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I felt for the twin who said "Jazz gets what Jazz wants" and I don't blame him for being angry about the tattoo. It is clear that Jazz pretty much does get what she wants because goodness forbid she be "miserable" and contemplate suicide. That is completely manipulative and Jazz does need to be called out on it. If Greg was angry at Jeannette about this and the tentative surgery date announcement, then he needs to grow a backbone and demand change. Wow - I could not believe Jazz's and Jeannette's gall in this episode. Seriously, it is a miracle her siblings even speak to her at all. And poor Grandpa Jack. His reaction to that tattoo was genuine. I don't see why waiting one year for the surgery would be harmful for Jazz - I know she wants this change but she seems to have the idea that this will solve all of her problems and everything will be so wonderful afterwards. I would hope her therapist holds out and ensures Jazz receives the type of counseling she needs prior to this.
I was pretty surprised to see that Jer and Auj don't bother with seat belts. I know it's an old car but wow - there is no way I'd ride around without seatbelts!!
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
Bajovane replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
I agree. Matt and Amy would be wise to put the farm in some sort of trust, owned by all the kids equally. Jer and Auj are just ridiculous - it's so obvious they expect everything to be handed to them and they don't really have to lift a finger and do real work or get real jobs. I feel very sorry for any offspring they produce. As far as Matt and Caryn - ugh - I can see why Amy feels sided against when it comes to farm business and she might be wise to keep a lawyer on retainer to protect her interests. Matt might not like the fact that she has the house - but too bad. You agreed to it - deal with it. You left first, moving out, withdrawing from family functions - too bad, so sad. The more I think about it - yeah, I guess I do side with Amy on these matters. -
All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives
Bajovane replied to NewOrleansLady's topic in Little People Big World
Matt and Amy both have their good qualities and bad - I don't "side" with either one but I can see how each might view the other. Matt can be a handful - everything is about him. Amy just plain ran out of Fs to give. Yes, she can seem dismissive and ungrateful for what Matt was able to provide. Frankly, the entire family is so entitled it is pathetic. I find it disgusting that Jer and whatsherface think they should be able to move into the big house while Matt offers her the double wide. Screw that. Buy her out if you want her off the farm. -
The Last Alaskans - General Discussion
Bajovane replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in The Last Alaskans
Alaska State Troopers and Wildlife Management are all over the place - they can show up at any time. Those who live on the refuge would not want to jeopardize their cabin permit by breaking the law. Resources are limited due to where they are - game is harder to get so they are wise to be very careful to maintain the population. Most of those who live in the Refuge have multiple cabins - justified by the traplines they hold. I know the Korths move from cabin to cabin so they don't deplete the supply of animals they trap. They move so they can give the area a chance to rebound. I believe the Korths have at least three cabins in the Refuge (this is from the book The Final Frontiersman - highly recommend) I greatly admire those who can live this lifestyle. I agree that they do not partake in the sneering we see in some of the other Alaska shows about people who live the city life. They may not want to live that sort of life, but those on this show know darned tootin' well that not everybody can live like this and not everybody should. (I know I couldn't - I'd never survive being so nearsighted and profoundly hard of hearing!) I am grateful that the families on the Last Alaskans have allowed us a glimpse into their lives and when the show does end, I will miss them. -
Nick certainly did look terrible. He looked jaundiced to me. The white cell count he quoted is very concerning. I wish he hadn't walked out of the hospital when they told him that - he said to his crewmate that he ripped his IVs out and walked out. He is such a hard worker, so that accident with the pot was kind of shocking - you knew he was very ill for that to happen. I sincerely hope he is ok. As for Jake - ugh. He has yet to prove that he is a worthy captain. He lets his emotions control him - I'd hate to work for him. Sean can teach him a thing or two about managing people and staying in control. Sean is leaps and bounds ahead of Jake as a result.
All Episodes Talk: Celebrating Diversity
Bajovane replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Born This Way [V]
As someone who is hearing impaired, closed captioning is a must for me - especially with a show like this where speech is not clear much of the time. Basically what happened was Sean was talking about Meghan Trainer at the party and Megan made a comment about it - something like "it is never going to happen" and Sean got upset with her. It's his fantasy and it was basically none of her business and she had no right to throw cold water all over it. Elena tried to diffuse the situation (but making it worse). Stephen tried to calm Sean down but of course Sean wasn't having it. "We're no longer friends!" Poor Stephen was fed up and quite unsure on how to resolve the issue. Gah. The whole thing was exhausting. -
All Episodes Talk: Celebrating Diversity
Bajovane replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Born This Way [V]
Oh man, I did gasp when Megan told her dad she didn't want a husband who was like him. Whew. Kudos to him for handling it well even though that had to have been a major stab to the heart. I don't get the impression that Kris has fed negativity to Megan regarding her dad - but it had to be hard how he pretty much left her holding the bag. His response to Megan about who would take care of her if her mother ever died - The correct answer should have been, "But I will, of course!" Saying "We all will" - who the hell is "we all"? The system? Gah. As for Christina - yeah, it's good that Rachel and Christina's parents pointed out how wrong she was to be so jealous and controlling. Seriously, me and my big mouth would have pointed out her hypocrisy - her having a crush on the dance teacher and writing him a note admitting her crush on him. Angel took it all in stride - wasn't worried or jealous. She gets to talk to her male friends but he's not allowed to talk to his female friends without her express permission? Uh - no. That's not how it all works. So major kudos to Rachel for alerting her parents about the problem even though Christina felt she betrayed her - no - she did you a favor dear. -
All Episodes Talk: Celebrating Diversity
Bajovane replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Born This Way [V]
I felt horrible for Elena's mother - I'm glad they weren't filming when Elena pushed her and it does seem that this has been an ongoing problem. So Elena's being in a group home may not be just because she wants her Independence. As for Megan - she should be encouraged to think about a group home situation because for her to live completely independently is just not possible. She will always need some supervision. Her mom handled her seizure well - I do like Kris even though I do think she may have coddled Megan a bit too much for her sake. Christina's parents - omg - love them. It's a fine line they walk - encouraging her dreams yet trying to keep her rooted in reality. All the parents obviously deal with that fine line. -
All Episodes Talk: Celebrating Diversity
Bajovane replied to Meredith Quill's topic in Born This Way [V]
Oh my. Poor Steven. Yes, Elena absolutely ambushed him and he was ill prepared to deal with it. John and Rachel must have been rather hurt but managed to keep their chins up. Kudos to them. It made me pretty mad that they never really addressed Elena's actions with her and instead put it all on Steven. That was not fair. As for Megan and her mom - I like both of them but do think her mom could have done a better job preparing Megan for the real world. There's no realistic expectation that Megan could live completely independently and it's something that needs to be addressed with her. -
The plastic surgeon definitely made me feel that he was looking at dollar signs as he was looking at her. Of course he's going to say what he said, he wants her to think she has to have plastic surgery. He was really creepy the way he was looking at her. I do understand how the older kids can feel shortchanged due to their parent's focus on Jazz due to her issues. I was the youngest child, with a severe hearing loss - I know my sisters (three older) often resented me as they felt I got the lion's share of attention. To this day (we're in our 50s) they sometimes come out with jibes against me because I was such a "spoiled brat". That really isn't fair to me - I have asked them if they'd like to trade lives and problems. Of course, they just don't get it.
About Aurora - oh yeah - does this girl ever try to dominate a convo - I saw the look between two of Christine's kids (who were sitting next to her) and it was very, very telling to me. It was fleeting, but it was most likely an eye-roll kind of thing between the two - it was just after the question about Hawaii. Of course Aurora was so very dramatic about how WONDERFUL the trip was. About Christine and Mykelti - wow. While I can understand how impulsive Mykelti must be - it has to sting how different they are with her and Madison with their intendeds. It will be interesting how that plays out.
My heart aches for Jazz. That woman who called her a freak at the meeting was pretty much shamed for saying that. Notice she walked out after she was done with the mic. I recognized at least one woman in the audience as someone who was seen on I am Cait. I am not at all surprised that the "Liberty" hate group backed out. Cowards they are. I worry very much for Jazz and her safety. Her mental health is a concern as well. I know she has had a public face for a long time and wants to educate people - but she knows she has a long, long ways to go. Transphobia is rampant - there is so much ignorance out there it is heartbreaking.
I agree about Jake not having the temperament to be a captain, at least not yet. Leadership classes would do him a world of wonders. He is well on the way to an early heart attack if he doesn't take better care of himself. I hope Sig's heart attack was a wake up call for a lot of these guys. It's almost as though smoking is a requirement on these boats (although I have never seen Keith or Wild Bill smoke. Keith was chewing tobacco for a while though (ugh) ) Is it me though, or is it that the show is getting boring? I seriously miss the banter between Jake and the Hansens on board the Northwestern. I understand Jake's desire to captain a boat, but I miss that banter. Never a dull moment.
Lawson's "music career" - please. I agree with those above, he wouldn't be getting any attention at all if it weren't for the show. It's a nice hobby to have, but he will never really make a living off of it. The only reason he gets anything for it are due to the leghumping fans - they'll buy anything related to the Bateseseses or the Duggars. "Oh mah stars! They are soooo inspiring!" Jeb is a major cutie - I can never have my fill of him.