurts, it's always better to know it. And here we got two characters who wanted to know the truth. It's not up to the other person to decide whether they need to know or not, otherwise it's selfish. Leon told Genevieve why he kept it for himself. I think he said something like he's afraid to lose Julia ? If so that's what I'm talking about. It's not about Julia, it's about him. Yes, it looks like Genevieve knows a lot of things. I'm wondering why Julia didn't go to her directly. She was her mom's friend I believe.
  8. Would you say that Tim didn't deserve the truth because he needed to keep a good image of his wife too ? It's always better to know than being lied to. Julia said she needs that information, so why would she cry about it later when she finds out her mother wasn't a saint ? She will be sad for sure but not about knowing. The episode showed that she was determined enough to know where she comes from. Julia has done a lot for Leon. He owes her the truth. And the thing is, Leon is never telling the whole truth. There's always more to what he says. To be honest I don't believe anything this guy says.
  9. I don't get how Julia can be blamed about this. She deserves to know the whole truth and Leon owes her that. I'm even surprised he thinks he has the choice here.
  10. But why would Edie blame Tim for filing for divorce while she doesn't love him ? And why would she want to take everything from him while she never wanted anything from him in the first place ? "I dont want anything from you" she told him once I believe. Also Edie has never blamed Tim for anything at all. She always said he was a good man and that he didn't deserve what she did to him.
  11. Exactly. I went back to that episode (1.06) and Sutton tells him "you know my hair's not red, right ?". Oliver "Yes, but it should be. It would be fabulous with your coloring".
  12. I thought that was one of their best episode (can't top 1x10 though). I wasn't expecting Jane and Kat to have that conversation but I'm glad they did. Jane left Scarlet and now she's complaining about having a hard time finding a new job. I know she didn't plan to get fired by Victoria but why did she leave a good job in the first place... Kat used to say she was just Adenasexual, well that dream proved her wrong... I'm glad that guy's wife believed Sutton's side of the story.
  13. I knew that Jane's issues with Ben being a religious person had something to do with her mom. So I didn't find her annoying. I liked Kat and Adena storyline and that they brought Coco in it. Too bad Adena got away with this just by talking about her mom. I still don't see the connection between what she said and what Kat was asking earlier, not the 'how many people have you slept with' but her concerns about the way Adena moves from a relationship to another. I wasn't into Sutton's storyline but the end got me worried for her. She's the only one who is working very hard for the magazine and yet she has to face things like this that can get her lose her job.
  14. And I hope they will stay heavily featured. I'm not on tumblr but I'm glad to know they love them. The medias love them too. We can't forget why. A lesbian muslim and a queer black woman together in a world where LGBT people aren't represented enough.... I can't really expect tumblr not to like them.... I can understand why you wouldn't like their storyline just like most of us don't appreciate the Richard and Sutton story but it's just not the same. There's no "pointless" angst that doesn't get solved after one episode in The Bold Type. So I can deal with it even if I don't see it as "pointless". They are just portraying Kat and Adena's journey as a couple. Knowing that Kat has never been in a serious relationship before and now she has to deal with a woman. They do it in a positive way. When something is wrong we see it and they end up talking about it. They are honest and supportive with each other. I must be the only one here to think that but the writers are doing an amazing job with them. This relationship seems good for Kat. I just hope they find something for Adena to do in this season. A permanent job. I don't want her to be just Kat's girlfriend. I don't read spoilers but I heard some stuffs are coming. The sooner the better.
  15. it's speculation. We will know when the show comes back or even when they start producing it. I wonder if Sarah Watson is going to say something about it. She hasn't said anything since the show got renewed. Which is understandable. TBT was her show after all.
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